Chapter 12:

Stranded In The Underground

The Creature Hunter: Soul Of The Wind

When the snake moved past them, it opened a giant hole on the ground and went underground.

Orano turned to Caitrin and said,

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. And now I understand why there isn't anybody around." She replied.

She then looked at Orano, nervously and said,

"What are we going to do now?"

"We have to take care of it. Otherwise more people will be in danger."

He then said,

"Follow me."

And quickly made his way to the hole.

When Caitrin followed him and approached the hole too. The view was quite shocking.

There wasn't just a hole, there was a huge space formed an underground. And it was obvious that the snake had made it with its body.

Caitrin looked Orano scared and said,

"Are we really going to jump down there? What if it's a trap?"

"It might be a trap since its kind loves to draw their prey somewhere they can kill easily."

He then stood up and said,

"But we must go. It will not come out if we don't make any move. And we have to deal with it as quick as we can."

Then he jumped into the hole.

"Hey! Wait for me too!" Caitrin said as she followed him.

Then she jumped into the hole too.

It was all quiet and there was no sign of the giant snake. There were just giant holes on the

Caitrin said while looking around,

"It is quite big. Do you think this is its nest?"

"Creature like Pyron's doesn't nest places like here. Even they would, this doesn't look like its nest. There are holes on the wall that make it easier for it to move. This means it has been here for a while, but not that long."

Then he looked at the hole on the wall in front of him and said,

"It looks like it found its way out. But we still don't know if it got away or its hiding."

He turned around and added,

"Stick with me and don't get too far away. We have to find any evidence that we can use."

Caitrin nodded and they started to look around.

There wasn't any sign of the snake for a while, so they continued their search safely. But it was quite mysterious for it to disappear like that.

Caitrin thought to herself and said,

*All this time it's been here and it's been roaming underground? How could people not have noticed it? And why didn't it attack people before this?

She then said,
*This is really weird.*

They were looking around and Orano looked at the hole on the wall and tried to see a way out. But the hole was quite long and it was so dark for Orano to see the end of it.

He said to himself,

*It couldn't disappear from out of anywhere like thin air. There must be a way that it uses.*

While trying to see the end of it, he saw another hole on the ground. It was another gigantic hole and It looked like the creature went straight down to deeper places of the underground.

Orano turned around and said,

"It might be still here, be on guard."

But as he stepped further for once, the ground under him collapsed and he fell to another place.

Caitrin shouted with fear,


And ran towards where he fell. 

As she got closer to where he fell and leaned on the ground to look through the hole, She saw that it was just like the place Caitrin was. But it was bigger and had much more holes in the walls. 

It looked like a gigantic maze.

Orano shouted back,

"Don't come any closer! The ground is weaker than you think! You might fall here too!"

"But we can't leave each other, remember? What are we going to do if the snake appears?"

"I will find my way out! But you have to stay there!"


As she was about to shout back, they felt the vibration once again.

Orano leaned to his sword and said to himself,

*It's coming.*

And at that very moment, the giant snake came out of the wall and tried to eat Orano. But Orano acted quickly and jumped back. Now they were facing each other.

Caitrin shouted,

"Are you okay?"

"I am alright! Don't worry about me! While I take care of the creature, you look for a way out for us!"

She immediately stood up and started looking for a way out.

On the other hand, Orano had to take care of the giant snake.

And the creature was gigantic. It was almost 20 feet tall, had green eyes, and a very dark black skin that covered its body. It was making sounds and approaching Orano while looking at him like its a prey.

*It's confusing finding a Pyron here, but it looks like it chose a convenient place to hide. If I don't act cautious enough, it will use the area as an advantage. I must act quickly.* Orano said to himself as he acted carefully.

 And while they slowly walked in a circular way, they were looking at each other, examining each other. It was just like the other snakes that Orano slew in the past. 

And right at that moment, the snake finally made its move and attacked him again.

Its attack was quite fast, but Orano jumped back and escaped them. Then the snake attacked him again, aiming where he was, but it failed again and bit the ground. Then Orano kicked the snake in the head, making it fly way back.

But this made it only much angrier.

The snake attacked him again, but this time its attacks were getting faster and faster by the second. Fortunately, Orano kept his pace and was able to dodge them.

It then bit the wall, then the ground, then the ceiling. Orano got away from all of them, but he was gasping for air and he was thinking about what he should do.

He said to himself,

*It has a degree of jaw strength close to a "Citrus" and is fast like an "Atranoch", but not as strong or fast as they are. If I can get to his head, I can finish this fight sooner than I think.*

The creature, on the other hand, was looking at him in a different way. It was like it was getting ready for something.

*A different position?* Orano said to himself.

Then while he thought like that, the snake finally made another move and attacked with a much higher speed. It was a move to catch Orano off guard, but like any other, he made in time to dodge it.

*Right there!*

He said to himself, and kicked the snake's head, making it hit the floor very fast. After that when he was falling, he said,

*Now it's stunned I can-*

But at that moment he felt its huge presence behind him. He knew something was abnormal.

*Behind me?*

The snake was an inc away from Orano to bite him to death, but Orano quickly gripped his sword and hit the monster right in the head with his sword, and made it fly away.

*I have to make the finishing move.*

He said while getting ready for its final attack.

On the other hand, the snake was getting angrier too. It was obvious that the fact that its attacks didn't hit him so hard drove it crazy.

It didn't act like before and immediately attacked Orano again. But this time it didn't have the cautiousness like before. It was furious and its eyes were wide open. It was determined to kill Orano.

And after attacking several times it finally made a very loud hiss and tried to bite him once again.

This time Orano jumped into the air and tried to hit the snake's head. Then he stuck his sword on its mouth and made the creature hiss in pain again. 

But before he hit the snake in its mouth, the snake slightly closed its mouth, making Orano put his feet on each side of its mouth. He tried to push his sword to deal more damage, but no matter how deep he pushed, nothing happened to the snake.

The creature was struggling to close its mouth and Orano was trying to hold on. But they both held strongly.

He knew he had to do something at that moment.

He then said to himself,

*If it's as hard on the inside, as the skin on the outside, there's only one thing I can do.*

He then pulled out a potion from the inside of his bag and threw it into the creature's stomach.

And right at that moment, the snake finally closed its mouth and threw Orano at the wall. He flew rapidly and hit his back. But he slowed down and landed safely.

The creature was now hissing and shaking its body around.

But that wasn't the thing bothering Orano.

His sword, was on the creature's mouth.