Chapter 18:

A Web of Deception

who I am is not who I want to be

On 1st January 2020, after Karma got abducted from her Grandma's home:

Karma found herself in a dimly lit, small room, her wrists bound tightly to a chair with thick ropes. Her heart raced as she tried to make sense of her terrifying situation. Why had someone kidnapped her? A whirlwind of thoughts swirled in her mind, but no explanation seemed plausible.

The ominous sound of approaching footsteps sent shivers down her spine. She scolded herself for her fear, reminding herself that she was a grown woman. However, the fear persisted as the footsteps grew nearer.

"Don't be silly, Akane," she muttered, trying to calm herself. "You're a grown woman."

But the closer the footsteps got, the more difficult it became for Karma to suppress her fear. A hand suddenly gripped her shoulder, and her breath caught in her throat. She turned to face the man behind her, her eyes wide with terror.

The man whispered, "What happened? Don't you recognize me?" as he pulled his chair closer.

Karma stared into the man's eyes, searching for recognition. There was something hauntingly familiar about those eyes.

As her own phone buzzed with incoming calls, the man swiftly turned it off and placed it on a nearby table.

The man continued, "Your father asked me to kill you on the spot if I ever found you in this city." He began to pace around her, forming a circle with the rusty metal chair she was tied to. The room felt suffocating, with darkness all around, except for the faint light above her head, casting her as a spotlight in the center of the room.

Suddenly, Karma was overwhelmed by a chilling flashback. Her pulse quickened, and the memories flooded her senses. She could hear the approaching footsteps again, getting closer and closer, just as they had on that fateful day.

In her mind, she saw her grandmother, and the horrific scene played out before her once more. The life drained from her grandmother's eyes, the screams of pain, the tingly sensation, the tight knot in her chest—all of it rushed back.

"Get away from me!!!" Karma screamed, her voice echoing through the room. She struggled against the restraints, panic coursing through her.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" she shrieked, her cries deafening.

The man tried to stifle her screams by covering her mouth with his hand. Fear washed over her, her body trembling uncontrollably. It was as if fear had taken on a tangible form, gripping her mind and body in a vice.

The man placed a finger on her lips, signaling her to be silent. "It's going to be easier if you listen to me. I want nothing but to tell you the truth."

"Who are you?" Karma growled, her heart pounding in her ears. She tried to scream again, but no sound escaped. Fear paralyzed her, every muscle in her body frozen.

In an attempt to quiet her, the man threw water at her and said, "Look, I know it was not you. You were only seventeen, and I know you weren't even home. The evidence against you was fake, and I helped your father create it. I was powerless and had no choice. But now, I have a chance to admit my mistakes."

Karma's anger simmered beneath her fear. "Why did you abduct me? Why did you take my phone?"

Eiji, the man, trembled with guilt. He confessed, "I am sorry. When you went missing, I promised your dad I would find you and kill you. But I changed my mind. I took you away so your dad wouldn't find you."

"Untie my hands and give me my phone back," Karma demanded. "I have evidence against my dad. I'll expose his true self."

Eiji hesitated, his fear for Karma's safety still evident. "No, I can't let you go yet. I need to make sure your father has no clue about your whereabouts. Stay here a few more days, and I'll ensure you can leave safely."

Zack on the eleventh day:

Zack's life had been consumed by the void left by Karma's absence. He felt detached, unreachable, and numb to the world around him. The days blurred together, each one a struggle to escape the endless loop of thoughts about Karma.

Eleven days had passed, and his patience had worn thin. He couldn't bear the uncertainty any longer. Breaking all ethical boundaries, he decided to enter Karma's home without permission. He knew where she kept her keys, hidden beneath the red doormat. The door creaked as he entered, the house eerily silent.

Suddenly, a noise from the kitchen startled him. His heart raced until he realized it was just Hazel, the pesky cat that often accompanied Karma. The cat hissed at him, clearly agitated.

Zack sighed, muttering, "That cat..." as he tried to search for cat food to calm the hungry feline. Hazel led him to a closed door, a room he had never entered before.

Upon entering, Zack accidentally knocked over some papers, and his eyes widened when he saw a photo of a girl who bore a striking resemblance to Karma. In the photo, she was with Saho.

His mind raced with questions, and he couldn't ignore his curiosity. The background in the photo seemed strangely familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before. Suspicion gnawed at him, and he couldn't help but wonder why Karma had been with Saho, the very person she had shown great interest in.

As he snapped a picture of the photo with his phone, Zack's mind was flooded with thoughts, and he couldn't shake the feeling that the background in the picture was somehow connected to the "Cyber Detectives" organization.

Karma's interest in Saho suddenly made more sense, and Zack was determined to uncover the truth. The mystery surrounding Karma's actions deepened, and he knew he had to investigate further.