Chapter 10:

Well, I now know .

Archive 1 - Once again, I am dead

I wanted to go back to the cave where I found the metal, just to find other metal I can use. Well I hope. While heading to the cave, I found a slime, 2 slimes in fact. Both of them are different colour, one of them is green, and the other is blue. They seem to be interacting with each other. I don’t know what they are saying but it looked fun and enjoyable. I find myself watching them for a while, I got distracted, but they seem to be having fun. I didn’t want to kill them, so I left them alone.

I continued walking to the cave. I found another knife along the way, I decided to keep it since I maybe could sell it or just use it. I reached the cave and went in, I found the metal that made the claw, so I decided to use the claw on my shadow magic and attack the metal. I didn’t feel like my energy was drained, and I was able to scratch the metal. I realized the claw is not more of punching strength and more of scratching strength. Which I now realized, makes a huge difference.

I decided to go out, because I couldn’t find any other metal other than the basic metal. I decided to search for something new since I got bored looking at the same thing and finding the same thing over and over again. I heard that there was a knight arriving to the village. Seems like my boring day can be cured, but I am not sure on what type of person the knight will be. He will most probably be like a ‘oujisama’ (which means prince charming type).

I personally hate royal blooded people. They have too much ego and they are too boastful about their money and looks. I decided to just see what type of person he is first.

At about 3 in the afternoon, I was walking to a cafe because they have cats, like a cat cafe (Neko cafe). It seemed fun to pet the cats while drinking tea. While walking to the cafe, I saw a crowd gathering around someone or something, it was far away and my eyesight still isn’t the best. I walked towards the crowd to see what was happening.

It seemed as if the ‘oujisama’ has arrived, wait no, the knight, my mind made me think he is a prince charming type. He surely can be the opposite, maybe. I decided to see the knight to see if I can see his face, but who figured, he was wearing a helmet. I for some reason, decided to follow him after the crowd left. He went into the forest, he was resting on the rock. Maybe he got warm in that suit, because after that he took of his helmet.

I couldn’t see his face properly because of the sunlight, then I heard a sound. He also heard the sound. I went to check the sound, the knight as well but he doesn’t know I was near him. We see a group of Orcs. Orcs are scary creatures, I personally would rather fight a tribe of Goblins instead. I went out to kill the group of Orcs and the knight as well came out to fight.

I didn’t know what the knight was capable of, so I decided to not fight but be defensive and see what the knight is capable of. He told me to help him, so I just assisted him in blocking the attacks for him so he wouldn’t get it. He used the Orcs arm to get up to its face, and he sliced its head off. I was surprised because Orcs are about 10 feet tall, but their height varies from what they eat like humans.

To think a human like that can run up about 6 feet. He then told me to take care of the other 3 of them. I didn’t want to waste time, so I just stopped time and just killed all 3 of them in one hit. Once time resumed, it seemed, to a normal person who can’t stop time, looks like I just used my mind to finish all 3 of those Orcs in one punch. So he thought I was some sort of person that will instantly destroy anyone in one glance.

The knight asked me to battle him without giving him mercy. I wanted to know why but I just decided to agree and see what type of fighter he is. Once the match started, he came at me, but not at full speed, cause I didn’t hear the same amount of footsteps as I did during his fight with the Orc. So, as normal, I decided to start to theorize his abilities if he has one, and what is his next move.

I just guessed he is going to evade to the right if I attack him. So I tried to punch him with my shadow magic, and something I never thought he would do, he instead decided to jump on top of the shadow magic and then started going full speed towards me. I guess it would make sense to think for speed for a shadow magic, you would only have 1 shadow magic arm, but that's where he thought wrong. I decided to use another one, but surprisingly he dodged it, I can’t tell if he knew or he just dodged it when he saw the arm.

I just decided since I could see him and he is not far away, I decided to stop time. Once time is stopped, I used all 5 shadow hand, I grabbed him and place him against a tree, and decided to punch him once in the gut. Once time resumes, he had a look of surprised, I can tell from his face, he wondered how he got against a tree. Immediately followed by a shout of pain, since he did get punched in the gut.

His helmet fell off once he fell on the ground. I saw his face, wait no, now I know, he is actually a she. Well, now I know. She got up, and I decided to give her one of my healing salve, she accepted it and said thanks. I asked her for her name, since she is the only person that didn’t dodge the first hit but instead used the first hit to get closer. She said her name wasn’t important, now I feel like she is an ‘ojousama’ (which means princess) type. I asked her, are you related to any royal family. She immediately looked at me and said “How did you know? It was suppose to be a secret,” To be fair, I wouldn’t have known if you didn’t say that, I thought to myself.

She didn’t seem to be overly confident, she didn’t hold her head up high, she was looking straight forward without any intention to be boastful. She seemed like a nice person. I asked her why is she a knight when she is related to a royal. She just easily replied with “Because I want to fight and not be weak,” I guess that thought comes by to someone quite often.

Well I still never got her name, I wanted to tell her my name, and then I forgot that I didn’t know what my name was.

About 8 in the evening, she left the town and I decided to go to the cat cafe that I wanted to go early in the day. When I got there, it was closed, this was more sad than knowing that I have no idea who I was. Its closing time was at 7:30 in the evening. I just decided to head back to the inn and sleep for the day.
