Chapter 10:

"Weaving a Story," Part V: "Philosophy"

Angel of the Strait

Back in real time, Nero and Marcus are in an abandoned warehouse located in East Los Angeles. They are seen walking down the office corridors of the warehouse before entering the main storage area that had been abandoned for many years.

Nero struts with confidence and then looks over to Marcus, “Now tell me Marcus,” Nero begins, “What does a man need to do to get whatever he wants?” Nero questions with excitement.

“He waves a gun!” Marcus answers with enthusiasm.

“Very close, but that is not quite it.” Nero looks at Marcus with a smile, “You see, a man has to be very daring and bold. He must go after what he wants, however there is still something he needs before he could ever succeed.”

“What’s that Nero?” Marcus asks.

“He needs the mind of a genius, a creative mind that thinks outside the box...and one that can outthink others’. A man must understand that life is a valuable yet unfair occasion. Many claim that Social Darwinism is purely racist and capitalistic, however it has sense to it. Natural selection does put the powerful on top and the inferior on the bottom.” As Nero speaks, the two reach a large double door, “It takes luck and/or skill to rise to the top. A man needs luck, skill, and wit. That is how he gets what he wants. To strike at the perfect moment and never hold back.” Nero concludes.

She is in there right.” Marcus points through the door.

“Open the fucking door Marcus, what are you waiting for?” Nero commands, “The lesson I was trying to teach you was important, don’t interrupt me when I’m in my moment.” Nero says withheld annoyance.

“I still don’t quite understand what you are trying to tell me.” Marcus claims.

“You’re a lost cause you dumb ass.” Nero says as he opens the door.