Chapter 20:

Exploiting Trust

who I am is not who I want to be

In the labyrinthine world of human emotions, some things defy explanation. Feelings surge within us, mysterious and unbidden, often triggered by the faintest scent, a fleeting image, or a familiar face. We sense things without understanding how or why. It's a realm beyond science or logic, where intuition reigns supreme. In Zack's world, a rollercoaster of emotions had become an everyday reality, a puzzle he couldn't decipher.


The word echoed in Zack's mind, like a melody that refused to fade. Those three syllables had the power to elicit a whirlwind of emotions within him—luck, fear, excitement, nervousness. It was a word that defied easy explanation.

As he wandered through the quiet streets, Zack was haunted by the memory of Karma's punch. The taste of iron lingered on his lips, a stark reminder of the unexpected turn of events. Her strength had surprised him, her anger and aggression catching him off guard.

For Zack, it was the first time he had been on the receiving end of a punch from a girl, and it had left him bewildered. But Karma wasn't done yet. She stood over him, her eyes dark and turbulent, as she ordered him to stand.

The silence that followed her command was thick with tension, her voice a thunderous force that seemed to drown out all other sounds. She was a different person now, her anger consuming her from the inside out.

But before she could unleash another blow, Zack caught her wrist, his words tumbling out in a rush. He explained his actions, his curiosity about the photograph, and his search for answers about her connection to Saho.

"Why are you hiding things from me?" Zack implored. "Why do you have a photo with Saho?"

Karma's expression remained inscrutable as she pulled a tissue from her pocket and began to clean Zack's coat. It was a moment of vulnerability in the midst of their confrontation.

"Saho," she finally said, her voice barely above a whisper. "He is someone I hate most in this world. I am just keeping an eye on him and waiting for the right time to make him pay for his sins."

The pieces of the puzzle were slowly falling into place. Karma revealed that the photo was from their childhood when she and Saho had been friends. It was a past she wished to distance herself from, a past filled with betrayal and pain.

But there was more to Karma's plan than met the eye. She had devised a scheme to bring down not only Saho but also his father, Mr. Hinata. They were responsible for a data breach at Cyber Detectives that had caused immense damage. The breach had exposed sensitive information, financial details, and wreaked havoc within the organization.

Karma's plan was to use Zack as her instrument of revenge, manipulating his emotions to gain access to the inner workings of Cyber Detectives. She needed someone who could approach Saho without arousing suspicion, and Zack was the perfect candidate.

As Zack listened to Karma's revelations, he couldn't help but feel like a pawn in a larger game. She had exploited his trust, tapping into his emotions to make him pliable to her wishes. It was a web of manipulation and intrigue, and he found himself entangled in its threads.

The lines between victim and perpetrator had blurred, and Zack was faced with a choice. Would he willingly become a part of Karma's plan for revenge, or would he seek his own path in this intricate web of deception?

The world they inhabited was far from black and white, and the choices they made would have consequences that stretched far beyond their understanding. As the pieces of the puzzle continued to fall into place, Zack and Karma found themselves on a collision course with destiny, where trust and betrayal were intertwined, and the line between right and wrong had never been more uncertain.