Chapter 24:


The Wind Calls the Flowers

“This map really would help more if I knew where I was.” I spoke aloud, being alone with just my thoughts. “I mean I know the general area I‘m in, but with that knowledge I’ll either end up at a lake or another village before I reach the capital. Ugh, this forest is so dumb!”

Did Fae have to do all this when she left for the capital? Probably not since she said she travelled a lot. Still though, this is such a pain! I haven’t ran into anyone for so long it’s starting to feel like I’m the only person still alive in this world. Just me and these animals wandering around. I rolled up the map and looked around.

I laid down on the soft grassy ground surrounded by trees. A breeze came by, brushing my bangs around. As the gust had ended, my bangs landed back perfectly, almost as if they hadn’t moved. If they weren’t attached to my head, I probably wouldn’t have even noticed.

I looked up into the blue sky dotted with clouds. The calm of the forest and the sight of the fluffy sky sheep had reminded me of the trip I had taken so long ago. It reminded me of the sights I saw, the excitement I had, the strength I showed off, and the powerlessness I felt when it really mattered.

The thing which overpowered the rest of my memories was my wish to find something I could use to help others with. After a bit, the feelings which had welled up in me had settled, leaving a perfect calm as though I had been asleep, dreaming of nothing. I reached my hand out to attempt to catch a cloud sailing high above me. It seemed so close, yet so far.

“Grr!” A growling had started to become clear, but the source of it was hidden in the trees.

Clenching my hand into a fist at the rude interruption, I made my way to my feet. I brushed off any dirt that my dress had collected while I was lying on the ground, making sure not to miss a spot to keep a perfect appearance.

“GAWR!” The beast came jumping out at me.

It was making its way towards me with its four legs. Its sharp teeth were getting ready to tear apart its next meal. Its mane was being blown in the wind as it rushed towards me. Its tail was wagging faster than any metronome, as if it hadn’t eaten in years it finally found a feast. With a swift leg movement, it pounced into the air, claws outstretched towards me.

In midair its momentum had suddenly stopped. The liveliness of the creature had been reduced to nothing but emptiness and it began to succumb to gravity. Its four legs were no longer moving with the strength they had before. In fact, it wasn’t not moving at all. It wasn’t even able to make an attempt at catching its landing. As the creature hit the floor, it shattered into pieces like glass does after being knocked from atop a table.

“Sorry, but I don’t plan on dying any time soon. I still have something I need to do.” I spoke aloud to the broken creature which had frozen over from my icy glare.

Feeling more resolved, I decided to make my way to where the map had told me to go. Being fine with reaching the village or the lake, I continued walking. To be honest, though, I preferred going to the lake. There was a nostalgic feeling that had started to reappear within me at the thought.

I made my way through the forest with a far more relaxed pace than I had predicted. The greenery encaptivated me. The rustling of leaves from smaller animals and the wind further relaxed me, surrounding my ears with the lush sounds. I took in a deep breath to relax my nerves and happened to pick up a sweet scent with it. There was no way that I was going to be able to track the scent, however. I kept walking down the forest path instead.

I didn’t encounter any larger beasts on my walk. While I did hear them, it seemed they had settled for only watching me after seeing the example made of the one which attacked me a while ago. This walk felt longer than it actually was, but I knew that once I cleared either the village or the lake I would almost be at the capital.

I can’t wait to reach the capital and finally sleep in a bed. I’m so tired of camping outside. If this experience has taught me anything, it’s that I should have packed transportable bedding. Feeling this uncomfortable while sleeping makes me more tired than if I just stayed awake the whole night. Ugh, all these feelings of frustration, nostalgia and calmness mixed inside were making me feel really weird.

Seeing the trees clear and a sapphire colour appear in front of me, it seemed I had gone where I wanted. The water sparkled brightly, light flying off its surface, reminding me further of that trip. This only further resolved me on my purpose, causing me to finally begin picking up my pace as I created a path of ice across the lake. The ice behind me melted as I made my way across thanks both to its unstable nature and help from the sun.

Reaching the other side of the lake, I decided a little bath couldn’t hurt. After all, I can warm up the water to suit my needs. I undressed and took a dip in the lake. My foot recoiled in the cold water and I quickly pulled it away. It seems I’ll need to heat it up before getting in.

I heated the area I was going into until it started bubbling and I entered the water. The feeling of the clean, hot water brush up against my skin had caused an indescribable feeling of joy. After washing every part of my body thoroughly. I exited the lake.

“Hmm. I should also clean my clothes while I’m here.” I spoke aloud.

I normally cleaned my dress by icing it over then melting and drying it with fire magic. However, with actual water here, it should make the process far faster than usual. It’s not like my original method wasn’t already fast though. Well, at the very least it should clean far better than normal. I dipped the dress into the water and scrubbed it vigorously with two hands. I then turned it inside-out and did the same procedure. Once I decided that it was clean, I took it out of the lake and quickly dried off both the sundress and myself with a bit of fire magic.

After getting dressed, I continued on my way into the forest. However, this part of the forest seemed far shorter than the other. According to the map, I should be able to even see the capital once I get past this forest.

The capital, huh? It’s the place Fae worked for, so it must be amazing. While I was training, she often described the beauty of it, which in turn made me really want to see it. She even mentioned there being a beach right next to the castle. Though, she also mentioned I could only get into the beach if I worked in the castle, so I guess I’ll have to give up on seeing the ocean this time around.

Well, whatever. I should focus on the whole purpose I’m going to the capital for. I need to find a way to push healing magic further. The library has to have something of value. After all, Fae described it as the best place in Milarch to gain knowledge. If I’m able to find what I want, I may even be able to pay Fae a visit. It may be a bit hard to get through the gate of the castle, but I should still be able to do it if I say I know Fae.

But I can’t meet her until I find something. I want to make her proud the next time she sees me, and this is the way I have decided to accomplish that. The wind had started to pick up more and more, causing some of the thinner trees in the forest to begin shaking. Some of the trees had strange pink flowers whose petals littered the luscious grass beneath it. The flowers were beautiful, standing proudly in front of me.

Oh, that’s right! Today I turn eighteen. I guess today was when we were supposed to actually fulfill the promise we had made. Well, since we’re both doing something of importance, it can wait just a little. I wonder how beautiful those windflowers would be this time of year.

“Stop right there, miss.” A ragged voice called out to me.

“Is something wrong?” I looked towards the voice’s direction.

The man who called out to me had his face hidden and was brandishing a fairly sharp sword. He had two people next to him as well. Both of them were women but each had fair differences. One was wielding two knives, had a tail similar to that of a lizard, and had pink hair. The other had a silver bow, a dog tail, dog ears, and maroon hair. This could be trouble, but I might as well hear them out anyways.

“So, do you need something from me?” I asked.

“Wow, how generous of you to offer. We’ll need you to leave everything you own with us.” The man answered.

“Oh my. I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

“I would prefer not to get rough with such a lovely lady.”

“Haha, well I need this stuff so I can make it to the capital.”

“Okay, I see what you mean. How about you just give us all your money then?”

“I’m sorry but I’m afraid I can’t do that, either.”

“What’s wrong this time?”

“I need this money so I can afford an inn in the capital.”

“Oh, but I’m sure you could sleep outside during your stay.” He spoke while raising his weapon to show it off more.

“Ah, but it would be awfully inconvenient to do that, wouldn’t you agree, miss?” I seeked confirmation from the woman with the two knives.

“Stop messing around and give us your stuff!” She responded to my question with a hint of rage, but was quickly calmed by the man in the front.

“Aw, you’re not any fun to talk to. What about you, would you agree with me?” This time asking the one with the bow.

“A-a-ah, I-I-I don’t k-know.” She answered, stammering.

“Oh what a pity. You should try it sometime! It’s awfully relaxing.”

“Hey, what about me?” The rough man stepped in.

“Well you suggested sleeping outside, so wouldn’t you prefer it?” I replied to his question.

“Aw, well that isn’t true. I would love to stay in an inn, but I don’t have enough money.”

“Ah, what a shame.”

“Would you be willing to loan me any?”

“I’m not even sure that the amount I have could even afford me a stay at an inn in the capital, let alone spare some.”

“A shame indeed.”


“Oi, missy?”

“Yes, rough looking sir?”

“Aren’t you afraid of these weapons at all?”

“Why would I fear something which could never hurt me?”

“Hahah, someone like you must be putting on a crazy poker face.”

“Aw, but I can be really dangerous.”

“Someone as pretty as you can’t be all that dangerous.”

“Well you know what they say about roses.”

“That’s it! I’m done! Let’s just attack her already boss!” The knife woman had interrupted our nice conversation.

“Ah knife woman, it isn’t very nice to butt into conversations.” I reprimanded her in a light tone.

“What did you say to me?”

“Just that you should be more mindful is all.”

The comment had set her off before her boss could even stop her. She dashed towards me, giving me minimal time to react to what she was about to do. Seeing as they could no longer attempt to settle this with words, the other woman drew back her bow and the rough man followed behind the knife woman.

I spun out of the way, completely dodging the strike from the man and woman. The one with the bow saw an opportunity to launch an arrow straight into my head. With a snap of my fingers, the arrow swiftly incinerated in front of me, not even leaving behind any ash.

Seeing this, the ruffians had their jaws held wide open and stared blankly at the feat which had just taken place in front of their eyes. Seeing their shock, I gave them a wide smile. The smile had caused them to back up and regroup before I could make a move.

“Well, I ought to be going. Have a nice day.” I spoke to them in a superior tone while walking away.