Chapter 25:


The Wind Calls the Flowers

Like every bath, the cold water began by feeling like death’s touch, but after getting used to it, it somehow felt like a comfort for me. The soap had caused the tub to become filled with bubbles, appearing as if there wasn’t any water at all. Some of the bubbles flew into the air while some stayed put on top of the water.

Another day, more pain. My leg only seemed to keep getting worse. If I have my days right, it’s already May now, yet my leg still hasn’t healed. At this point, I think I may need to regard it as a permanent issue. But if this is a permanent issue, I’ll keep losing my use to Flint. If that conversation I heard them talk about before was to be believed, it means there’s a chance I’ll be released.

This should feel like a moment of happiness but I can't extract any joy from the situation. To be released would be worse than being a slave. The people who live on the streets—I’ve seen them. I’ve seen their hollow eyes, their desperation, and their loss of sanity. It had seemed like I wasn’t even looking at a person anymore, just a creature trying to survive the best they could on instinct.

They were nothing like the homeless I knew of. The king takes no measures to protect these people who have lost everything. He instead created a law where guards could legally kill those who haven’t had a job within a year. With something like that, I can understand why they have such desperation. Would I become like that if I was released?

When I first got here, I thought I was in the worst possible situation. Now having gained far more knowledge of my circumstances, it would seem this is not the worst it could be. I somehow took solace in this fact. What would my old self think of a careless thought like that?

If I keep this limp, it is very likely Flint will let me go. Please heal! Please heal! I can’t lose what I’ve created for myself here. We were all happy, but nothing is working out again. There’s always a chance Flint doesn’t decide to join the revolution. If that happens, we can remain just the way we are.

“Hibiki, come here!” Flint shouted from downstairs.

The call had startled me and caused my hands to start shaking. Clenching them harder to stop them, I finished up my bath and made my way down. Seeing Flint's kind smile caused all my fears and doubts to wash away as though they had been soap, and the water was taking care of it.

“Hibiki, I know this is unfair to you...” Flint started.

Oh no. Was this it? Is he going to release me, leaving me to the cruel fate in store for me?

“..but I need you to go pickup some flowers.” He finished.

“O-okay.” I replied, trying to process what had just happened.

I guess when Flint said it was unfair to me, he was talking about my leg. He could have phrased it better, but knowing that it wasn’t what I dreaded brought me a great amount of relief. Taking the money and note from Flint for the flowers, I exited the home, stumbling my way there.

While walking the familiar path, riddled with familiar people, familiar brutalities, and familiar thefts, I found myself lost in thought like I normally am on this path. The thoughts in the bath had made me think of the other slaves that were sold with me. What became of them? I hadn’t seen any of them since we had all been separated at the auction.

Are they seeing kind things happen to them? Is it harder for them? After all, from the prices paid for all of them, it seemed as though they had been bought by nobles or people who were regulars at the auction. They all seemed to be good people, but how many of them even survived? It seems as though being good here doesn’t get you any extra credit.

I’m relieved I was bought by Flint. The thought caused my spine to tingle with disgust at what had just happened. But as much as I tried to deny this relief, it was still the truth. Without everything that happened, I wouldn’t have found someone who cared about what was happening to me like Flint’s family.

It does make sense that they would let me go. Considering the condition of my ankle, my lack of weapon training, and the fact that I act so cowardly whenever I see a guard, the decision is obvious. The thought sent my body into a spiral of anger, before finally calming down. No. While those are all valid reasons, they aren’t why they would release me. In the end, they are good people. They will follow what they think is best, and release me out of kindness so as to not get me wrapped up in their fight.

The very kindness that made me feel blessed would be the same thing that would send me to a path I didn’t desire. But to refuse it would be to deny everything they had done for me, and that was not something I could ever bring myself to do. Flint can tell something is wrong with me. He keeps catching me making mistakes I wouldn’t normally make and I keep spacing out. Maybe after seeing this, he’ll decide to keep me.

“Oh, are you new?” A man with bulging muscles asked me.

“H-huh, me?” I questioned who he was speaking to.

“Of course, you’re at my store.”

“Your store?”

“Yeah, my flower shop.”

“Uh, yeah. I’m here to get these flowers.” I handed him the note.

“You’re a slave right?”


“Your master sure has some interesting taste.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well he ordered Chrysanthemums.”

“What does that mean?”

“Well if he didn’t tell you, it’s probably not for you to worry about. Come with me and I’ll prepare them.”

“Uh, right, thank you.” I followed him into his store where he began preparing the flowers.

What makes Chrysanthemums weird? Is it their colour or something? Maybe they have lots of thorns? The muscle man prepared the white and yellow flowers in a glistening vase that shined brighter than the glass front of his store. He delicately and solemnly arranged them with precision that would make a marksman shudder.

“All done!” He spoke aloud, switching from the face of concentration which could kill a man, to one of joy.

“Thanks...” I responded, unsure of what to make of the expression change I just witnessed.

“That will be three hundred fifty copper.”

“Oh here.” I handed him the amount Flint gave me. Exact change.

“Come back again for more flowers!” The muscle man waved me goodbye as I left.

I waved back to him so as not to be rude. I forced out a smile to return the kindness he had treated me with, however, this only caused him to wince at the sight.

That was an interesting character. These flowers were quite interesting as well. Their colours work together to make a beautiful pattern. The vase only added on to the gorgeousness of the flower. The vase is made from stained glass using yellow and white patterning, mixed with blue.

Ha, maybe Flint got in trouble with Allirea and decided to get flowers to make up for it. That would be something Flint is known for doing. Each time he fights with Allirea, he always gets her something weird to make up. I remember the last time he bought her a wooden board. Nothing special about it, just a wooden board. Well at least this time it’s something normal. That thought caused me to laugh to myself. Finally the store was in sight, which meant soon I’ll get to see the trouble Flint has to get himself out of this time.

“WHAT!?” I heard Cordelia's voice shouting from the store, the surprise and anger in her tone had made its way clearly through the walls.

Thinking it could be some trouble, I hobbled my way as fast as I could towards the store to see what was happening. Reaching the store front, I could see Flint and Allirea arguing with Cordelia. Having not heard the initial part of the conversation, I was confused by what they had been talking about.

“I can’t do that!” Cordelia continued from her loud shout.

“You can and you will! This is not up for discussion!” Flint talked back.

“There’s no way I can leave and study for myself in Lores!” She retorted.

Ah, it was finally clicking what this conversation was about. I guess Flint had decided he no longer wanted to be passive in the whole situation. That also meant the decision of my fate would be coming up soon.

Cordelia, seeing me entering from outside, rushed over to me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me into the conversation, almost causing me to drop the lovely vase.

“If I’m gone what will happen to Hibiki?” She questioned her father.

“What do you mean? He’s going to keep doing the jobs we need him to do.” Flint responded.

“Hibiki help me! They are trying to send me away to Lores to study on my own but I don’t wanna!” Cordelia told me, trying to get me to step up for her.

“Honey, it’s not right to drag Hibiki into this.” Allirea reprimanded.

“Uh, if she doesn’t want to go, shouldn’t she stay?” I tried to make my voice heard.

Cordelia’s eyes lit up at the sight of me siding with her, causing her to begin speaking again. “You see, Hibiki thinks it doesn’t make sense too.”

“Cordelia, this is not about who agrees with who. You are going and that’s final!” Flint raised his voice at the decision.

With tears welling up in her eyes, Cordelia marched off to her room, dragging me with her. Before I was dragged away, I handed Flint the flowers as quickly as I could. He nodded to me as thanks for carrying out his request.

Cordelia had fully dragged me into her room and slammed the door behind her as loudly as she could.

“They just don’t get it!” Cordelia ranted, presumably to me.

“Y-yeah.” I reassured her.

“I don’t want to go! I want to stay here with them and you.”


“I don’t want to go.”


“Hibiki, stop them.” She had begun to break out in full tears.

Not knowing what I could do in this situation, I wrapped my arms around her in the same way as I had the night she had been attacked. Knowing it had been a comfort to her in the past, I hoped it would work the same now.

“Thank you Hibiki.” She sniffled.

“Cordelia. While I don’t agree with you parents, I think they could be doing this for some other reason.” I tried to further explain to her.

“Other reason?”

“I-I d-don’t know what it could be, b-but I’m sure they have your best interests in mind.”

“I….I know.”

“Then you should see them off with a smile when you go, I’m sure they’d like to see that.”

“O-okay Hibiki.” She responded grateful for my council.

No matter the outcome, I too will meet them with a smile. Because I know……….they have my best interests at heart as well.