Chapter 0:

Summoned myself by Accident!

I am a God, But I Accidentally Summoned Myself into My Own World as a Human Being!

“Hey, something is not right.”

“Isn’t the hero this time supposed to be a woman?”

“Something must have gone wrong with the summoning circle!”

“Does it matter? This is what our God has sent to us! There must be a reason to it.”

Urgh. Such incessant chatter. 

I rubbed my aching head as I listened to- hold on, people? Strange. There was not supposed to be anyone in the room except for me and the otherworlder.

“Oh, cease your jabbering. Did Amaris brought you people here to bother me again?”

I looked around what seems to be a grandiose hall with gilded byzantine pillars, mandala-embellished walls, and tall candelabrums, and then saw maybe eight, or ten… - no, confound it- hundreds of robed as well as armored people who have their gazes fixed upon me. 

At the foremost front of the group was a tall bearded man wearing a ruby dalmatic over a white tunic then tied together with a gold sash. Underneath my feet was a still-glimmering intricate magic circle, and in front and between me and the mortals scratching their heads were magic totems that seems to have been laid as ritual offerings. I breathed out a heavy sigh. 

This isn’t the Heaven Realm.

“How dare you speak to the High Priest that way!?” A man in full heavy plate armor approached me, the metal clunking and resounding across the hall for each and every step, then grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. "Hero or not, this guy needs to learn his manners!”

Hmph. This mortal is the one who needs to relearn their manners

The fingers in my right hand twitched as I prepared to punish this insolent fool, “You mortals need to be reminded who you are addressing to.”

"What are you talking-"

Electricity of fearsome magical energy crackled through the air, momentarily darkening the surroundings, as my fist connected with the man's armor thus sending him flying through the air onto one of the nearby pillars with a loud thud. As the man slips into unconsciousness, bits of debris from the column and from his now-broken armor crumbled onto the floor around him.

“It can't be! With just one strike?!”

The crowd gasped. Perplexed mumblings can be heard in the silence that followed the attack inside the hall. I straightened my back and fixed the collar of my shirt- a shirt I do not remember wearing in the first place. Yet, for the time being, it did not matter.

“Every last one of you mortals, hear my words!" a thunderous voice finally broke the stillness of the room and ended the indistinct mutterings, "I will make this simple so that your feeble brains can fathom it:

I am Aelius- your God!”

Cali Maki