Chapter 6:


Skipped a Beat

9th April 2019. I'm at school, it's 15: 35 right now. I'm in the gym with Sachi, Eiji and Hina. I promised them that I will tell my secret. So here I'm about to share my situation with everyone…

"Well, it seems that After I completed middle school, I leaped a whole year and started as a second year high school student. I didn't go through first year of high school at all"

"WHAT ???" (Everyone)

"And it's not like I forgot, or I have lost my memories. I am Definitely sure that I skipped a whole year because that night, I just went to sleep as normal, didn't hit my head or anything, but when I woke up, I noticed that it was 2019 instead of 2018 when I went to ask the teacher that why my name was in the second-year list. But___

"But we have memories of you from first year..."

"Exactly. Now, I don't know how's that even possible, so my only guess is I did complete my first year, But when? I don't know"

"That does not make sense at all… But what other explanation do we have, this is just what happened to Takahashi, we don't even know How's that possible" (Eiji)

"Yeah… and Sachi, I wanted to ask you, why did you want to see me so badly when I have never even talked to you before?"

"You have, last year. You came with Aoi to see me. At that time, I only knew you as a smart-ass intelligent kid from middle school, nothing more. But you told me to go to this particular school and find me"

"Where were you at that time? "

"In Kyoto. And there's no one except my family that would know where we are. But still, you found me and told me to study second year of high school in Tokyo"

"But you just told me, that you were in Kyoto for first year"

"But that doesn't mean that the first year you would know too"

"No, maybe it does. Think of it this way. I started as a second-year student, got to meet you, you told me about where you were in first year. I complete second year, then third and then..."

"You go back to the first year, memories intact..." (Eiji)

"Yes! But it's just a theory since I still am in second year. But we'll find out as time passes by"

"Yeah. For now, all we can do is to enjoy our second-year life to the fullest!"

"But I don't understand, why were you so depressed in the first year? Did something happen in the second or third? considering your theory is true..." (Hina)

"I'm sure he was just sad because Sachi wasn't there in first year" (Eiji)

"Sachi, you haven't told them?"

"No, but it's ok, you can tell them now"

"Sachi just came to Tokyo for second year only, she'll leave after this year ends"

"What?? Why?" (Hina)

"It's because of my dad, he changes jobs a lot, in middle school it was in Tokyo, first year of highschool, it was in Kyoto, second year, it's in Tokyo and it will be Kyoto again in third" (Sachi)

"But you can come back after you have complete highschool right?" (Hina)

"No, Dad said it was the last time he'll Change jobs, we'll permanently move to Kyoto after this year"

"What does your dad do anyway?" (Eiji)

"I don't know, he never told me when I asked when I was younger and now, I have lost interest. He's almost always in his room, and it's locked."

"Why don't you ask your mom?" (Hina)

"My mom… she passed away when I was young”

"Oh… I'm sorry..."

"No… it's ok"

"Hey… a thought just passed my mind, and I don't want to believe it but… what if something happens to you which made me into that sad quiet depressed kid? Because think about it. Why would I be so sad if I could meet you after my high school life ended? Something must have happened..."

Sachi: you are too smart, Takahashi, too smart…

"No, I think nothing happened, but our relationship progressed from friends to lovers, and you just missed me" (Said Sachi with a gentle smile)

"Nope, I don't see that happening..."


"But now what? We have only a year until you move to Kyoto. I wanted to be friends with you more" (Hina)

"It's ok, after highschool ends, I'll ask my dad to allow me to live alone in Tokyo, that way I can attend college with all of you"

"Yeah, we can wait a year. It won't be that bad" (Eiji)

"Yeah." (Hina)

"Yeah.." (Takahashi)

"Yeah..." (Sachi)

"Yeah…." (Eiji)

"..............(Awkward Silence)"

"Now what?" (Eiji)

"Guess I'll just go home then, now that there's nothing to talk about" (Takahashi)

"Yeah, we should too" (Eiji)

Man, that was easy… but the thought of something happening to Sachi puts me at unease… AAAAA… just don't think about it. But I wonder, how others feel about this… maybe I should ask… No, don't want to ruin the calm mood. Maybe sometime later. Oh yeah, now that we are together, I should ask to walk home together

"Hey, you guys don't have anything to do right now, right? want to walk home together"

"My house is in the opposite direction, I can't join you guys" (Eiji)

"So Hina and Sachi?"

"Yes, my house is in the same direction as yours" (Hina)

“Mine too!” (Sachi)

"I know that already!"

"Ok, I guess it's goodbye here then, at the school gate..." (Eiji)

"Yeah, Goodbye..." (Takahashi)

"Thanks, for telling us, Takahashi. Now almost everything is clear, and we don't have to pretend strangers around each other"

"Yeah, and I'm sorry I made you worry..."

"It's ok… it doesn't matter now..."

"Are you guys going to keep saying goodbye forever? Let's Go!" (Hina)

"Haha… ok!"

After this, Eiji turned right outside the school Gate, and we turned left. It's 16: 00 right now, I'm walking with Hina and Sachi. It's Great! I have got my own little harem here... Wait, what am I thinking…

Sigh… now only one left is Aoi, I want to tell her as soon as possible… I should ask Hina to let me talk to her… but what if she doesn't want to? I won't know until I try

"Hey, Hina… I was wondering if I could talk to Aoi, I want to tell her too, want to clear the misunderstanding"

"I did, I called her when you were telling us your secret, she listened to the whole conversation"

"Wow… so she knows? Great… So… what did she say?"

"She said that she understands and wants to talk to you too"

Hina: And also, that Sachi didn't tell the whole thing, she's hiding something. What could she be hiding? Aoi didn't tell me because she said if Sachi doesn't want to, she can't either

"But she can't, she's in Ichikawa right now"

"Oh… So, I can’t? But I'll take a train to Ichikawa in summer vacation, we'll all go there to meet Aoi"

"Yeah, we can do that!" (Sachi)

“I’ll tell that to Eiji too” (Hina)

"Oh… So that's how you found out about us hugging and…." (Takahashi, passing in front of the park)

"Yeah, I pass through this park every day on my way home… and don't forget the crying part hehe…"(Hina)

" Hey! Don't talk about that… it's embarrassing..."

"Haha" (Sachi)

"Oh so you have to enjoy this every time someone mentions me…"

"Crying? hahahaha"


"Hahaha" (Sachi and Hina)

After this Sachi and Hina took a turn so i just walked home alone

(Hina and Sachi talking)

"What is it?" (Hina)

"Huh…? What?"

"You are hiding something aren't you? Aoi said that you didn't tell the whole thing"

"Ah… Aoi had to say that..."

"What is it?"

"I didn't because I care about Takahashi, I don't want him to break again"

"But you can tell me. Tell me, what is it?"


Sachi told me… everything…

"Oh… I get it. Yeah, it's better to keep it a secret from Takahashi..."

"Yeah, that's why I didn't speak about it when I told him about how we met last year..."

"What about you, are you okay with it?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I have accepted it a long time ago"

"I see… So, what about Eiji? We can tell him, right?"

"You know more about Eiji than I do, you know how he'll feel about it"

"Well, he's the oldest of us all so he'll understand better, and he's mature too so I don't think he'll tell Takahashi about it"

"He's the oldest? How old is he?"

"He's just turned 17 in February"

"Wow, he doesn't look like 17"

"Yeah, but acts like 17, that's what I like about him"

"You like him? "


"Why don't you tell him?"

"Hey! It's not that easy. And not every girl’s like you 'It wasn't bad' "

"Aaah… you don't have to mention that. It was embarrassing..."

"It is, for everyone. So not now, maybe sometime later, when the time's right. What about you, what do you think about Takahashi?"

"I… well, nothing actually. I know he doesn't want a relationship, so I'm not going to say anything. Being friends is ok for now"

"But you like him, don't you? You care about him so much… by the way, why and when did you fall for him?"

"When I was in middle school… I never got my chance to confess and I'm glad I didn't"


"Because he rejected two of my friends. Takahashi in those days hated relationships, he just straight, without even thinking anything, rejected any girl who would confess her feelings for him. So, I tried not to, because I didn't want to become heartbroken"

"Ok… but why? What's so special about him?"

"You don't see it do you? His elegant body, shining silky black hair, his bangs covering his right eye. Doesn't he just look cool? And he's Smart and tall too, I like tall guys"

"Oh… you see him that way, but he just looks like a senpai to me"


"You know, since I'm Short, he's too tall for me, like a senpai"

"Oh, right..."

Our conversation ended just like that and after some time, we bid farewell and turned our own ways.

Hina: I think I should call Eiji and ask what he thinks about that

"Hey, Eiji. What's up..."

"Nothing. Just got home, why are you calling me Hina?"

"There's something I want to tell you, something that Sachi hid from Takahashi"

"What is it?"

I told him everything, and he was surprisingly calm

"I see, I understand why she didn't want to tell Takahashi. It will be a problem if he finds out about this"

"How do you feel about this?"

"Me? I… I don't like it actually. But what can I do, no one can change the future, if something has to happen, it will happen"

"But if we warn Sachi, tell her to don't___"

"Think about it, how does Sachi know that? Because Takahashi told her last year, because it has already happened. There's nothing we can do… this year, it will happen, Takahashi sees it. And when he goes back to first year. He finds Sachi and tells her… where does it get to? Right here. It's a loop, there's nothing we can do about it, just enjoy the time we have with Sachi, and be sure not to show this on your face. Takahashi will find out if you show it with your facial expressions"

"I know… guess there's nothing we can do about it"

"Yeah, just be happy for the memories you'll make with her"


(At Takahashi's home)

"Mom, I'm back!"

"Welcome back! What's with that smile?"


"It's the same as that day when you told me that you have a girlfriend now"

"When was that?"

"You know, around the end of last year, you were always locked up in your room for some reason, but Aoi changed you. You started going out again. She was a lovely girl and you dumped her; I don't understand why"

Oh. Yeah mom also knows about the first year me, but asking her would be stupid. So, she's not an option, and besides, I have friends now, they can tell me everything I want to know

"Mom, it was nothing. Just forget about her"

"So, who's the new girl?? When are you going to invite her here?"

"Mom, I have already told you already, she's just a friend, and I can't even be in a relationship with her"


"Because she'll be gone by next year. This is her last year year"

"Oh… so you better hurry to confess your feelings to her"

"No, I have told you, it's not like that___"



"Don't lie to yourself, ok?"


After taking a bath, I'm laying here on my bed, pondering about the words mom just said 

"Just don't lie to yourself, ok?"

Am I lying to myself? I mean, I don't feel anything about Sachi at all. But when I think about her leaving… I get sad. Do I like her … or not? Of course, I don't hate her. But the question is about liking… that day, during the fight with Shinichi, Sachi came into my mind twice, she's on my mind a lot, does that mean I like her… Should I ask her? No, that's stupid. Ahhh, I'm reaching nowhere like this. Maybe I should ask Eiji sometime. He looks mature, I think that he'll give me some good advice. It's 16: 40 right now. I should start studying now.

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