Chapter 14:

Let's get out of here

I am a God, But I Accidentally Summoned Myself into My Own World as a Human Being!

“Seriously? All that happened just cause of those horses?” Jace asked before he stuffed another mouthful of rice.

Renz punched him. “Horses which YOU forgot to keep an eye on” 

“Alright, alright! I said I’m sorry. It’s not my fault you got kicked in the stomach Renz”

“Just shut up and keep eating Jace”

The two really liked to argue a lot. The others have already been told of our new companions. Uriel and Una are staying with Captain Hannah and the others for the night.

Head Knight Grayson and Mercedes went to get Jace and Renz as soon as Julie got back and told them. An hour later and here we are, eating downstairs with just the five of us.

I was not in the mood to sleep early like the rest so I gave Aidan the key to our room. I needed to eat a lot at least to start getting this body into shape.

It is 8:43 on the timepiece on the corner. Early in the night. Without the view of the sun or the moon to tell the time, the residents of Durahl use a timepiece to tell the time.

“Shouldn’t you have reported them to the authorities?” Mercedes patted her chin with a piece of cloth before eating another slice of her cake.

“If the authorities were anything decent, such an incident wouldn’t have happened. Toshikasu and I would likely have been the ones arrested for attacking Durahl citizens” I answered while pouring some water.

“You have a point”

Head Knight Grayson arrived with another plate. He sure eats a lot. I think I will be addressing him as just Grayson from now on.

“What did I miss?” He asked, already stuffing his mouth with food.

Head Knight is too much for someone like him.

I replied to him. “Nothing much. So you guys do not have any problems with taking those two with us? I did agree with taking them back here, but at some point we will have to-”

“Yes, I know Al. Maybe we can find someone to take them in at the next city.”

He can be serious sometimes. But I will still stop calling him Head Knight.

“Okay then.”

I looked at my food. It is not as good as the food I got at Sol. I also know there is no way we are getting rid of those two at this point.

“Yo Al, which room are we again?” Jace stood up, having finished his food.

“Third room on the second floor.”

“Thanks man, well I’m gonna go now, goodnight guys.” He waved as he went upstairs. 

Renz stood up as well. “I'll go sleep as well, have a good night everyone.”

He followed Jace upstairs.

Mercedes waited until they both disappeared from view. “Now that it’s just the three of us, I have to say, what are the odds of us defeating the new Demon Lord?”

“What are you trying to say Mercedes?” Grayson asked, still stuffing his mouth with food.

Mercedes finished her plate. “You captains and the king try to hide it, but it’s too obvious now. This is different from all the other invasions.”

Oh? I am intrigued by this as well. How would it be any different? It should be the same as last time, Amaris and I make sure of that all the time.

Grayson let out a sigh. “Captain Hannah and I were going to tell you guys soon. The demon’s invasion this time far exceeds that of what is recorded in the history of both kingdoms. Not only did they manage to build a portal right on our homeland, but their numbers are at least 9 times more compared to the previous ones.”

“You’re forgetting something.” Mercedes took out a piece of paper from her pocket. 

It seemed to be a report from one of the captains to the king.

Grayson quickly grabbed the paper. “H-how did you get this?”

“Don’t forget that my family is the one of the most powerful noble families in Sol. It’s not the original report however.”

It is like they forgot that I am still here. Grayson hid the paper in his pocket.

“You knew what was going to happen, why did you still come along?

“I don’t know either, maybe I was bored.”

I interjected between the two. “Could the two of you tell me what’s going on?”

Mercedes slid her chair closer to me, whispering in my ear.

“The demons know we’re coming.”

Mercedes then left the table, going upstairs. Now it is just me and Head Kni- Grayson.

I interrogate him, pointing my fork at him for added flair. “What did Mercedes mean? And before you try to deny it, I could always voice my complaint with everyone else.”

Grayson seemed to be deeply troubled. He took the paper out.

“Maybe you should just read it. You’re quite rational, maybe you’ll understand what we’re trying to do here” He handed the paper to me before he stood up, “I’m going to sleep now. Goodnight Al.”

He went upstairs.

I turned around, looking behind me. There are not much people here except some travelers and the staff. But it is still better to read this privately.

The timepiece on the wall reads 8:51.

Holding the piece of paper in my hands, I walked up the stairs.

The building itself has 4 floors. Julie and Elen are on the 4th floor. Mercedes, Elizabeth, Iris, and Hannah are on the 3rd. Una and Uriel are also sharing the room with them.

Walking up the stairs, I saw Grayson entering the room on the far right.

On the 2nd floor, the 7th room is where Toshikasu, Shaun, Grayson, and Jace are staying at.

I sauntered on to the room on the left, the sign on the door says “NO. 3”. My room, along with Aidan, Nadia, and Jace. I knocked on the door.

 Aidan opened it.

“I didn’t think you’d be awake, where’s Jace?” I was expecting Jace to open the door.

“I already slept on the carriage, Jace is over there” Aidan pointed at Jace, who’s already sound asleep on his bed.

“What about Nadia?”

“She’s sleeping as well”

I headed over to my bed. The beds are arranged with two on the left and two on the right.

Aidan went over to his bed on the left. Jace has the one on the right. Nadia is sleeping on the bed next to Aidan’s. That leaves me with the one beside Jace.

I should have cleaned up first, but I feel tired. I lay down on the bed.

I unfolded the paper in my hand. It looks like it was made just a day or two ago. How did they manage to send this to Mercedes? Teleport?

For now, time to read what is on this paper.

To his Majesty, King Leon the XVII.

Around two divisions spawned from the demon portal yesterday. Our source in the demon camps reports that these two divisions are also headed north towards Miele along with the other four divisions that went before. At estimate, they might reach the Hero’s party within a few days – the ones on the Greater Dragon even sooner. Due to this, the demons have halted their advance for now. All according to plan.

All according to plan? Are you telling me we were just bait?

I continued reading.

The last shipment of magic cores from the kingdom of Henrhia has just been received. With this, the new armaments should be complete. It will arrive at Sol in a couple of hours. My troops will be withdrawing from the borders soon. We will arrive at the Alliance Army camp and have them withdraw from the area.

Magic cores. Armaments. Just what are they planning?

The last parts of the letter are just the costs of the magic cores, supplies and such. Below it is a signature above the name, Cael Daisetsu, Captain of the 3rd Ray.

I folded the letter, placing it inside my pocket. I then looked at the others. They are all asleep. Even Aidan.

I turned my attention towards the window on the right. Only the faint glow of magic stones can be seen.

This might be the last night that we sleep peacefully.


“Yo Al, rise and shine dude!”

Jace shook me awake. I wish I could sleep more.

I waved my hands to indicate that I am awake. “What about Aidan and Nadia?”

“They’re downstairs with the others. Come on let’s eat breakfast.”

Reluctantly, I stood up and followed Jace.

Downstairs, there are plenty of people eating and getting ready for another busy day.

“Al you’re awake! Over hereee!” Nadia waved at me with Aidan pointing to a chair.

I sat down beside them. Jace went over to Toshikasu and the others.

“Good morning Al.” Shaun said before he took a bite of his sandwich. That is a bit rude for a priest.

“Good morning Aelius.” Iris shifted her seat closer to me.

“Good morning Iri-”

“Ah- ow!” Nadia suddenly tried to interrupt, but was also interrupted by Aidan.

“Mind your own business sis.”

“Why don’t you mind your own business!”

The two began poking at each other.

I continued. “-As I said, Good morning to you too Iris.”

We continued eating. A few moments later, a couple of dwarven soldiers entered the inn. I watched as they trudged inside, wearing full battle armor and their weapons held high. That is not a good sign.

The one at the front looked at us. “The governor of Durahl wishes to meet with you, travelers.”

The room fell silent.

Grayson walked over to me. He asked the soldiers. “All of us?”

“Just a few representatives will do.”

“Alright, Al come with me.”

Captain Hannah and Toshikasu approached us.

“Us too.”

The soldier looked at the four of us, then turned around. “Alright then, let’s get going”

I sighed. I did not even finish my breakfast yet. Iris looks a little irritated. That is a first.

We made our leave.


We drew closer to the center of the city. People have already filled the streets, and the smell of smoke is once again spreading all over the place.

“This way please.” The soldier gestured at us.

We stopped at a huge building. It looked more like a mansion than a palace. We went inside.

“This looks like an office building. Don’t you think so too Al?” Toshikasu looked at the floor then the ceiling.

“Yes. I think so as well”

This does look like the buildings from the other world. We went up the second floor. There is a room at the end of the hallway. The soldiers stopped. 

One of them knocked at the door. “The travelers you called for are here”

A voice called out from the room. “Let them in”

We headed inside. The room is not that big. Several metal drawers are lined on the walls on the right. There’s also a line of chairs on the left. In the middle of the room is a desk. A dwarf is reading some papers. He placed it down on the desk, looking at us.

“Greetings travelers. Or should I say heroes?”

Great. Even the dwarves know who we are.

Captain Hannah stepped forward. “How did you know?”

“The guards take note of the items that people have with them when they enter the city. And you guys stick out like a sore thumb, having so many heroic-grade items in your possession. You can’t hide such excellent craftsmanship from us”

Toshikasu took a seat on one of the chairs.

Captain Hannah continued to ask. “Why did you call us here?”

The dwarf took off his glasses.

“We didn’t even exchange names yet, and you’re already interrogating me in my own office. Fine, I’ll make this quick. Leave the city”

That is a shock. I at least thought they would welcome us and all that. The demons are a common enemy of everyone on this world. It was supposed to be a secret, but now that they know, why would  they not ally with us now that they know who we are?

Grayson also asked. “Why? We didn’t cause any troubles in this city”

“So beating up some of our citizens doesn’t count?”

“They were attacking someone, we just helped!” Toshikasu stood up, not even hiding his anger.

The dwarf raised his hand. “I know. I don’t hold that against you. Do you know that the current Demon Lord gave an offer to the other races? They wouldn’t harm any of us as long as we cooperate with them”

“And what is this cooperation that they asked for?” Grayson inquired.

“To kill the heroes, to kill you. Of course, we’d receive more rewards if we brought you to them alive. A couple of mercenaries from the other cities as well as soldiers are already here looking for you guys.”

Captai- I am tired of calling them captains altogether. Hannah looked at Toshikasu. They nod at each other.

Toshikasu’s body began to glow and he disappeared from the room. I did not expect that. He was using Light Clone all this time.

Hannah then turned towards the dwarf. “Why tell us this?”

The dwarf stood up, looking over the city through the window. “Simply because I don’t trust the Demon Lord. If your kingdoms fall, I know that monster will set its sights on the rest of us. Go, I’ll order my soldiers not to capture you, but they won’t help you either. Now leave”

“Thank you” Hannah and Grayson bow to him then head out the room.

I looked at the dwarf. He is already back to reading his papers.


“We need to hurry!” Hannah ran faster than us despite her size.

The three of us are currently running back to the inn.

“Toshikasu should have already told the others, now we just need to hurry back” She lead the way out the courtyard of the mansion.

As we entered the streets, a couple of fireballs flew towards us.

Hannah stopped, pointing her staff at the projectiles. “Shit! Oh spirits of the flames, grant us-”

Ice wall!” Grayson summoned an ice wall which blocks the fiery projectiles. 

He grabbed Hannah- who is clearly shocked, as we redirect to the alleys.

“W-wha!? You can cast without chanting too?!”

Hannah clearly did not notice Grayson cast spells without chanting back when we fought the orcs. I figured that he also has the same Unique Skill as me, though I do not know how he got it since he is not an otherworlder.

In the alleys, two mercenaries blocked our path. They charged at us with their swords.

Grayson rushed towards them, Hannah in tow. “Nature’s Bind!”

Lianas erupted from the ground, immobilizing our attackers.

We ran around them as we zig-zagged through the narrow paths.

“Let’s head this way!” Grayson puts Hannah down. 

We turned to the right. The main street is up ahead. Just before we could exit this nightmare maze, a wall of stone suddenly emerged, blocking our path.

“Damn it!”

A group of armed people come up behind us. Hannah started to chant another spell.

At this rate, we will never make it to the inn. As Grayson turned around to fight the mercenaries, I looked at the infrastructure walls.

Ally Locate.

I focused my thoughts on Iris. This is more than my current innate mana would allow, but I have to try.

“Grayson! Hannah! Come closer to me!” I yelled at the two, placing my hands on the ground.

Hannah stopped chanting. “Wha-” 

“Just do it!!”

Without another word, Hannah proceeded to run towards me. Grayson summoned another Ice Wall  behind us before he ran over in my direction.

“Everyone hang on!! Mass Teleport!!"

A huge magic circle appeared below us, glowing a bright shade of yellow. It extended outwards a lot more than I intended.

We teleported inside the first floor of the inn, a few feet above the ground. Our attackers have been teleported along with us.

I landed on top of Iris, who was hiding behind an overturned table.

“A-aelius!” Her face went red.

I caught her off guard. It has been a while since she’s been flustered like this.

“Sorry about that!” I immediately stood up. 

The furniture around us are riddled with metal balls and arrows.

“Al, behind us.” Elizabeth pointed behind me. She also hid behind a flipped table, holding Una.

I turned around. Our attackers are already standing.

“Nature’s Bind.” I waved at them. 

Nothing happened. Ah, I am out of mana again.

They were confused for a moment, then they proceeded to charge us.

“Force Wind!”

I almost forgot that Grayson and Hannah are here as well.

The attackers are blown to the walls.

Hannah ran over to Elizabeth. “Elizabeth, where are the others?”

She pointed out the doorway- the door itself is gone.

“They’re fighting outside.”

We rushed outside. Elizabeth, Una, and Iris stayed behind.

The area around the inn looked like a mini-battlefield. The others have already dealt with most of the mercenaries and soldiers.

“You guys are finally here! You missed the show though.” Toshikasu waved at us.

Just as he walked over to us, a giant metal leg pulverized the ground behind him.

Smoke covered the area. As soon as it cleared, a huge silhouette appeared in our sights.

“How about an encore?” A penetrating mechanical voice rings the area.

I looked up. Its giant claws already held two of our carriages. 

A giant metal crab.