Chapter 5:



I was taken aback for a moment at those words. I am very happy that I will marry a beautiful woman like Princess Valentia. But at the same time, I feel something is not right with this incident.

"I apologize King Vegard. But can I reconsider this offer?"

"Of course," replied King Vegard

"What does that mean, Erick? Why don't you just accept the offer? The one you're going to marry is a princess from a big kingdom," said my father, seducing me to accept the offer.

"This offer should be rethought carefully because it concerns someone's future, our family's future, and also the future of the kingdom"

"Father has thought of all that so you don't have to think about all that, all you do is accept the offer then the power of our kingdom will be stronger," Father said persuading me.

"Huh? Have you ever thought about my feelings? You accepted the offer without talking to me. Therefore, I still can't make a decision now"

Princess Valentia who saw and heard the debate between me and my father at that time was surprised by it. After saying that to my father, I walked out of the room. The angry father wanted to chase after me but was stopped by my brother and then allowed King Vengard and Princess Valentia to have a little tea.

They drank tea together while talking about the offer. While they were drinking tea and talking about the offer, suddenly Princess Velentia stood up.

"Excuse me? Can I take a little walk around the palace?" Ask princess Valentia to my brother.

"Oh of course, please go around the palace" replied my brother.

"Thank you"

After getting permission from my brother, princess Valentia started walking out of the room and started to circle the palace accompanied by a maid. When princess Valentia walked past the training ground, she saw me practicing my sword and wanted to say hello. He walked towards me.

"Nice to meet you Prince Erick" Princess Valentia bowed to introduce herself.

"Oh, Princess Valentia. What are you doing here? Aren't you in the meeting room with my father and brother?"

"I have asked your brother's permission to take a walk around the palace"

"I apologize but I currently have a bad feeling. For that, I apologize for not being able to accompany you around the palace"

"Oh, it's okay. I understand how you feel when you are arranged suddenly"

"Instead of us talking here we better find a good place to talk"

After saying that, I ordered a few maids to prepare a tearoom in the palace garden, then Princess Valentia and I walked towards the palace garden. We sat down in the seats prepared by the maids. We sat down and started talking about many things. Starting from the politics of their respective kingdoms, state finances, and much more about our respective kingdoms.

For some reason, I feel very happy when I talk to princess Valentia. At that time, I felt what it was to fall in love. I don't feel afraid to talk about the safety of the country that shouldn't be told to people from other kingdoms. After talking with princess Valentia for a while, it didn't feel like it was getting late.

"Well, it's getting late. Thank you for accompanying me when I'm feeling bad. Also, sorry if there are words that offend the princess"

"Oh, that's fine. It's fun for me too, because there are people my age to talk to"

"Oh. I feel happy too"

"After this, will the princess go straight back to the kingdom?"

"We'll be back tomorrow. Tonight, we'll head back to the inn maybe"

"Inn? What do you mean by inn?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, the inn. The inn that your father has provided"

"You stupid father! Why did you let honorable guests from other kingdoms stay at the inn? I'll take care of you later!" I said to myself in annoyance.

"How about you guys just stay at my place? I have a mansion that suits you guys. How about it?"

"No need to bother. Your father has already prepared it for us"

"This is an invitation from myself. I can't allow distinguished guests from other kingdoms to stay at the inn. At least before you return, I can serve you."

"Then we will gladly accept. Thank you very much"

"Let's go back to the meeting room"


After that, we walked back towards the meeting room. When we arrived at the meeting room, we were surprised to see the situation there. In the chaotic meeting room, the father and king Vegard who were already lying on the floor, and the brother sitting pensively in the corner roared.

Princess Valentia and I were shocked by what had happened, we immediately went to them. We thought it was because there was a disagreement between them, but when I approached my brother and asked what was going on, he reeked of alcohol. So did Vegard's father and king.

We tried to wake them up, but they didn't wake up. Then I immediately called the butler to call the other maids to help move them. After I moved my father and brother to their room, I immediately escorted Princess Valentia and her drunken father to my mansion in a horse carriage.

Arriving at my mansion, I helped princess Valentia bring her father to the room I said before. after we finished with king Vegard, we decided to have dinner together. While we ate, we chatted and joked about what had happened in the meeting room earlier. After we finished eating, we decided to get some sleep. We will separate to our respective rooms.

"Eh. Princess?"

"Yes, prince?"

"Good night" I said shyly.

"Good night too" Princess Valentia replied with a smile.

We parted ways to our respective rooms. At that time, I was very happy to receive a good night reply from Princess Valentia. I slept with a very happy heart. 
