Chapter 5:

A new classmate

The Sanctuary of Seven - Vol. 1

     I look around, watching carefully the people running as they merge with the flames that seem to never stop. Their howl fills the whole reddish land, but it does not cover the tormenting sound of birds that look like dinosaurs and fly over me as if hunting me. Out of the cracks of the earth comes a strong, warm light that seems to be generated by lava bubbling right under my feet. I have a hunch that if I stand still, the earth will collapse and I will fall directly into the lava, burning indefinitely because I don't know if I can die.

      As much as people burn here, I don't think they can die. Several people kneel in a messy circle asking each other for mercy through death. But no matter how much they torment themselves, no one can die, as if it were a special law here by which all men must suffer, having an immortal life.

     I start to take a few steps back and forth, turning around several times and realizing that I don't know where I could go. I don't know if others see me or in their desperation they don't want to see me. People speak many languages ​​here and I soon realize that I am back in Hell and dreaming. This achievement gives me confidence, and my legs begin to move again through their own consciousness, without me being able to control them.

     Although I know it's just a dream, I wonder if I can die. My feet don't seem to care about that, not stopping for a second. The fog also settles slightly on the blood-colored earth, infiltrating the air, which also looks red.

     I stop abruptly as if I were driving a car that reached 100/h and applied the brake suddenly, hitting my head on board. I look around and without realizing it, the fog has covered the whole land, making the reddish surroundings a big white and thick fog.

     I look straight ahead, trying to ignore the voices screaming in agony for help. Something in the distance catches my eye. Something glistening in the misty clouds. Without realizing it, my body moves in that direction, as if I were being pulled by a rope. My legs are stiff, but they seem to float.

       In just a few seconds I arrive in front of the mirror that I had to break from it last time I dreamed of. This time I want to touch it, shake it off the dust. However, even though my body seems immobilized like last time, I find my inner strength to be able to move my hand. Although the effort is demanding, I manage to touch the mirror with my index finger.

       The mirror seems to crack and I start to panic, feeling that my desire to look at the world through it is shattered by a single touch. Shards of dust fall to the ground, and a slippery surface can be seen behind them. Once the dust reaches the earth, it rises in blood-colored stardust and becomes brighter and brighter in the sky, as if it were becoming stars. Although it's not completely dark here, the stars look more dazzling than ever. I watch carefully every particle that rises to the sky until the air remains filled only with a dense fog.

        I finally look in the mirror, but to my surprise, I don't see my reflection, but Nagamine's. He doesn't imitate me and he just seems to be caught in the mirror. I try to move towards him, but as usual, I'm stuck in place, as if my feet are rooted to the ground. I look at him straight in the eye and smile, feeling a cry I can't control embrace me.

       A few tears parted from my eyes and slid gently down my cheeks. Nagamine reaches out his hand and for a few seconds everything around freezes. Dinosaur birds no longer howl, people tormented by flames no longer cry for help in agony, the earth is no longer full of lava and rocks with sharp, deep edges, the air is no longer blood-red, and the fog is gone. Although all this is still around me, they seem to be silent.

       My heart freezes too, and a strong desire flickers through my body, wanting me to be able to touch Nagamine's hand. He gives me a sympathetic smile as if realizing that I can't touch his hand and that I can't move, but he keeps his arm still up to me and doesn't give up. Dozens of tears turn into a real cry that no matter how hard I try to control it, seems impossible.

      “I want to come with you!”

      “You will come,” Nagamine's voice resounds in my whole being and throughout the land like an echo.

       Ding ...

      I hear the alarm and I know the dream is coming to an end soon. I look at Nagamine, already feeling me move away from the mirror and him. His expression becomes slightly frightened.

       Ding ...

       The surrounding sounds take shape again, and Hell awakens to life again. A squeak is heard coming from Nagamine's mirror, and his expression becomes terrifying. He gives me one last look full of pain and I see Nagamine running away as if another world were in the mirror.

        Ding ...

       “Iwamoto!” Nagamine shouted desperately.

       “Nagamine!” I scream after him, panic monopolizing my body.

       Ding ...

       I open my eyes violently, almost taking them out of my orbit.

       “Iwamoto, be careful!” I hear Nagamine screaming as if he were in the room.

       I look around but I don't see anyone. Terrible dizziness weakens my body and energy, making me dizzy. It takes me a few moments to recover from my shock and wake up. The dream seemed so real this time too, I don't know where I could get it.

       I get out of bed when I feel my body relax, but for some reason, I'm always on the alert, as if anything could happen and my life would be in danger. I gather the bedsheets and put them on the window sill, ventilating the room. I have a very strange premonition that an inspection will follow today.

       Inspections are not announced, although everyone knows they are once a month. They aim to monitor each family, making sure they do their job, respecting their To-Do List received by NPI, the National Programming Institute. If there is clutter or the steps in the To-do List have not been followed, the family receives a rather expensive fine. And since everything in our lives is programmed, the money is also carefully arranged by a system at the National Institute for Money Distribution.

        I get to the desk and out of the ordinary, after checking my To-Do List, I take a piece of paper and a pen, starting to write a very relevant question for me and Nagamine: How is your day? When I actually do what I do, I crumble the sheet and throw it straight into the trash can under the desk. Instead, I take the diary out of the closet and start writing down the dream, embracing a sadness far too great.

       I stop my tears because no one has to realize that my eyes are red from crying and I keep writing until my hand is numb and I'm done. Then I do my morning routine, hiding my dark circles with the illegal tube I received from my guitar teacher and which I keep hidden behind the sink cabinet. As soon as I finish the tasks in the bathroom, I go back to the room, make the bed, fold down the window, change into my uniform and check my backpack. I take the economics textbook from my desk and walk to the kitchen with it in my hand.

        I greet my parents, as usual, my mother still being angry with me. I give them to sign the sheet and we start eating breakfast together. Everything is silent at first, but my mother breaks the silence by reminding me of my next birthday in two days, which is Thursday. I completely ignore what I've heard because I can't imagine that day coming closer and closer to me. As much as I would like this day not to exist or to be overlooked, this is a necessity imposed by Golden Power.

       We finish our meals and, as usual, I volunteer to wash the dishes so that my family can go to work faster and enjoy more peace in the house. While I wash the plates, I have a strange feeling that I am not alone in the house, but I do not feel anxious.

       “And I dreamed of you, Nagamine,” I wake up saying.

       I glance back, not realizing what I'm actually doing, listening to my first instinct. Nagamine is sitting in the chair at the table, watching me in silence as I wash the dishes and as if analyzing my every move.

       “Why don't you say anything?” I ask, all of a sudden.

       I look at Nagamine, and he puts his index finger to his mouth as if pointing out that he can't speak. Then he shrugs. As much as I would like to stay with him, I have to wash the dishes and go to school.

       “I miss you!”

       I turn to him again, wanting to see his expression. But he raises his eyebrows and moves in such a way that he shows me a no. I don't understand what he really means, that I shouldn't miss him or that ... I don't really know what the second option would be.

         I finish washing the dishes, take my backpack and leave the house, leaving Nagamine inside. I give one last look at him and smile sadly, the corners of my mouth seeming to barely rise. I lock the door and when I return to the bike, Nagamine is next to me again. I smile, somehow thinking he'll be with me all day. But when I unlock my bike to go to school, I look back, and Nagamine stands in front of the house waving at me.

         And I feel a sadness that blossoms in me. Is this the last time I see him? I get on my bike and go straight to school, trying to clear my mind of all the problems that have started to appear lately. But without success, my mind runs to the inspection and the diary. If the inspection comes today, I should have taken the diary with me. Moreover, if the inspection comes today, I should have taken the concealer tube with me. How stupid I can be.

       I get to school and not being able to, it takes me a long time to lock my bike, being almost late for class. As I walk down the stairs to the high school entrance, a voice is heard from the speakers:

       “Good morning! I am announcing that you are all invited to the cafeteria for an important announcement. Attendance is mandatory and whoever is outside the cafeteria risks an appropriate punishment. Repeat! You are called to the cafeteria. A day full of gold and diamonds.”

        It is the same message that was given when they had to announce Nagamine's suicide. I comply, having no choice anyway and I go straight to the cafeteria. On the way, I have to go through the many halls, long and dull. Painted in white with a few paintings hanging on it. Always the same as the days of our lives. I'm curious who committed suicide today.

       I reach the cafeteria and find Imada and Hokama in a corner of the room, looking at me with neutral expressions. Imada turns her head without greeting me, and Hokama shakes her hand, smiling. Mano seems lost as always as if he is only a decoration in our friendship. I sit next to them. This time, the cafeteria is arranged, and students can sit at the tables or stand for those who do not have a chair.

         That means no one committed suicide. It is not so bad that cafeteria arrangement is needed in any special way. I look at the buffet, where a blonde girl I've never seen sits next to a man dressed in a suit that looks like her but has a much stiffer expression than hers. Our headteacher is not missing either, being the right hand of the director, even his subordinate.

         “Good morning! Following the incidents, I would like to inform you that, starting today, Tuesday, June 3, 2216, you will have a new colleague. Furukawa Atsuko comes straight from Golden Land so please show her respect and illustrate the hard work we put into the Emerald Land Region. Thus, she will be a student in my class, Mr. Yushiro's teacher, and headteacher. I trust you will prove to her everything we have managed to teach you so far at Emerald Central High School. Miss Atsuko has already been assigned to a group of friends this morning by the School Distribution Program. It consists of Mano Satoshi, Imada Katsumi, Hokama Shizuka, and Iwamoto Akemi.”

        When I heard everyone's names, the blood seemed to stop circulating. Great, another burden on my shoulders. I was satisfied with Imada's airs and Mano's too syrupy romance. Not to mention that I was tired of Hokama's naivete. I wonder, Miss Furukawa Atsuko ... what's in your head?

        The blonde girl, our new classmate, comes with her back straight to us, being of rare beauty. Her hair is long and falls straight over her shoulders in the brightest shades of blonde I have ever seen.

         “You can resume your classes. A day full of gold and diamonds, I wish you all.”

        “A day full of gold and diamonds,” we all shout in unison.

       “Which of you is Iwamoto?” Furukawa asks.

        I raise my hand in surprise but keeping a disinterest on the surface.

        “I really like your name. I'm Furukawa,” she tells me, holding out her hand. “You are...?” she asks, looking at Imada.

       “Imada Katsumi,” says the latter, both shaking hands. “He is my soul mate, Mano Satoshi, and she is Hokama Shizuka. Unfortunately, you caught us in a very tense and dangerous moment with Iwamoto...”

        “What do you mean?” Furukawa asks suspiciously and confused.

        “Well, it was a more delicate incident. I'll explain to you during the lunch break.”

         Imada behaves as if I were not there and as if I had no words to say. So much immaturity and disrespect. Furukawa signals to go to class, with most students already leaving the cafeteria. The first class is History and fortunately for us, the history class is the closest to the cafeteria. I walk in silence, Imada, and Furukawa talking as if they have known each other since they were little.

       We enter the white class as well as the rest of the buildings in the Region. Very few buildings or Institutions have spots of color in their design, most of which are only white. We sit on the benches, Imada sitting with Furukawa, although she usually sat with me or Mano. Mano stays with Hokama and I stay alone. I don't mind, but I'll have to share the bench with another student I haven't exchanged a word with.

         The history teacher also makes his appearance. Because it is not long from school, the summer holidays are approaching, the teacher promised us that we will start some more interesting discussions that we will resume next year.

        “Good morning!” says the teacher.

       We greet him in the choir and wait patiently for him to check the students who are present, calling our names from a large catalog. Most students are present, rarely being someone who skipping school, given that this behavior is prohibited and students need only three unexcused absences to be expelled. And if someone gets into this position, no one can explain what will happen to him.

        “Okay, kids. Today I want to talk to you about the Great World War. It is good to know that before this there were 3 World Wars. The First and Second World Wars were at a close distance from each other, for about 21 years. Well, about 200 years later, World War III began. And from this, the Great World War broke out. It is named like this, because other wars will never exist again, Golden Power establishing peace and tranquility between all Regions. Well, the main purpose of the Great World War was the pollution that followed in the years of the Third World War. The pollution was high enough before, which is why this anti-pollution sect was formed. Although the sect's intentions were very good, the people in it were a bit ... weird and unusual. After World War III, a crisis wiped out everyone, leaving many families in ruins, and thousands of people perishing in the most terrible ways. The population began to decline considerably. Now I want you to imagine an apple, okay? It has many nutrients, and if each of us ate an apple a day we would live many more years. Well, let's say we have only one apple in our class, which we have to share. Those substances will not reach everyone, and the apple divided into so many pieces would lose its vitamin-rich resources. So it was with the earth. Too many people who abused natural resources made them disappear easily. Well, after World War III, when resources were almost non-existent, this sect appears to be able to stop everything. Although they were trying to fix things, their way was very strange, so the Great World War began which killed even more people. Golden Power, which was then only resistance of the sect, decided to make a pact. Thus, all these sick and contagious people in the sect - because that's why they were so weird because they were sick and spreading this disease - were taken to what you can see on the maps in the textbook, Cursed Land.
