Chapter 7:



I was very surprised by the story I heard about the history of war 300 years ago which turned out to be caused by King Alex who loved the wife of King Ivan and was ruled by a very strong sense of belonging and jealousy. King Vegard also told me why my father became a rotten king.

At that time Sariel van Buorn who was still a prince went to his first war against the kingdom of Zaikel. But when their troops passed through a forest, troops from the Zaikel kingdom immediately ambushed them. Due to the sudden attack, Prince Sariel's army was shocked so they couldn't make any defense and, in the end, they were massacred, but Prince Sariel managed to escape with the sacrifice of several troops which made an opening for Prince Sariel to escape.

Prince Sariel who managed to escape continued to run into the forest to avoid being chased. When he got very deep into the forest, he started to feel dizzy from exhaustion and then he fell unconscious. When Prince Sariel opened his eyes, he was surprised by the unfamiliar ceiling, and when he looked, he saw a very beautiful elf girl sleeping on a chair.

The elf girl woke up and she was also surprised to see prince Sariel who had woken up. The elf girl slowly approached Prince Sariel and asked how he was.

"How are you? Are there any sore spots?" asked the elf girl.

"I'm fine, thank you for taking care of me. Can you tell me where I am now?" replied prince Sariel.

"You are in one of the elven villages in this forest"

"Elf village? It's the first time I've heard that there's an elf village in this forest"

"Yeah, we never interacted with the outside so we are very secretive and you are an outsider who entered our village after more than one hundred and fifty years"

"One hundred and fifty years? That's a long time. Oh, by the way, my name is Sariel van Buorn, nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too, my name is Willowleaf"

They told each other about themselves and their experiences but Prince Sariel didn't tell the elf girl his princely identity because he was afraid that he would be kicked out of the place.

After a few days under the care of the elf girl Prince Sariel has fully recovered then Willowleaf took Prince Sariel for a walk around the village. Willowleaf showed all parts of the village to prince Sariel. Then they arrived at a large building in the middle of the city and according to Willowleaf's explanation that it contained a stone that had such great power that it was considered sacred to the elves.

Prince Sariel who heard that immediately fell silent and suddenly a feeling arose in his heart to have that power, he planned to steal that power and immediately ran away from the village. For two days he made plans, observing the changing of the guard in the building, the schedule of night patrols while mingling with the rest of the residents.

After the information was deemed sufficient, he immediately carried out a plan to steal the power, he started his action in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep. He easily passed the people who were on night patrol, he also passed past the guards of the building and entered the building. When prince Sariel was inside the building he started looking for where the sacred power was stored, but while he was looking for that power someone caught prince Sariel. The man immediately shouted for his friends and because of the outnumbered prince Sariel was caught.

Because of the commotion that happened that woke up all the residents. Willowleaf woke up and wanted to check what was going on with this commotion. Willowleaf went straight to the center of the commotion and how shocked she was to see Prince Sariel who had been arrested and publicly tortured for his theft. Willowleaf immediately ran forward and tried to stop the torture. Willowleaf begged the elven elders who were also there to the point that Willowleaf had to bow her head to the ground to beg for the release of prince Sariel.

The elders who saw Willowleaf's plea changed the punishment given to prince Sariel that he would be expelled from the village and would not be accepted into the village again. And for Willowleaf, she was also punished for defending the perpetrators of the theft of sacred objects and her punishment was Willowleaf had to be a victim who sacrificed her entire life to take care of and protect the sacred treasure. Prince Sariel was expelled from the elven village leaving Willowleaf who had to take care of and guard the sacred treasure.

After several days of walking through the forest to find a way out, he came across several troops of the kingdom of Buorn who were in search of prince Sariel. Arriving at the palace, he was greeted by his father and mother. After that Prince Sariel started to tell what happened to him while in the forest.

It's been a week since he returned to the kingdom but every night, he always feels pain in his chest and always hears voices to take the sacred treasure that is in the elven village. Many magicians have tried to cure this pain but none have been able to cure it.

Prince Sariel was in constant pain until at some point, he started to shut up and didn't scream in pain in his chest anymore. The magicians were shocked because Prince Sariel suddenly became silent and didn't scream in pain and healed for no reason. His father and mother did not care about the reason why Prince Sariel suddenly recovered from the illness.

I It turned out that the cause of the pain that Prince Sariel was experiencing was due to the desire to own the sacred treasure of the elven village so great that the sense of belonging exploded. And when Prince Sariel suddenly became light and recovered from his pain because the desire to possess had spread and taken over the body and soul of Prince Sariel. It is also known that Prince Sariel's magic power changed from what was previously Human Strength to Mind Control. It was a very rare occurrence where one's magic power changed.

After that Prince Sariel's character changed drastically. Where previously he was very quiet and calm became often quick to anger. Prince Sariel became very greedy with money, women, and power. He also often uses his Mind Control powers to steal women he considers beautiful to sleep with, makes peasants and nobles give away his territory for free, and raises tax rates for his benefit.

The people could not fight or escape from the kingdom of Buorn because prince Sariel issued an order that anyone who opposed him or tried to escape would be killed immediately. And also, many people have protested about this and then complained directly to the king and queen, but it seems the king and queen have been influenced by the power of Prince Sariel's Mind Control.

After that Prince Sariel's character changed drastically. Where previously he was very quiet and calm became often quick to anger. Prince Sariel became very greedy with money, women, and power. He also often uses his Mind Control powers to steal women he considers beautiful to sleep with, makes peasants and nobles give away his territory for free, and raises tax rates for his benefit.

The people could not fight or escape from the kingdom of Buorn because prince Sariel issued an order that anyone who opposed him or tried to escape would be killed immediately. And also, many people have protested about this and then complained directly to the king and queen, but it seems the king and queen have been influenced by the power of Prince Sariel's Mind Control.

One night while prince Sariel was sleeping, in his dream he heard an order to immediately seize the sacred treasure from the elven village. Prince Sariel woke up and ordered several soldiers to immediately prepare an army where they would attack the elven village in question.

After departing, it took a week to search and find the elven village because the elven village was located very deep in the forest. Arriving at the village, Prince Sariel immediately ordered his troops to immediately kill the male elves, capture the female elves to be raped and children to be sold and made into labor. Willowleaf who was meditating in one of the halls of the sacred treasure building heard the screams going on outside and rushed out. How shocked Willowleaf was when she saw the killing of the elven men, the arrest of the elven women and children led by the friend she had cared for in the past.

As Willowleaf faced Sariel, they looked at each other. Prince Sariel looked at Willowleaf with contempt while Willowleaf looked at Prince Sariel with anger. Prince Sariel asked Willowleaf to hand over the sacred treasure, but Willowleaf refused. Prince Sariel also wanted to take the treasure by using his Mind Control power so Willowleaf would give the treasure, suddenly Willowleaf held the sacred treasure stone and cast a spell. When Prince Sariel finds out that the spell is a self-destruct spell at the cost of the sacred treasure and the user's body. Just before the explosion occurred, Prince Sariel tried to use his Mind Control power to stop the self-destruction, but because the power of the sacred treasure that Willowleaf was holding was too strong, Willowleaf was not affected by the power of Prince Sariel's Mind Control.

There was a huge explosion. Almost the entire forest was destroyed and nothing was left. Suddenly prince Sariel and several people from his army came out from the ground. It turned out that before the Terrible explosion, Prince Sariel used Mind Control on his entire army as well as the elves they captured to protect him with their bodies so that Prince Sariel and some of the people inside the pile could survive. This incident is known as the EXPLOSION OF THE ELF'S SUFFERING. 
