Chapter 19:

Everyone has the world they deserve

The Divine Punishment

"Shit!!!" shouted Clark, without his left arm.

He was going to recover it and then reattach it using radiation so I decided to destroy it.

I concentrated the energy of the kaiten in my hand and distributed all the atoms of electricity in the arm on the ground, which burst one by one and made the arm disappear from existence.

It would have taken him a minute to recreate it all over again. He was not as experienced as Reid in using the radiation kamien.

However, I didn't even have time to realize, that he generated huge black holes above his head, they looked like little meteorites about to crash onto me. If I hadn't moved, I would have died instantly.

Although I had recovered all my energy, using the Raijin had made me lose it again. I was on the verge of death, I had to accept my destiny: I was going to die.

What a miserable death.

At least he had used a strong and intelligent technique...

No, I was going to die because of some black hole... Was the infinity sphere really that strong? I don't know, but I was about to die.


Clark received an invisible punch, which forced him to cancel out the black holes, keeping me alive.

I was wondering where it came from until I turned to my right and saw...


"Tenkei, sorry, it took me so long."

"What have you been doing so far?" I asked.

"I was unconscious from the blow, I didn't think I was going to make it, the injuries weren't serious. It's just the impact that knocked me out."

"I see, well... thank you."

"You're welcome."

He proceeded to hit Clark again, who, after losing his arm and using that technique, was very tired, but still managed to dodge every blow.

He didn't look human, that man.

I was on the ground, I was slowly getting up, I still had to recover after using the Raijin, but I had reached a limit of three a day, I could exceed it and perform a fourth or I could try to use the Kitsune for the second time but I would have probably died or got very injured.

I couldn't waste my energy, so I stayed and watched the fight until my help was needed.

"If you think I'm at the limits of my strength you are sorely mistaken, I will now give you a taste of one of the most sublime moves I have ever created."


"Divine Expansion!"

Immediately he created a black hole the size of his body, which was about 5'9, and began to apply every single essence of the kamien he had absorbed to it.

"Fire!" he shouted. And he began to ignite the black hole, leaving it black and "empty" inside, but with a fiery frame.


"Vital Energy!"

The sphere began to come to life, one could see that it was moving under its own free will. One hit with that sphere and it could have already destroyed the entire city we were fighting in as if it wasn't already destroyed enough.



The water didn't go to counter and extinguish the fire, but concentrated in the center of the sphere, creating a sort of tsunami around it.

"No! Stop Clark!" shouted Emmy who tried to sweep the sphere away with a Fujin shot, but it was useless, the sphere now had a life of its own.

"And... finally... Radiation!!!"

After applying the radiation, the sphere had a strange chemical reaction.

The water around it began to boil and the tsunami disappeared, to merge with the cloud of radiation formed around the black hole.

"S-shit... If it can hit us, it's over! Run Emmy, while you can!"

Emmy listened to me and managed to escape.

I, on the other hand, was still there. In the meantime, I had recovered from the daze of the Raijin, so I had time to escape as well.

But the sphere started following us.

Clark didn't, he was still on the ground, sitting down.

I didn't know what he was doing exactly.

He seemed to be in the middle of an act of prayer.

"Hey, Emmy!" I yelled, "Look at Clark, what the fuck is he doing? Is he making a bigger one?"

"I don't know, Tenkei, let's think about this one for now. Perfect Susanoo!"

Emmy began to transform into her final form, looking like the head of a god. Acuro had never told us about it. Perhaps even he hadn't arrived at such mastery with the techniques.

I decided to transform, too. Maybe to make myself cool in front of the girl I liked. Or maybe because I needed to become stronger.

I applied electricity all over my body so that it became a very light color. Emmy had a hard time seeing me.

My hair had become shot into the air. My eyes began to bleed.

I used it as an effective protection move since I had never created one.

The irony was that right after I finished the transformation, it was immediately canceled by the sphere that hit me full force.

Luckily I had used this defensive shield, or I would have died.

"Tenkei, are you okay?" asked Emmy.

"Yeah, all good for now."

"Great. Get up, we have to destroy it somehow."

"What if we direct it at Clark instead of destroying it?"

"I don't think that's possible, after all... It's really Clark who's controlling it. The life energy he put in earlier wasn't to make it self-sufficient but to control her through her bonds."


I pulled the katana out of its scabbard and forcefully advanced towards the sphere, if I cut it in two there would be nothing left.

"Emmy... I'm about to cross my limit... I'm going to try another Raijin!"

"Don't worry, Tenkei. The more you practice, the more you can push your limits. I believe in you, I know you can do even 2 more, actually 3, if you put your mind to it."

"T-thanks, Emmy, I lov-" I said embarrassed. The black hole was about to redirect itself towards us.



The sphere was about to come toward me so I hit it.


I couldn't remember how many Raijin I had performed today, but if I wasn't mistaken this was the third or fourth. I was still standing, anyway.

The problem was...

It hadn't taken the slightest bit of damage.

The sphere was still unscathed. My Raijin had had no effect, or rather. I had missed it.

The blade created by my Raijin had almost destroyed the sphere as it shrank and dodged the attack.

It had to be controlled by Clark. Our theory was correct.

"Hey... Tenkei!!!" yelled Emmy.

The Raijin had stunned me and I saw the sphere coming towards my position, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't get up, until... Emmy came in front of me.

She positioned herself exactly in the position to parry it.


I didn't see anything, the explosion was huge, even I didn't come out unscathed.

When I opened my eyes... the sphere had completely disappeared, and Emmy... was lying on the ground, deprived of her arms, which she had used to save me.

I ran towards her.

She looked like she was still alive.

"EMMMY!!!" I yelled and checked her pulse.

It was very slow, she looked like she was dying, I tried to revive her, she wasn't talking.

But she was breathing.

"CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP!!! Emmy, can you hear me!"

No response.

So I decided to yell it out. Maybe she would hear me.


"I love you too Tenkei..." she replied in a very raspy voice. She had finally opened his eyes, but only half-open.

"E-Emmy..." I started to cry, maybe she was okay.

"Come on! I'll take you somewhere secluded to heal you," I told her.

"It's no use, Tenkei. Can't you see at what state I am? The radiation has started to degrade my body. I can't even move anymore..."

"No... Emmy... NOOOO!!!" I screamed.

"Why did you do that? Why did you save me? I should have died, you didn't deserve it."

"What are you talking about, Tenkei, you're so much stronger than me, I could never have defeated Clark on my own, while you can, I trust you.

And I saved you because I love you, Tenkei, I've loved you since the first day we met. At our favorite playground. Remember?"


*Flashback Begins*

January 4, 2014, 10:36 A.M.

"H-hi. What's your name?" a little girl about my age, who was 10, asked.

"Tenkei. Tenkei Nowak. What's yours?" answered her.

"Emmy Mancker, nice to meet you."

She was very pretty, I wanted to be her friend.

We spent some time on the slide.

"Uiiiiii! Ahah, that's very funny, isn't it, Emmy?"

"Yes! Where do you live?"

"I live near here, actually in Germany, but I come here often because I have relatives."

"Ah ok! How about we spend some time on the swings?"


We walked over to the swings, they were dirty with snow, it was a nice snowy day.

She started to clean them with her soft mittens, but I, to be a gentleman, told her:

"Let me do it! Don't strain yourself, Emmy."

"Uhm... Okay!"

So I cleaned the swings with my own hands, unlike her, I didn't have gloves. My parents wouldn't buy them for me.

After spending about 10 minutes at the swings talking about this and that, she asked me a very interesting question:

"Listen, Tenkei. Do you like anyone?"


"N-nothing..." she replied very embarrassedly.

"Actually... I got it, I was just kidding. Well, I don't know, I don't understand these adult feelings, I'm still young, I'm 10 years old. What about you?"

"I... like someone," she answered me, still red, maybe it was because of the cold, maybe because she was very shy, or maybe because she was embarrassed. Or better yet, for all three reasons.

"Who? A boy from your school?" I asked her.

"N-no... I like you, Tenkei," she replied as she walked away.

I was very embarrassed, but I was happy, I was alone now in the park and I jumped for joy.

The next day I found her in the same place, in the same swing, waiting for me.

"Hey, Tenkei. About yesterday... I was just kidding." she said to me.

I got a little angry and decided to slap her, not hard, just because I was angry. Then I apologized to her. But I didn't have time to do it because a tall and scary figure came from behind me.

It was my father.

He lifted me by my shirt and hit me hard on the head.

I started crying, he threw another one at me.

Emmy was watching us, she quickly ran away.

Home aggression probably wasn't normal for her? And I thought all parents were so mean to their children.

After that day, I never saw her again that winter. But I didn't see her again until the following summer.

*Final Flashback*

"I sure do remember, Emmy..." I continued.

"Well, I wasn't kidding, I did love you... Goodbye, Tenkei."


I couldn't even hold back the tears. They were stronger than me.

"I'm coming for you now, you bastard...Clark... your career is over," I thought.

I began to let electricity pour out of every pore, I looked like a living lightning bolt. Everything I touched was instantly electrocuted.

When I got to him, I noticed that he was very damaged.

"T-Tenkei, how the fuck did you survive the Divine Expansion? The explosion should have wiped out anything within 10 meters! And you were there!"

" girl...she's a lot stronger than you might think."

I was at my full strength, while he was shaking and could barely stand, but he decided to use his last strength to try and take me out for good.

"Acid rain!" he said, combining water with radiation and dropping it from above like rainfall. It was really dangerous, but the protection I had created for myself with lightning was shielding me from pretty much any drop."

"T-Tenkei...but're Kitsune, the world-famous nine-tailed fox of legends...the one so smart she could predict the future..."

Actually yes, I was indeed going to use Kitsune, but I didn't know I had perfected it. Like Emmy, who after perfecting the Susanoo, took the form of the god's head, I had taken the form of the Kitsune. I had nine electric tails, which were not only lethal, but I could also predict Clark's moves.

"This is the end, Clark. Any last words?"

"I leave it all in your hands... Tenkei..." he said.

I didn't pay much attention to his words... Maybe our goals were similar? Yes, but differently, he wanted to eliminate everyone. Maybe he understood that my goal was the most reasonable...

The fact was that I didn't hesitate for a moment.

"KITSUNE!" I shouted.

In an instant, all the molecules around us joined together in atoms of electricity. Even the acid rain Clark had created.

"Infinite Thunderstorm!"

Clark died instantly.

I had won.

But at what cost?

I was the only kamien user left.

I didn't think twice and proceeded to pick up the "vacuum" kamien that had detached itself from Clark's body, now degraded by the electric and acid rain.

Immediately upon contact with the kamien, I felt my electricity stone being absorbed; Was I going to die from such a mistake? No.

Instantly, even Emmy's kamien was absorbed by the vacuum kamien I was holding. I felt a sharp impact in my chest.

The kamien of emptiness had entered my chest, it had absorbed every single kamien in existence. I felt a strong reaction, which caused an endless loop of dreams in my head. So I collapsed.

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