Chapter 15:

Battle for survival

Spirit Guardians

Alright nice…. Mashù they're safe, we gotta finish this soon.

Mashù- yea I know..Shut up

Bradoon- You 2 seem to be close friends. Good I'll enjoy taking both your powers simultaneously.

Where's my brother!?!?

Bradoon- Oh you mean the fire user? He's currently in this machine with another one of my subjects.

You are disgusting!

Bradoon- so I've been told I wouldn't mind switching places.

What do you mean?

Bradoon- Your spirit for his safety. I already have Magma so I don't really need fire, but water is so interesting. I want it; give it to me.

You know what, I'll just take option 3.

Bradoon- And what's that?

We'll just kick your ass!

Bradoon- Raaawwwrrrr!!!!!

Jeremi!! Formation B, Mashù follows my lead.

Jeremi- Got it.. Phantom Phase!!

Bradoon- Give them to me!!!!

*Bradoon begins to shoot balls of magma at everyone.

Fat chance Tenki Geyser Beam!!!

Mashù- What are we doing?

Getting close. Use your luck on both of us.

Mashù- Alright cool Double Jackpot!!

Bradoon- What're you 2 planning?? And where did the other one go? Infrared Eyes!!!

How many spirits does this guy have?

Bradoon- Found you!!

*Bradoon throws a ball at Jeremi.

Jeremi- Ahh it burns


*Anjero hits Jeremi with the water to stop the burning.

You alright man!!

Jeremi- yea I'm ok, just worry about the mission.

Alright Mashù I'm going to get you close. Can you hit him?

Mashù- yea I can

Alright here.

*Mashù forms bubbles around Mashù's fist

Mashù- What are these?

Let's just call them power ups..

Mashù- Ok so I keep punching him righ…

*The machine Chamber keeping the 2 awoken shattered.

Jeremi- I did my job Anjero, finish the mission

*Jeremi Faints

Bradoon- Why you little…

Mashù- you're not hurting anyone else!!!

Bradoon- When did you get over here?

*Mashù starts pummeling Bradoon

Mashù- You're done Tenki!!!

*Tenki stops Mashù's attacks

Bradoon- you're doing nothing but pissing me off!!!

*Tenki throws Mashù in the air and points at him


*An explosion occurs
