Chapter 47:


Cafe Eris

YAYYYYY! It’s my favorite-est time of the year!!! when the grownups (my mommy and daddy) talk to my sensei’s at my training academy about how amazing and awesome Maruto Kuzumaki is! i hope bakashi sensei tells everyone how impressed he is by me and my super awesome shadow master skills. my parents tell me i cant call him that and aparently his “real” name is “mr. bora” but bora is booooring!!!! his real name is bakashi sensei, first name bakashi, last name sensei.

i’m so excited. espeshully this year because my friends all have meetings with bakashis sensei almost the same time as me so we get to go all together woohooooo!

i call this mission, “capture the heart of lutberat castle” and it’s gonna be sososososo much fun! i just know it.

the past month’s also been so much fun!

i got so many coins and gems for finishing a bunch of b rank missions one time i got to dress up painted yellow and yellow is my favourite colour so it was extra fun! i got to run around and scream BANANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and no one even told me to be quiet! well one guy did but mr. Santa said not to listen to him. that mission was awesome. but my favourite mission was when i formed an alliance with kakura’s mom and ms ana and mr rahim to convince santa to put ramen on dungeon eris’ menu, it was so AWESOMEEEE! and now me and everyone else can have frog bread AND ramen in one place.

im a true hero! that’s even what my mom and dad said when they found out, so it has to be true

mr. rahim the cool big bro even helped make it yummy with his cooking jutsu so mr. santa would say yes! i love the cafe so much, it feels like i have a family of a bajillion people there :D

okok but back to very important mission “capture the heart of Lutberat castle”. todays players are, DRUMROLL PLEAAAAASE…………………………………. my mom and dad!!!!! AND dunadee!!!!! woohooo the crowd goes wilddddd!!!

but also my team is here with me. my bestest friends, MASUKE and kakura!!!!! the crowd goes wild again!!!!

but also my teams family are also here as backup!!1 the crown goes wild AGAINNNN! AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

mine and kakuras parents were here today, but masuke’s parents couldnt make it to this episode! its all OKAY though because me and masuke are extra special because our big brother and sister are here too. MASUKE’S big bro’s name is atachi, he’s super duper extra nice. kakura doesnt have any big brothers or sisters, she’s lonely. but good news! she has us, her best friends, and no one is ever lonely when their friends are by their side! her mommy also made a special appearence in todays episode! we didn’t see her last year or the year before.

kakura’s dad on the other hand always makes an appearence and the crowd loves him, he’s almost as popular as me! can you believe it? almost as popular as the main character!

we all walked through the castle together, i held mommy’s hand just in case some monsters appear and i need to protect her. and guess what………………………………………...


“hey look, it’s our science teacher” kakura noticed him first.

my heart stopped.

borochimaru was so close to us. OH NO. he’s walking to attack us! AAAAAA WHAT SHOULD i do!!!!! i must protect my village1 my people! stay calm maruto. practice your breathing jutsu.

“good afternoon. you all must be mark, kulsum, and mishti’s families. here for the interview, correct?”

NONONO. my name is MARUTO.

M. A. R. U. T. O.

what did i expect from a science man, i knew he couldnt spell.

“Yes, we’d appreacite it if you could kindly direct us to Mr. Bora’s classroom. It’s down the hall I assume?” kakuras mom asked him.

NOOOOOO! WE’VE ENGAGEd WITH THE ENEMY1 i nudged kakura to save her, but i guess she doesnt care about her mommy because she IGNORED ME.

i had to stop him! but i was frozen with fear. he turned to MY parents now. oh no!

“Please feel free to drop by my class. I’d like to have a word with you about mark’s… development and... identity”

i clutched onto both my parents. i have no idea what those big words that he used mean, but i know theyre evil! thankfully borochimaru didnt have the guts to attack anyone in front of me since im so strong so we kept walking to bakashi sensei’s dojo.

when we got there we saw gal sensei, bakashi sensei’s bestest friend, talking to him. gal sensei left as soon as she saw us though. she even gave me a high five!

MASUKE and her brother were up first so the rest of us waited outside. kakuras dad brought us puzzles and paper and crayons and snacks too! hes always extra prepared for these missions

but then, suddenly, dunadee decided she would become this episodes villian. “We’re after Mishti’s meeting, we have a couple minutes.. maybe we should drop by Mr. Beyin’s class since he asked.”

WHAT IS SHE DOING!!!! i have to stop them!

“Yes we should do that, it seems important.”

NOOOO. i held on real tight to mommys leg, “you CANT!”

she smiled really kindly, “Dear it’s okay, you’re not in trouble. We’re just going to have a little chat with your science teacher, and then we’ll come back here to chat with Mr. Bora and then we’ll go home.”

“nooooooo you don’t understand!”

“okay how about if you be a good boy, we’ll go to the cafe after with your friends, if their parents are ok with it. You can get that frog bread.”

hmmmmm she made a good deal. “OKAY!”

she smiled and took my hand. i waved to kakura and her parents. but her parents were super distracted because they were having a duel, and it looked like her mom was winning!