Chapter 15:

Going down

The Sanctuary of Seven - Vol. 1

“Iwamoto, how about calming down and sitting down, talking calmly,” my mother tries to say.

My back is arched and my hands are tense, my whole body being on high alert. I look at my mother, feeling my eyes go out of their sockets, then my gaze fixes on Tsutsui, analyzing her every movement and expression. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy, and I feed on their fear.

I feel all the fear and despair running through their veins, my blood flowing too. My body falls hard on the floor, almost hitting my knees. I don't feel pain, I don't feel fear, I don't feel anything but a very great thirst that only their horror can alleviate.

I am very tired. The eyelids fall harder and harder over the eyes, and breathing becomes slower and slower. I'm not sleepy, but I'm exhausted. Without anyone by my side, I begin to feel the presence of a person embracing me. It is a very strange feeling, especially given that this hug seems very familiar to me. I have an unspeakable longing that breaks my soul to pieces and makes me realize how lonely I feel. A part of me is missing and no matter how much I want to find it, I don't even have the strength to breathe. I feel like I'm dying.

Iwamoto... I hear Nagamine's voice without harm, I see his presence in some way.

I get up with clenched fists, feeling like I'm turning him into a beast. I shake my head and take a few steps back. My whole body is shaking uncontrollably. I feel how too much resonant power flourishes in every corner of my existence and I am aware that I am going to do something I should not do, all without my will.

-Bring someone who works here! Tsutsui's mother shouted at her husband.

Without thinking twice, the man makes a drastic turn towards the door and when he opens it, I stretch out my hands and with a jerk of them, I close the door with a slam. Everyone returns to me with a broken face from the shock.

-Help! cried the mother of my soul mate in the greatest exasperation.

My breathing begins to make sounds as if I were breathing through my gills. I laugh hysterically, letting his arms fall to my body, steam coming out of my skin from all over. Even when I thought that my life could not be more complicated than that, I was chosen a soul mate who is the secret lover of my best friend. I feel like I'm really going crazy, having a manic crisis.

I extend a hand to Tsutsui's mother, being at considerable distances. I close one eye and position my palm in front of and around her neck, visualizing how I squeeze her neck. My mind rushes to Nagamine, who has committed suicide by hanging himself with a rope. How much injustice has been done to Nagamine. I suddenly stop laughing and look at her with sad eyes. She loads me with fear.

I start clenching my fingers lightly in a fist and before I squeeze it all the way I start laughing hysterically again. Then he clenched his fist suddenly and with a strange sound as if a bone had broken, Tsutsui's mother falls to the ground with her eyes closed, intuiting that she has lost consciousness.

Everyone is screaming. Mom and Dad are so backwards that they stick to the wall. Tsutsui goes closer to his father.

I'm getting serious again. My thought runs to Kaba who inherits the same blood of a murderer that flows through my veins. He's just a child, and when I think about how cruel someone should be to catch a child alone in a cell, leaving him there until he loses his mind, my hand moves slightly to Tsutsui's father. I lower her to his feet and start squeezing.

-No, no, no, no, no, please, no! Tsutsui's father tells me, leaning back and clinging to the wall.

I grin and clench my fist suddenly, the father of my soul mate screaming and falling to the floor in pain. The hysterical laughter comes back to me again and no matter how much I want to stop laughing, I can't. I don't want to stop what's happening now. I like. I feel so strong. Nobody dares to tell me anything.

The door moves violently, someone outside wanting to enter the room. I move my hand to Tsutsui and lift the other and straighten the door, clenching my fist hard to keep the door closed.

“Oh, Tsutsui,” I say in a much thicker voice than usual.

I clench my fist, but Tsutsui doesn't fall directly to the floor. He bends over, then throws himself on his knees, squeezing his chest with his hands. He curled up on the floor, screaming and moaning in pain, then suddenly calmed down, his hands falling softly from his heart.

“What I would have liked you to be my real parents, at least you would have been with me,” I say, turning suddenly to them and taking a few slow but pressed steps. “You would have supported me and helped me, I say laughing with a sadness that eats me inside. But you're just two strangers.”

I approach them. I snap my fingers in front of my father, and he suddenly falls to the floor as if I had hypnotized him and he had fallen into a deep sleep. I stand in front of my mother and look at her for a few moments, hearing how the door is still forced. I keep it moving so it doesn't open.

-Your children will forever be Iwamoto Akiko and Kaba Akiko, two wizards. These are your children, I say through gritted teeth with the greatest disgust I can have in tune.

I snap my fingers and my mother falls to the ground. I look at the door and realize that I can do nothing but hold it tight, looking at all the bodies that seem asleep or lifeless. I'm not calming down yet. I look at the wall, figuring out where I would go if I broke the wall.

I reach for a wall, my palm perfectly straight and I push lightly, the wall shaking. I clench my fist, but again the wall just shakes like an earthquake. I push my fist forward, but nothing breaks. I approach the wall, I gain momentum, I let go of the hand that held the door to fall next to my body and I start running towards the wall with my highest speed. My fist violently touches the wall and it cracks, the whole institution shaking from the base.

I analyze for a few moments the hole I made, each piece of the wall falling next to me. When the institution stops shaking, I walk through the hole, hearing the door open, creating a lot of commotion. I grin and walk out into a hallway. Without stopping I go to the next wall and do the same.

The institution is shaking and I am waiting for the hole to be quiet. I step again and end up in a room full of documents thrown on the floor with the lockers on which they were placed. I step on them as if I were going up the mountain and going to the next wall. I run and punch, then finally get out.

I walk home with small steps.

"I think it's time to run," Nagamine says in an amused tone.

“Do you realize what I just did?” I ask, laughing.

“I couldn't see anything, but I'm sure you went wild. I watched the whole institution shake.”

“To Tsutsui's mother - who guesses what, it's my soulmate - I immobilized her and I think I killed her. I strangled her.”

“Did you do what?” Nagamine asks in shock.

“I crushed his father's knees. I think I only caused Tsutsui a heart attack. And I sent mine to sleep,” I continued, laughing as hysterically as before.

“Iwamoto, are you crazy?!”


“Iwamoto, you killed innocent people!”


“IWAMOTO! Those people didn't do you any harm!”

I stop walking and turn angrily to Nagamine, touching him with my finger on my chest. Nagamine's eyes widen and he opens his mouth to say something, but I push him with my finger and stop him.

“What about your death? Closing Kaba? Mrs. Tomiko's closing? Who is to blame for this?”

“Iwamoto... you’re touching me...”

“Yes, Nagamine, I see that too. Who pays for these things? Who pays for laughing at your death?”

“Iwamoto ... let's run. Now!”

I look back in the direction Nagamine looked. I take his hand and we start running in the opposite direction, towards my house.

“Iwamoto, you have a lot of strength now that you managed to touch me.”

I turn right at a bend that I knew leads faster to the house and with a short and quick fist movement, I knock down the trees around us, blocking the road. That would give us more time. Nagamine stops and looks shocked. I take his hand again and we run straight to the house.

“Iwamoto, I think you need to stop for a moment.”

“No. They'll catch me, Nagamine. We need to get home.”

We'll be home soon. I open the door with my hand without touching the doorknob. I let go of Nagamine's hand and run straight to my room. I open the closet from the backpack I received from Mrs. Tomiko, grab the small metal box I know contains the pill my guitar teacher gave me, and sit on the bed, waiting for the special troops. to take me upstairs.

“What are you doing with that?” Nagamine asks me, coming lightly to the doorframe.

“Didn't you say that Heaven is waiting for me?”

Nagamine laughs, realizing that even though things have gone crazy, this is the best decision I can make. Things had to be handled differently, but I can't say I'm complaining in the true sense of the word.

“Do you think I'll see Kaba soon?”

"I think you'll get to see Mrs. Tomiko sooner," he says gravely.

I hear a lot of agitation outside and when I get up and go to the window, I notice how many people, dressed in the clothes of the secret troops, arrive in front of my door with many weapons.

“Whatever you do when you arrive, raise your hands and surrender. Otherwise, I can shoot you right away.”

The first man is already entering the house. I hear him. What do my neighbors hear below me? I think, laughing lightly. I take the pill and stand in front of the door in the middle of the room. I raise my hands and wait. I swallow the pill and feel no difference. I probably have to wait. The first cop enters my room. He raised his weapon at me and shouted:

“Iwamoto Akemi, surrender.”

I nod and don't move, waiting for him to pick me up. My muscles are still starting to relax.

“I surrender! But know that my name is Iwamoto Akiko.”
