Chapter 24:

Eagle Ancestor

Spirit Guardians

Kamira- Anjero!!! Romaji throw me a grapple!!!

Romaji- Here!!!

Kamira- Aaahhhhh!!!!! HULKEN STOMP!!!

*Kamira runs down the mountain making craters on the side of it.

Kamira- Anjero I got you!!

Thanks Kamira...wait what are those?

Romaji- those are gust mites you woke them up when you made those craters in the mountain!!!

Kamira- Dude those are gross!!

I got them. Kamira just focus on getting us back up there. Vapor Bullets.

*Anjero missed and the dust mites continued their pursuit on them.

Shit they missed this wind is too much! Ok I'll try this then!!

*Anjero angles his arms to the left .

Vapor Bullets.

*the bullets curve and hit the dust mites.

Romaji- Nice Anjero now come on up. I guess you're pretty smart. I'm surprised at my MC Rival.

Huh… let's just get this done and go back home already.

*the 3 get to the top of the mountain.

All 3 paintings.

Romaji- huh…finally at the top.

*Romajis necklace starts glowing a grey color.

Romaji- we're here.

*A person with an eagle mask appears before all of them.

Kamira- Woah weird

Eagle Ancestor- show your proof of the animal spirit.

Romaji- Here is my Necklace.

Eagle Ancestor- ahh so you're here finally your trial starts now!!

Romaji- what do I have to do?

Eagle ancestor- come with me. The other 2 stay here.

Kamira- wait I have to see thi…

*Ancient guards block the way

Kamira- hold on, partner , what do you think you're doing? That's my friend there.

Romaji- Kamira it's ok.

Kamira- ok come back successful.

Romaji- gotcha.
