Chapter 39:

Matches have to be rigged

Spirit Guardians

Mari- Geez that was way harder than it should've been….oh yea, Anjero I figured out what that poison was.

What was it?

Mari- it's a spirit energy infused poison made for paralyzing people while rotting the skin of its victims.

So you're saying it was someone with a poison spirit that shot at Shinkei and I?

Mari- Maybe so but it also could have been a poisonous animal some animals now have some spirit energy in them nowadays; but be on the lookout.

Will do! Mrs. Mari take care of Yoku please.

Mari- Of course

Romaji, Mashù let's get back to the stadium.

Mashù- Sure

Romaji- Don't boss me around bum boy.

*back at the Stadium

Announcers- Wow!!! Down goes Sans. The winner is Aoi!!!

Shinkei- Anjero you're ok!!

Yea, I'm cool what all happened?

Kamira- Dude you won't believe this. That girl who just won has the same powers as your mom.

Huh?? Is that even possible?

Shinkei- but get this it's blue instead.

Anjero- but Mom's is yellow. It's not possible.

Kamira- Technically since it's not a part of the Original 7 it can make different Variations of that spirit.

Mashù- Oh yea we did learn that in class sometime ago. Honestly I just forgot.

Migan- you all ready for the next match!?S.E.I.D pick the next contestants please!!

Why is Ms. Sutarion doing this now?

Kamira- Aado wanted to sit up there with all the other School Commander's

Romaji- seems to me that she's enjoying this now.

S.E.I.D- The next match will be Anjero Sutanrì from Spirit South vs Devanga Matin from Spirit North.

Ok now!! These picks are so rigged!

Migan- can both contestants step in please.

Rafaeru- sorry I have to un-tie him first.
