Chapter 2:

The first step to change


After a few hours in the forest thinking about what Gaia said about Lamina I finally came out of the forest with my bow and arrows made of wood. Then I saw Lamina standing by the cart and she looked worried.

She saw me and shouted "Master...." then she ran towards me.

I must have kept her waiting too long.

"Master, are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"I'm fine" then I gave her a the bow and arrows "here" If what Gaia say is true she will becomes my savior then she will be a strong companion for this journey and I can use her to take a revenge on humans. Humans do not deserve to be saved, they will return to be slavery or perish.

When I wanted to give the bow she suddenly stop and look confuse "B-but master I don't want to hurt anyone" she still in doubt to take it.

I stand as tall as her with my knee and try to convince her "Listen, Lamina. Touching a weapon doesn't mean you want to hurt them, Sometimes you use it to protect yourself or people who are important to you. Understand?" She still doubt but nodded slightly then took the bow and arrow even though she still didn't want to touch it "Now let's go. We continue our journey"

The journey to the next town which is still very far away but I decided to stop if I saw weak monsters and then train Lamina how to fight against them, first I admit she is still very insist not to hurt them and she put her bow down. I just sigh and I think it's better to teach her slowly.

We keep doing that if I see a slime monster while traveling or resting, and she still hasn't shown the slightest improvement from the training and I starting to doubt that this kid would be my savior, she still doubtful, timid, always apologizing, she even still scare to hold that bow after a phew days.

But every night she does her job well, she's always looking for firewood, unloading some stuff and she's great at cooking, that's why I'm still considering her all this time…………. Or is something else.

And finally, I've been training her for a week without success, totally a wasting my time and my supplies.

And the next day is come.

Today is quite sunny and not cloudy and i see lamina is quite enjoying the day i think we should take a little break again because the town is nearly close, so I decide to stop when i see a grassy hill with a river flowing near it. This place is pretty good to rest and continue Lamina’s training. I know I know I've trained her and the results might be are still the same but I still want to give it a try and this time I'm using various methods.

"We rest here" I suggested "Lamina, take your bow and then untie the horse's from the cart"

"Yes master" after Lamina separated the horse from the cart the horse licked her cheek and then started running around the hill after roaring. I always let him like that he's a smart horse after all. If I want to call him I just have to whistle.

Then I'm looking for a small monster with a low level so Lamina can defeat it easily. With the interface in my eyes, I can clearly see the monsters around here. Maybe is time I called an instinct. I think.

Then I saw a bunch of slimes again, same as before. I wonder why there is so much a monster like them.

"Let’s try it again this time and I don’t want to hear any excuse"

"b-but master. I'm not sure I can do it" she said nervously.

"They are just monsters, Lamina. Close your heart to them. If you still think like that you will end up being their food or even worse, dead." I convince her again and this time I use everything just to convince her. “You want to see human getting hurt because of them?” even a lie.

Lamina shock and then look on her feet wich still not use shoes “N-no I don’t”

"Then do what as I say. Now steady your bow and arrow, this time I’ll be by your side"

"Y-yes master" Then she tried to put the wooden arrow on the bow and pulled the string, she aimed at the slime but her hand still shaking so I helped her to hold the bow. Then I hear she mumbling something, but maybe it just my imagine thing.

"Listen to me, Lamina. I know it's very difficult for you at first, but you'll get used to it. They're just monsters who always get humans in trouble. So you're here to learn how to save them. Do you understand?"

She nodded and replied "Yes master"

Then she took a breath and then let it out, she tried to pull the string by herself and then release, the arrow shot straight into the slime and made it pop up and disappear.

I say, not bad for the first try and finally she can do it.

Lamina looks at me with sparkling eyes and clenching her hand "I did it, Master!"

I nodded "You did well. Now, let's try again"

Then we continue until sunset, i look like Lamina getting exhausted and I decided to stop training for today. And I really forgot we just rest for a bit was. Hahhhhh.

Lamina had getting used to her bow and arrows and didn't hesitate to kill the slimes again, but she always mumbled apologies when she about to kill them. Lamina is really have a pure heart and I hope it won't be her weakness someday.

I look at lamina's level on my interface is starting to increase but it's still not enough to go to the next level, is different from me when I first arrived in this world, cause i just look for an opponent who was stronger than me in order to get a large enough exp, of course is so very difficult. Maybe I'll let lamina try to against an enemy slightly stronger than her but for now I’ll just let her be.

Then we set up camp near the foot of the hill, and as usual Lamina do all the job, she keep insist to do all and tell me to sit down and relax.

While waiting for the food to finish I made simple stone dagger while lamina was playing with the horses, I'm making an ordinary dagger made of wood and stone that I tie together, I want her to practice close combat too.

I look at the two of them and I felt like they were getting along more and more. Maybe the horse try made up with lamina for what he did at the farm back then.

Well, that’s good, then.

After this week Lamina has opened up to me more and more, she is not as scared as the first time I met her, she wore smiles and laughs a lot when she playing with the horse but she always finish her job first and then playing, she is more enthusiastic and willing to listen to what I have to say. I'm glad for that. At least I didn't hear her yelling apologies and avoiding me because it was really annoying.

I also taught her some manners besides fighting. I taught her how to eat and drink properly way, she had decency and a sense of obedience to the rules.

After finishing with the dagger I called her "Lamina, come here for a minute"

"Yes, Master" She shout and then run toward me with the horse beside her.

"This is for you" I gave the dagger "I want to give you mine but I think it’s still too hard for you. So i just give this just for practice, when we get to the next town maybe I'll buy a new one" she took it and looked at me with sparkling eyes again.

"T-Thank you master" she looks very happy.

I see Lamina's clothes are worn out and can't be used anymore, she doesn't use shoes either, maybe I will buy her new clothes once we got there.

I look at Lamina seem to talk with the horse about me give her a dagger "You two are pretty close, maybe we should name the horse too" I suggested.

"Tempest" Lamina said.


"He says his name is Tempest"

I raised both my eyebrows in surprise. "ho-how did you know that?.. Wait.... you can understand what the horse said all this time?" She nodded "how did you do that?"

"hmm….” She touch her chin and then explain “Maybe an Elves can talk to other living creatures and the nature around through mind, Master" she explain. She doesn’t really remember it too huh?

Oh!... maybe that was the reason why she keep muttering apologize and didn't want to hurt other thing.

"What a great skill do you have, lamina"

“D-do you think so, master?. I mean you don’t think this is weird?” she speaking awkward

“No. with the skill like that is gonna make our journey so easy” I smile as I speak

She flinched and blushed. “T-thank you, Master”

The horse nudged lamina and it seemed like they were talking, then lamina looked at me and started talking. "Master, he said he wanted you to say his name" I tilted my head "Who?. Tempest?" after saying his name, the horse roared in pain and the same mark appeared on its front shoulder. I saw his name appear on my interface, meaning we just formed a party. What a strange and painful party maker. Tempest seemed to have party with someone before meeting us, from his level 15, I guess they fought together and something happened that made them separate.In my interface, Tempest has two elements, lightning and wind, and I have elements fire and earth, and Lamina..... I still can’t see her status after make a party and I can only read her level for now.

While I think, the horses seem to be bow before me and Lamina speak for him.

"Tempest said that he will always follow youwherever you go and will sacrifice his life to protect us and....." Lamina looked at Tempest as she speak and then me with a gently smile then bowed "I will always follow you too, master” I flinch with my one eye is narrowing and is twitch "O-oh...hmm okay, thanks. I guess?" I'm not comfortable with this and I'm confused how to respond to them, I mean this is the first time for me. “Ah!.... Looks like the food is cooked. Let's eat” I quickly changed the topic, I really can't stand this kind of atmosphere. The next day I made Lamina fight with a slime that was a little stronger than before but the result was not as expected, she lost her balance when the slimes approached her in crowds and ended up injuring herself and getting bathed in the slime's spit. She tried to talk to them but it seems the slimes don't understand that they don't really have a mind.Lamina has done this five times in a row and still no progress. I just sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Lamina, let's stop for a while" then I went back to the cart to get the medicine. I let Tempest watch her while I was gone.

Lamina who saw me leaving could only look down, she felt sad because she couldn't give the result I expected.


Tempest approached Lamina and nudged her "What's wrong little lady?, you look down" Tempest asked through Lamina’s mind and sat down next to her.

"I think I might disappoint master"

"Why do you think like that?"

"I'm sure Master doesn't want to take me on his journey again after this" Then Lamina's tears flowed.

Tempest licked Lamina's tears as he spoke in thought "There's no way our master would do that to you. He just saved you from that guy, right?"

"I-I know, but..."

"Believe in me, master will not leave us because I felt something in master that made me want to follow him…….Just like my old master"

Tempest managed to calm Lamina's heart and made her smile again.

Lamina hugged Tempest and said "Thank you Tempest. You are my best friend I ever have"

"You too little lady" Tempest saw his master coming then immediately stood up while lifting the Lamina with his head "Master came to treat you. I left you two alone” Then Tempest went running around the hill and left they both.


When I approached Lamina, her face was sad again "What's wrong with you?. I just saw you were smiling before" Lamina just kept silent "Let me see your hand" Lamina gives her hand and I start to clean the wound with clean water and treat it then I heard Lamina sobbing and I saw her tears flowed. I started to panic a little maybe I touched the wound too hard "Did I make your wound hurt?"

"......" she shook her head.


"Are you going to throw me away, master?" Lamina spoke in a hushed voice.

I was shocked to hear it, why suddenly she asking to me like that "Why did you say that all of a sudden?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Because I-I can't be what you want me to be. I always try but didn’t show anything"

Maybe it's about the practice just now, I might have made Lamina like this without me realizing "Is this about you always failing in practice?" she finally nodded. I just sighed and touched her shoulder with my both hand "I won't throw you away just because you failed the training. Even if you can't fight to help us you still come on this journey. You always do your job good that’s why I want to take you with us" Lamina finally look at me "Listen Lamina. Once I got what I was looking for I promise I'll take you back to where you came from" After that Lamina started cried loudly and hugged me all of suddenly, I try to let go of her hand gently but seeing her cry like this I better let her be for a while.After Lamina calmed down, I immediately cleaned the wound and then treated it again then Lamina started talking "Master. Why are you still defending me in that tavern when you already know I'm an elf?" I look at her as i raised my eyebrows then I look at her hand and speak "is that really matter now?"Lamina shook her head "No master, it's not like that. Don't you also hate me because the elf race enslaves humans?” "No” i shook my head “It's true that elves enslave humans but doesn't mean you did it. Besides...." after treating the wound I stood up "Humans become slaves because they are weak and can't do anything about it, I hate them about that. They are weak who act like strong people when they meet someone who’s are weaker than them and if anyone is stronger than them, they just walk away" Then I looked at Lamina seriously "Listen, Lamina. In this world the strong will control everything, and if you are weak you won't be able to protect someone or change anything in your life. That's what I believe in" I give her my hand “Now let’s go back to the cart and leave, Lamina. I don't force you if really don't wanna do it” Lamina was silent for a while and didn't take my hand "what's wrong?" Then she look at me and said "Master, I want to try it again" she said it in confidently as I see her gaze changed, I don't feel any fear in it like the first time we met. Then she continue "Master, I want to be strong too. I want to protect you, Master, Tempest and other people" she insisted.

Lamina…..she's starting to change a bit, she's no longer the child who hiding under her hood.

"Hmp….You've changed, kid. Okay, just be careful!" I just smile and wish she doesn't get hurt again.“I will, Master” Lamina smiled then took her bow and went back to the hill.

Three slimes noticed Lamina's presence and started approaching her in groups. Lamina was shocked and again trembled in fear but my words just now stung her mind and brought her spirits back.

The slimes came with a jump and were slow so they could give Lamina time to concentrate on her arrows. They are a little bigger than before, maybe the level affects the body as well.

She shot her arrow at the slime in front of her but it wasn't strong enough to kill it. Lamina back away and prepare her arrow again, she took a breath and concentrated then shot the slime when it got close enough to increase the arrow speed attack and finally killed one slime.

Two more is very close to her and spitting some slime from their bodies, Lamina jumped aside to dodge the attack and cut her elbow but she didn't care anymore, she had already decided to become strong for her Master and help others. Then she took out a dagger made of stone then attacked one slime several times and finally crushed it and the other slimes ran to avoid her, but Lamia didn't just let it go, She draw her bow and arrows and narrow her eye to concentrated. After taking a deep breath she released the arrow and finally kill the last slime.

I saw Lamina's level rise to Level two on the interface. That kid is really doing well.I just remember why I promised her like that all of a sudden. Those words came out without my will just like at that farm, I save her and bring her all the way here.Lamina fell down on her knees. I widened my eyes because I still didn't expect that kid to finally do it, hard to believe all this time and that because she didn’t want me to throw her away. But the fun didn't last long as several slimes appeared jumping from the ground around her.

Lamina stand up and braced herself with her dagger, she was ready to fight them all but the slime passed and ignore Lamina and gathered then fused into one large slime creature.

Lamina slowly backed away as the slime getting bigger and she try to shot a few arrows but the big slime absorbed all of them. The grass around the slime is also absorbed into its body and makes it grow bigger.

"This is bad. That kid won't be able to handle that" I prepared my shield and pulled out my sword from its scabbard beside me, then rushed over to it but Lamina was far away and I don't think be able to save her in time. "Damn!"

Lamina fell and backed away slowly in fear. "Someone, please help….. Master....Help me!"

The slime spit a large size of slime at Lamina but before hitting her, Tempest came quickly and caught Lamina with his head then threw the girl on his back.

"Woah!. What's wrong with the size of that creature?" Tempest spoke through Lamina's mind.

Lamina opened her eyes and joy came over her after seeing her friend "Tempest!"

"Are you all right little Lady?"

"I am alright"

"I will take you to master's place. You can't handle this"

Tempest brought Lamina to me and I was relieved to see that she was fine.

Lamina got off the horse and walked with a sad face towards me

"Master, I... I let you down again-" Lamina started sobbing but I just patted her head and passed her and went straight to Tempest's back.

"You did well, Lamina. Now let me handle the rest, watch and learn how I’m do it" The horse roared loudly and rushed with me on his back to the slime that was getting bigger.

As we approach that thing, it threw some slime at us but Tempest dodge it very easily because his agility and speed is good more than his attack.That thing slime was like an acid and melted the ground. Luckily Tempest was able to save Lamina before being hit by the acid back then.

After successfully dodging the burst of slime and approaching it I jumped off the horse's back then used element earth skill from the shield called Break Down and hit my shield to the ground and made the ground around the giant slime collapse and trap it.

This monster has level ten and it call a boss type. Even after fused to this big is still nothing to me, I'll just end it with one strike.

Then I used the element fire skill of my sword called Flame Sword and started to burn the entire blade. One of the strongest skills I have right now, it should be enough to kill this monster at my current level. My skill finished and i immediately jumped on top of the slime's head, it shot me with acid but my sword managed to burn it then i went straight over its head and finally pierced the big slime to the ground and made it scatter while burn.

I whip my sword as I turn off the skill "hmph!. Too easy” I put the sword back in the scabbard then I saw Lamina's bow and dagger lying on the ground and covered in slime then I picked it up. This is weird, slime doesn't damage any of these but burns the grass and her arrow. Hmp…. It doesn’t matter anyway at least this still can use it again.

"Master!" Lamina called out from a distance and ran towards me. I went out of the hole that I made earlier and approached Lamina "Master, are you okay?"

"Yes. That monster still easy for me" I returned the bow and dagger to Lamina "Here, make sure you don't leave it again, understand?" Lamina accepts it in guilt.

"I'm sorry, Master" She head down as she speak.

"Don't apologize. Just remember that" Lamina nodded slightly, maybe I'm overreacting again. I pats her head again "don't look sad. It's not like you want to leave it, right?"

Lamina looked at me in surprise and I just smiled a little.


"Now let's go back to the cart"

Tempest was waiting for us beside the cart while lying down and woke up after hearing his little friend calling his name

"Tempest!" Lamina ran towards him and hugged his neck. I'll leave them alone and sit down to clean my slimy sword. "Thank you for saving me"

"You're welcome little lady. So what do you think about master?" Lamina removed her hand from Tempest then looked at me.

"Master, he...." Then Lamina looked back at Tempest seriously "Tempest!, I want to protect Master and fight alongside him too. I want to give my life just for him. Will you help me?"

"Of course I will, little lady"

Lamina hugged him again and said "Thank you"

After resting for a while we continue our training but this time I made her fight against me with the dagger, since the slime monsters no longer exist in this area. Lamina is getting used to wielding a weapon and doesn't hesitate anymore, I teach her how to close combat that I learned when I was in school because I want her to be able to protect herself from someone like that ugly fat bastard.I know it sounds weird and why I didn't use it when I was beaten by those bandits but, ever since I entered this body It felt like all my muscle memory of fighting came back again, this body seemed can do anything or is just from the game character system, well I don’t know, at least its help me a lot until now.

I train her until the sun goes down and I've tossed her ten times now and she hasn't touched me at all, maybe because her physical body still weak and very thin body makes it a bit difficult to push me but she keep insist to keep the training even there is a lot scar on her.

“We’re stop for today”

“Yes, Master” she’s replied while taking a breath, she was very tired because I training her quite hard, but it was all for her good. Her body was covered a dust, sweat and wounds because I threw her. I'll admit, I'm impressed to see her more excited now and keep trying even though is too hard.

I left her who sitting on the grass to take some more medicine, maybe I was little bit too much by throwing her.


Lamina lay back on the grass and then Tempest came and licked her face. Lamina laughed because it tickled her too much.

"Tempest.... stop it, it's ticklish" Then Lamina sit again.

"You did well, little lady" Tempest spoke through Lamina's mind then sitting next to Lamina. He look at Lamina who look at her master from a distance “Master really care about you. And looks like you do care about him too. I’m glad”

"He..... he is very kind to me, even though I'm just a slave.... He even promised to take me back to where I live" Lamina clenched her hand on her chest.

“He do?”

Lamina nodded and then look at Tempest “And because of that I promise I’ll be become strong and protect master”

“Hmp…. You will, little lady”


Then the next day we continued our journey at sunrise to the next town, it should be close by now.

I'm at the cart looking at all the remaining supplies and there should be plenty if we don't stay out. And my money is short due to buying a lot of supplies, I should have taken my gold back from that ugly fat guy.

“Master, I see the town in front of us” Lamina pointed out then she put on her hood again.

We finally arrived in second town, after parking the cart Lamina and I started to walk around, hoping that there wouldn't be any more problems like in the previous town this time.

Lamina walked behind me and unlike before who was always silent and looked down, now she was more active, but she still hiding under her hood. Yeah is better to keep it that way.

I guess the first thing I should do is buy her new clothes and footwear.

"Let's buy new clothes for you"

"Are you sure Master? I have no problem dressing like this"

I'm not so sure, those clothes seem have been around for hundreds of years for sure.

"Just come with me, okay?"

After walking around the city for quite a while I saw a clothing store and decided to stop by.

There still no one to greet us while inside and I decided to have a look. The clothes here look expensive, I'm not sure if I should buy them here but seeing Lamina's eyes sparkling at the beautiful clothes here I want to buy them.

What's wrong with me?

"Do you want to buy or just want to have a look?"

"What the hell?” I suddenly hear a woman voice on our back and immediately look back “Where did you come from?" I ask in shock. Lamina’s immediately hide behind me.

"I've been here all day, you two are not notice" the woman was on the stairs raising some clothes to hang, then she come down and narrow at me. "I'll ask again, do you want to buy or just want to have a look?"

That's not a good way to serve customers.


Then her piercing gaze turned to kind and happy then clap her hand as she speak "Amazing"

What a strange woman with a charming appearance.

I just sigh and ask "Is there any clothes for this little girl? Anything that doesn't hold her movement while fighting?" I looked at Lamina then turned to look at the woman again, but she disappeared "the hell?"

I looked around for the woman and then I heard Lamina screaming all of sudden. "AHHH!" the woman suddenly appeared next to Lamina and was measuring her waist. I immediately pulled Lamina away from this weirdo and tried to protect her. Something off about this woman I should keep an eye on her.

The woman just sighed and stood up again while looking at me "Look, I have to measure her so I know what clothes are suitable for-"

Before finishing her words I immediately took out my sword from its scabbard and pointed my blade at this strange woman's neck “You’re not a human, are you Woman!?”

The woman rolling her eyes "Really. At my store?"

I can't see this person's status clearly, just like Lamina "Who are you!?. You're definitely not an ordinary human right?"

"Like that girl is also human to you?" she pointed at Lamina.

I flinched when this woman found out that Lamina wasn't human. I raised my eyebrow and asked "Wha-How did you-"

"Ah!" Lamina screamed again and I was even more surprised to see the woman suddenly next to her and sizing up Lamina again.

"You really care about this child" I pointed my sword again at her "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person………. yet" after finishing measuring, this woman stood up "My name is Phersi and I'm a Witch. I knew you two would come here, Naruk the cold-blooded slayer"

I rise one my eyebrow "Wait... you know me?"

"Hello... I'm a witch, remember? Of course I can predict who will come to my shop, but you guys is special. I have been waiting for you"

Witch?. I remember in this game there is a race of mages but I don't know if they can mingle with humans. Maybe this world and the game I'm playing aren't completely the same after all.

I put the sword back in the scabbard as i speaking "So you didn't hate her when you found out she was an elf?"

"No, their race enslaves humans, not Witches. Why do I should hate them, in fact your race keep blaming the witch"

Of course, Witch and humans have bad stories too.

“You know about their story too, no wonder"

After sizing up the woman walked to the back door and suddenly walked past me with some clothes. The woman put the clothes she was carrying on the table "here it is, I made the right one for her"

I'm not surprised anymore by what she's doing now.

Lamina walked over to the table and looked at the clothes, her eyes sparkling when she saw that and then at me. "Master, can I really have this?" Lamina asked nervously and I just nodded in response, Then Lamina smiled.

Suddenly the woman clapped very loudly and surprised us "Okay, now it's women's turn, boys have to wait outside"

"What?.. you think I will leave her with a stranger?" I snapped at her.

"It's okay as long as you are strong enough to see all the marks on her body, is fine" she just waved at me and led Lamina with those clothes.

This woman really knows everything about us and I don't know how to respond anymore.

I looked at Lamina who was blushing then she avoided my gaze and made me gasp "Tch!, Fine. I'm out, but if anything happens to her I'll take your head"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" She waved me away

Then I walked out of the shop. She really pissed me off with her behavior.

After waiting for quite a while the door opened and the woman called out to me. When i went inside i saw Lamina with a hooded vest and old style shorts, her long hair was tied up and i could see her face very clearly.

"W-what do you think Master? Is this weird?" Lamina said shyly and blushed.

I just smiled and gave my opinion "It suits you" Then Lamina smiled widely.

"T-thank you Master" she said happily with wide smile.

I say, this woman did a great job.

The woman just smiled at us.

"How much should I pay you?" I asked while taking out my gold bag. I hope she doesn't raise the price.

But instead of raising the price, she just said "No need"

"What?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I want you to pay me with something else"

I narrow my eye. I knew it, I can't trust this woman.

"What do you want?" I asked in hostile.

"There's an ingredient I want you to take it for me. There is a mountain not far from here and It's in a cave not. Meet me there"

"What if I refuse?"

The woman approached me and spoke in a whisper "Listen, I put a poison spell on the girl's clothes, if you refuse or kill me the spell will broke and spread poison that can kill her instantly"

I was shocked and almost pulled out the sword from its scabbard again to cut off this woman's head, but hearing her words earlier make me think twist I'm sure she seriously poisoned Lamina.

I saw Lamina who was still in the mirror seeing her new look and I think she didn’t hear our conversation. I can't let her know about this.

"Okay. I'll do it"

Then she clapped her hands very hard and surprised Lamina and say "Amazing!"

I grit my teeth "Tch...Let's go Lamina, we have something to do" I left the shop in anger.

Lamina waved to the woman and the woman waved back "See you later Miss Phersi and thank you"

"See you again sweetie" she smile while waved.

I guess we'll be staying in this town for a while because of the women. Damn, I wasted a lot of time.

I looked at Lamina's clothes with my instinct and it looks like it's just an ordinary dress, but I can't lower my guard it could be that she's serious about the poison.

"Ma-master?. W-why are you looking at me like that?" Lamina covered herself with her hands and blushed "I knew this dress didn't suit me"

"What?" It took me quite a while to realize what he meant then took me by surprise a little "N-no no. That outfit suits you" I pinched the bridge of my nose "I-I was just thinking about something else, don't mind me"

Lamina gasped and blushed even more, she covered her face with her hood and answered in whisper "Y-yes.... Master"

After buying new clothes for Lamina we went to the blacksmith shop, as I promised her to buy a new dagger.

Lamina gulped when we entered the shop, she was still afraid of sharp objects cause we always use stone dagger. I tried to convince her again to take the weapon as protection, she listened and started to look around even though she still shaking.

I looked around the shop and I found a suitable dagger for Lamina, a medium size with two blades.

"Lamina....." Lamina looked at me as I call and approached me. I gave the dagger to her "This is for you as I promised" Lamina accepted it but still doubt "you don't like it?"

"N-not like that….” she stop “…..It's just I like the ones that you made, master"

"It's just a simple dagger made of stone. It won't be able to fight monsters or protect you, slimes can but not others" I explained to her.

"B-but the dagger was a gift from you" she was gloomy again but her eye like a puppy.

I just sighed "Fine, you can keep it, just think of it as an amulet" then her face turns to happy again and smiled "you're really sentimental about stuff, do you?"

She shook her head "No, because you the one who made it just for me, Master" she give gently smiled and I smiled back as replies. After buying her the daggers then we stopped to eat at the tavern for a while. As usual I ordered beef steak and beer and for Lamina I bought her a kid's meal. Lamina sit on the bench without me say it to her again and she started eating using her spoon properly, I smiled because of that.

"There are things we must take care of before continuing our journey" I say while chewing, my bad habit.

“Things?” She asked after swallow her food.

I nodded and swallow my food and then speak “The witch ask us for help”

Lamina's eyes immediately lit up "Are we going to see Miss Phersi again?" she asked enthusiastically.

"Why are you so excited to see that woman again?"

"Miss Phersi is very kind, she even-" Lamina was very happy to tell about the woman and somehow I started to dislike it, then I cut her off by hitting the table quite loud and startled har as soon as I snapped at her.

"Don't trust strangers, Got it!"

Lamina was shock and then lowered her head "yes...... Master, I'm really sorry"

It took me a quiet long to realize that I suddenly snapped at her and I regret seeing her become sad.

"Sorry, I yelled at you too much" Lamina looked at me "It's just that……it's too dangerous to believe in someone we just met who knows who you really are, I don't want to see them corner you again like before"

"Master..... I'm sorry, next time I'll be careful. I promise"

I just nodded in response "Hmp..... that's good then. Now hurry up and finish your food, we'll go see her"

"Yes, Master"
