Chapter 5:

The boy and the sun

5 min stories to keep you company

Each morning I would wake him up.

“Wake up now, sleepyhead. It’s morning”.

He would toss around and cover his face with the sheets. He had never been a morning person.

«Chirp, chirp»

“See? Even the birds are awake now”.


The boy growled and complained as he let out a big yawn.

His eyes still looked blurry.

He had caught my attention as he was always in bed.

“Shouldn’t a kid your age be running at the park?” - I thought. “It’s so pretty outside”.

Of course, there is no way the boy could hear me.


The boy stood up lazily, and stretched for a bit.

“Hnmmh” - He muffled his own yawn.

“Are you in summer vacation? Kids these days do nothing but being lazy on bed.” - I complained to myself.

To be honest, it has been a long time since kids had the habit of waking up early on their own.

“Sigh…” - The boy looked down and stared at his desk.

“Hm? I can’t see from here.” - I mumbled.

The boy grabbed a small bottle, and sat down back on his bed.

“Ugh…” - He complained while making a sour face.

Suddenly, he started making vomit gags.

Whatever was inside that bottle must had been ridiculously gross.

He then, breathed hard in one go and contained the air in his chest. He closed his eyes, and opened the bottle as quickly as he could.

«Shehhhh» - A few pills slided to his hand.

The boy opened his eyes slowly.

He looked lonely.


“Again? If you dislike eating it so much, you should stop, honey.” - I sighed. “There are way tastier foods out there”.

I can’t understand why would he eat something he hated so much.

“Maybe is it a trend now? Kids are weird.” - I sighed again.


The boy swallowed quite a few pills in one go.

Quickly, he grabbed a glass of water he had on his desk.




He slowly swallowed the pills down.

“Ugh…” - let out the boy while looked disgusted.

“Fancy some fruit, kid? That junk food sure tasted bad, huh?” - I said aloud.

The boy turned around and looked up to me as if he could hear me.


“Yaaaawwnn” - I streched and raised my hands up in the air. “It’s so late now” - I thought to myself.

“Well, then, I should probably do a few more rounds before I head to bed”. - I grumbled while yawning.

To be honest, I had a rough day.


Sigh, oh honey, if only you would know…

I thought on checking up on that boy once more before heading home.

The boy was, as usual, laying on his bed.

Honestly, the only thing he ever does is laying there. It must be boring as hell.

«Beep, beep, beep»

«Beep, beep, beep»

Suddenly, his alarm went off.

The boy, quietly looked up and stared at a small bottle on his desk.

“Again?” - I complained. “Is this one of these super-foods things I’ve been hearing so much about or what?”

Slowly, the boy sat down and let a small sigh.

He then, grabbed the bottle and closed his eyes.

“Ugh…” - He clenched his teeth while frowing his eyes.

He then, started with the vomit gags once again.

“I’m getting tired of this loop, boy”. “Come on, stop that silly addiction and go out sometime and play!” - I yelled out.

The boy opened the bottle and slided some pills over to his hand.

“…Eight”. - he mumbled, and proceded to count them up.

“…This is going nowhere”. - I let out a big sigh.

The boy then, simply swallowed those pills as fast as he could.

“Ugh….brughhhh” - the kid threw up.

“Sigh…Told you, sweetheart. Fruits are way better, honestly” - I turned back and walked away.

If he is not even listening to me, why should I even bother?

Kids these days sure are weird.
