Chapter 1:

Worm Chapter 1: Slime Worm


Before Reading

-The Diamond (♦) is just a convenient way of changing scenes or "after a few day/weeks/etc.".
-Since there are no "border" functions, I just spammed underscore (_) to create a border. I used a laptop so I don't know how it will show up in mobile phones. Please inform me if I should just change it to a few underscores to make it look better

A few things about this novel
-Since it's kind of slow, there will be two to three chapters per update.

-The events that happen in chapters that have different names(e.g "Worm Chapter 1"/ "Soldier Chapter 1") is not necessarily in chronological order.
-Please don't be confused by the chapter numbers. Each name and chapter is from the side of different characters. All characters are from the same world and their stories will connect as they meet eventually.

My bad grammar
I'm not a native English speaker, if you can point out grammatical errors(which is a lot), I'll appreciate it.

That's all, thank you for putting up with me! :)



Where does consciousness reside? Does it reside inside the brain or does it reside inside the soul?

Most, including myself, will answer that it resides inside the brain…

Though, because of what just happened, or should I say, what is happening now, my answer would be the soul.

A worm, a being that is considered by most as one of the lowest lifeforms.

Something that goes unnoticed. Some say that it’s not noticed even by God.

The worm itself doesn’t know of this and does not care about it.

…Of course, it is just a worm.

This particular worm can eat anything… Though, this worm is by no means frightening. It eats with the same rate as any other worms.

How much time does a worm need to eat a fruit? 1 hour? 1 day? 1 year? It doesn’t matter.

This particular worm ate a particular fruit.

The worm finishes the fruit without realizing it.

…And after finishing the entire fruit…


[Animal] has changed to [Monster]

Race Classification Options


A floating panel appeared in front of the worm. But how could a worm even understand and read this? It’s just a worm. How can the worm even see this? It’s just a worm.

Well… that fruit didn’t only show the worm this panel, it also gave the worm knowledge.

Where does this knowledge come from? And what knowledge did it acquire?

…I don’t know.

Worms have very small brains, so how am I able to think like this? How do I even know what worms are? Worms have no eyes. Even though I can see nothing, how am I able to see this panel in this nothingness?

How do I even know what a brain is and what eyes are? Where did I learn about them? When did I even learn the concept of learning? How do I know all this? How do I know that what I’m think right now should be incomprehensible for a worm like me?

And lastly…

Why do I have this feeling that I want to become something else than a worm?

Something else than worm? I wonder what that is?

Is it because living a life as a worm boring? Why do I think that it’s boring?

I’m so confused about everything.

I won’t get anywhere thinking about this…

I’ll just move on and look at the only thing I can see, the panel.

Then what are these choices for? Everything is taken except for one!

Sigh… it doesn’t matter… I should choose this one.

How do I choose an option?

Since it is the only option, I’ll be choosing [Formless].


The race classification: [Formless] has been chosen.

Confirmation: [Yes][No]


Seems that I can choose something in this panel just by thinking about it…



Being Category Update: Being Category has been changed from [Animal] to [Monster].

Racial Classification Update: Racial Classification has been changed from [Insect] to [Formless].

Race Update: Official race has been changed from [Worm] to [Monster Worm]

Title Update: Acquired ‡Esquire of Sloth‡.

Panel Intelligence Level Update: Panel Intelligence Level has risen due to acquiring the ‡Esquire of Sloth‡ title. Current level: 1.

Racial Abilities Update: <Reform> has been acquired due to changing from [Insect] race to [Formless] classification.

Special Skill Update: {Mind Activation} has been acquired due to acquiring the ‡Esquire of Sloth‡ title.

Panel Update: Special Skills has been added to the main panel due to acquiring a Special Skill. | Panel Intelligence Level has been added to the main panel due to acquiring a level of Panel Intelligence.


I change from a worm to a monster worm… is that really a great improvement?

Also, why ‡Esquire of Sloth‡? I’m not lazy! I’m a worm, and worms are hardworking! They just look like they have nothing to do!

…And why is worm classified as [Insect]? Aren’t animals only classified as insects when they got 6 legs? Well, it doesn’t matter, I’m [Formless] now.

How do I know that insects have six legs? Where does this knowledge come from?

While I was thinking about things, a panel appeared.


Name: Worm
Being Category: [Monster]
Race: [Monster Worm]
Racial Classification: [Formless]
Title: ‡Esquire of Sloth‡
Evolution Level: 0
Panel Intelligence Level: 1

Level: 0
EXP: 0%
Health: 1
Spirit: 0
Strength: 0
Agility: 0
Magic: 0

Racial Abilities
<Reform Lv. 1>


Special Skills
{Mind Activation}


My name is “Worm”, and I’m a monster worm.

Worm Chapter 1

Slime Worm

Worms have no eyes, but I do have a sense of touch.

I have nothing to focus on except this panel. Since I have nothing more to do, I should learn about the information on this panel.

As if it knows what I’m thinking, it showed then next panel.


Level: Shows the current level of the being. Leveling up results in the improvement of statistics, racial abilities, and skills.

EXP: If EXP turns into 100%, a level is gained. EXP required to level up increases as level increases. EXP is earned by actions contributing to the death of a being.

Name: The Name given to the being.

Being Category: Category of the being.

Race: The race of the being. The dominant race of the being will be the one shown.

Racial Classification: The racial classification of the being. The dominant racial classification will be the one shown.

Title: Special Titles earned by the being. Titles give benefits to the being.

Evolution Level: Only available to monsters. This indicates the number of times the monster has evolved.

Statistics: Statistical value of the aptitude of the being. May change due to the efforts of the being or due to leveling up.
-Health: The health of the being.
-Spirit: The aptitude of the being to contain or regain mana. Related to the magical power of the being.
-Strength: Physical strength of the physical body of the being.
-Agility: Nimbleness of the body of the being.
-Magic: Magical prowess of the being.

Racial Abilities: Capabilities of the being based on their race. Most Racial Abilities cannot be used via voice command.

Skills: Talents learned or acquired by the being. Most skills are activated via voice command.


Why do I feel like I can easily understand these terms even if I didn’t read that panel?

“Special Skills” and “Panel Intelligence Level” aren’t in this panel. Is it because it wasn’t in the initial panel and was only added by the title I gained?

The most important I’ve read on the long panel is evolving.

Since I have already gained consciousness and knowledge, I think the body of a worm is inconvenient.

I want to be fast and also have limbs damn it!

…This panel didn’t give important information like the title ‡Esquire of Sloth‡.


‡Esquire of Sloth‡
-Increase EXP gained by 50%+(Level*1%).
-Grants {Mind Activation}.
-Level reset when evolving or class advancement has been removed.
-Upon evolution or class advancement, the world average of the statistics of the superseding race will be applied. If conversion of statistics from previous race or class to the superseding race or class is above the world average, the conversion is done instead of applying the world average.
-All evolution process lasts 5 seconds.
-Increase Panel Intelligence Level.


This means I’ll level up faster than normal. Meaning I’ll get more levels and will be able to evolve faster. I wonder where I got this? It feels a little too convenient.

What about that Racial ability, <Reform>?


<Reform>: Ability to reform the shape of the body of the being.
-Speed to reform depends on level.
-Quality of reformed body parts depends on level.
-Duration before reformed body parts return to original form depends on level.


Does that mean I can change my body parts? Like make my body longer!? It does return to normal after some time, but this will be the key to survival!

I tried doing it… yeah, I feel like I’m changing, but it takes a hell lot of time. This thing is useless, maybe it’ll get better if I level up the skill.

The last one, the special skill, {Mind Activation}.


{Mind Activation}: Enables activation of skills via internal monologue.
-Being must have the intention to use the skill to activate it.
-If skill has requirements to be activated, all requirements must be met before the skill is activated.


Based on that long panel before, skill activation should be voice activated. By having this skill, I can use it only by making an internal monologue.

Well, I don’t have vocal cords… so I guess this is amazing?

I feel hungry again. I should look for food. I can just eat some dirt, but that won’t level me up.

Even if I don’t have eyes, ears, or a nose, I still have my sense of touch. Worms are sensitive to vibrations and such, I can navigate through this place.

What is this place anyway? I don’t feel any sunlight, so this is definitely not outdoors…

…Sunlight? outdoors? Why the heck do I know these things?

Thinking will not feed my stomach… I should move around.

…Move, move, move… just keep moving… I can feel something moving nearby.

Based on my knowledge that has no source, this thing is breathing. Based on my sensitive vibration detectors, this being is about to die.

I slowly closed on whatever it is and started eating it with my mouth. I’m pretty sure that it can’t even feel my mouth since its very small.

…Doesn’t taste like anything. Of course, I am a worm. What the heck is taste anyway? Why do I understand its concept while not being able to experience it?

Okay, I’m thinking about it again. I should not question my own knowledge anymore.


[Abyth Mole] has been killed. Kill participation has been recognized. EXP has been acquired.

Level Update: Level has risen. Current level: 1.

Being Update: Level limit of current race has been reached. Evolution conditions are met. Evolution is available.


Evolution already? Wooo!

…Wait, Mole!? What I was eating was a mole!? I was almost eaten! Good thing it was almost dead!

Abyth? Is Abyth some kind of specific group of monsters or is it called Abyth because it’s the name of this place?

I’ll think about that later. Right now, it’s time to evolve!

…How do I evolve?


Evolution Options

[Torch Worm]|[Dust Worm]|[Fog Worm]|[Slime Worm]


This panel shows up whenever I need it…

What is the best one to change into?

[Torch Worm] sounds like it attracts attention because it produces light.

[Dust Worm] sounds like I will leave a dust trail when I move around. I don’t want to leave trails for hunters to hunt me down.

[Fog Worm] feels like it won’t do anything against living beings… It’s just air after all.

Meaning [Slime Worm] is the best choice.


[Slime Worm] has been chosen to be the superseding race.
-Being will be in a stasis state during evolution process.
-Being will be in full recovered status after evolution process.
-Evolution time is set to 5 seconds due to ‡Esquire of Sloth‡.
-Level will not reset after evolving due to ‡Esquire of Sloth‡.

Evolve to [Slime Worm]?

Confirmation: [Yes][No]


I won’t be able to move when evolving… good thing I got ‡Esquire of Sloth‡ so it won’t be that dangerous.

Of course, [Yes].

I lost consciousness.


Race Update: Official race has been changed from [Monster Worm] to [Slime Worm].

Title Update: ‡Esquire of Sloth‡ has changed to ‡Knight of Sloth‡.

Evolution Level Update: Evolution Level has risen. Current Level: 1.

Panel Intelligence Level Update: Panel Intelligence Level has risen due to acquiring the ‡Knight of Sloth‡ title. Current level: 2.

Racial Ability Update: <Telekinetic Movement> and <Worm Slime Dissolution> have been acquired due to the change in race.

Excess EXP from before evolution has been acquired.

Level Update: Level has risen. Current Level: 2


I woke up. I think I just slept for 5 seconds.

My body feels different… I feel really fluid…

…I think I just leveled up and saw some new skills… how can I see that panel with many information?


Name: Worm
Being Category: [Monster]
Race: [Slime Worm]
Racial Classification: [Formless]
Title: ‡Knight of Sloth‡
Evolution Level: 1
Panel Intelligence Level: 2

Level: 2
EXP: 43%
Health: 28
Spirit: 19
Strength: 26
Agility: 22
Magic: 23

Racial Abilities
<Reform Lv. 1>|<Telekinetic Movement Lv. 1>|<Worm Slime Dissolution Lv. 1>


Special Skills
{Mind Activation}


So... what are these new skills I learned?


<Telekinetic Movement>: Ability of the being to move body parts using the mind.
-Strength of movement depends on level.
-Speed of movement depends on level.
-Control of movement depends on level.


This is different from reform… reform makes me able to change my body parts, this makes me move them with just my mind. I just need to think to be able to move now.


<Worm Slime Dissolution>: Ability of the being to dissolve other beings via body contact. Health, Mana, and EXP are gained from dissolving beings. Dissolution slime cannot be felt by other beings.
-Strength of dissolving depends on level.
-Speed of dissolving depends on level.
-Health is recovered upon dissolving beings depends on level.
-Mana is recovered upon dissolving beings depends on level.
-EXP is gained upon dissolving beings depends on level.

Wow, slimes are awesome! Just eating lets me gain lots of things! Slime is the greatest!

Hmmm? My [Title] changed…


‡Knight of Sloth‡
-Increase EXP gained by 50%+(Level*1%).
-Increase skill level up rate by 50%+(Level*1%).
-Increase skill acquiring rate by 50%+(Level*1%).
-Grants {Mind Activation}.
-Level reset when evolving or class advancement has been removed.
-Upon evolution or class advancement, the world average of the statistics of the superseding race will be applied. If conversion of statistics from previous race or class to the superseding race or class is above the world average, the conversion is done instead of applying the world average.
-All evolution process lasts 5 seconds.
-Increase Panel Intelligence Level.


Skill learning proficiency was the one added. Does this mean I’ll be able to learn how to do things more quickly?

I should practice using my skills to increase their level…

The [Abyth Mole] that just died is here, perfect. I’ll go and eat it. I’ll dissolve it into my body to increase the level of <Worm Slime Dissolution>.

…Hmmm? I think I got bigger after evolution! My shape changed too, now I’m a little fatter.

I used <Telekinetic Movement> to move my body over the mole. My body was not big enough to cover the entire mole. The mole slowly dissolved into my body.


[Abyth Mole] has been dissolved.
-Health has been recovered.
-Mana has been recovered.
-EXP has been gained.

Level Update: Level has risen. Current Level: 3


I’ve risen to level 3 and I still won’t evolve yet…

I’ll have to defeat monsters, but how?

That mole that I just digested was probably hunted by a predator. It was left alive for some reason. If I’m lucky, I’ll find more dead monsters nearby.

I moved around and ate dissolved dead bodies of monsters into my body.


[Abyth Bat] has been dissolved.
-Health has been recovered.
-Mana has been recovered.
-EXP has been gained.

Level Update: Level has risen. Current Level: 6


There are a lot of dead monsters around the area. I’ve been dissolving each one. I’ve been at it for an hour already. At least, I think it’s an hour?

[Time: 3:04pm]

Can this panel know everything?

…Anyway, whatever went through here is a very strong predator. I better keep my eyes out.


Racial Ability Update: <Worm Slime Dissolution Lv. 1> has upgraded to <Worm Slime Dissolution Lv. 2>. <Telekinetic Movement Lv. 1> has upgraded to <Telekinetic Movement Lv. 2>.


My skills leveled up as well. ‡Knight of Sloth‡ made my level increase.

I wonder when will my next evolution be? Moving around as a slime is dangerous. I have no means to fight back when I get attacked.

…Or maybe there is? I have <Reform> to manipulate my body shape.

I focused on the feeling of extending my right flank. I feel that my body is slowly shifting based on the vibrations of airflow.

I focused my all to creating this body part in my knowledge which is called an arm.

After half an hour of concentrating, I was able to make a tentacle arm that is half a foot in length.

Half a foot? I even know measurement units even though I have no eyes…

The arm tentacle disappeared when I removed my focus from it.

Racial Ability Update: <Reform Lv. 1> has upgraded to <Reform Lv. 2>.

It leveled up.

How much does 1 skill level improve? I should try making a limb again.

This time, I tried making an arm on the left plank. It took 10 minutes for me to make a half foot tentacle arm.

It upgraded, but it still takes too long…

I’ll have to upgrade it while moving. I think I can manage because I can move just by thinking and I can use this skill just by body feeling…

I moved around the halls for half an hour then a panel appeared in front of me.

[Skill Update: <Dualism> has been acquired due to reaching skill learning proficiency level.]

I got my first skill! All I’ve been getting are racial abilities, I thought I was never getting one!


<Dualism>: The ability of the being to move his body while using his mind.
-Control of mind depends on level.
-Control of body depends on level.
-Separation of mind from body depends on level.
-Cooperation of mind and body depends on level.


It makes doing things while thinking easier.

I can’t explain the feeling… it feels like I can focus on controlling my body while also focusing on controlling my mind.

With this, I can continuously increase the level of <Reform>.

Wait, can’t I actually move these arms using <Telekinetic Movement>?

I tried moving the tentacle arms using my mind. I don’t see it, but I can feel my body moving and I can also feel it through the vibrations of the air.

It really does work! I can move my tentacle!

Whoops, it returned to my body. The duration must’ve timed out. I should repeatedly use it to increase the skill level.

I continued my stroll dissolving and practicing <Reform>

I’ve been going at it for an hour, the rate I’m gaining EXP is slowing down. Is it because the EXP required to level up increase per level?


[Abyth Mole] has been dissolved.
-Health has been recovered.
-Mana has been recovered.
-EXP has been gained.

Level Update: Level has risen. Current Level: 8

Racial Ability Update: <Reform Lv. 2> has upgraded to <Reform Lv. 3>. | <Worm Slime Dissolution Lv. 2> has upgraded to <Worm Slime Dissolution Lv. 3> | <Telekinetic Movement Lv. 2> has upgraded to <Telekinetic Movement Lv. 3>.

Skill Update: <Dualism Lv. 1> has upgraded to <Dualism Lv. 2>


There are times when I level up, the skills level up immediately afterwards. This is because of my level affecting the skills.

I tried to reform my body, I can do 1 feet in 5 minutes and can hold it out longer. I should try dissolving monsters.

I walked around and found another monster corpse, this time a lizard.

I started dissolving it.

While I was dissolving it, I felt a presence of a monster.

This is bad! Dammit, this monster is alive and kicking! I knew it, I’ll encounter one sooner or later!


[Abyth Lizard] has been dissolved.
-Health has been recovered.
-Mana has been recovered.
-EXP has been gained.


While I was thinking I was able to dissolve it. I didn’t level up.

I felt the monster creeping around.

The monster has a shape, crawling with 6 legs. I think it’s an insect monster? I can feel that I’m at the same size as it. The moles are much larger. Maybe the predator who’s lurking around didn’t notice it because it’s too small…

Should I fight it? I’m getting lesser levels now, and that predator is lurking down here…

Yes, I should fight it.

Nah, I don’t want to fight. I’ll just deal with it without fighting it
