Chapter 22:

Nellien - "Fighting For My Freedom In An Other World" (2)

ALTaccounti's Roasting Book! (Reopened)

For parody summary check the previous review/roast chapter on this book, now lets get into the other chapters!

Chap 6

Miss I forgot her name... was it Maria I think so....

Anyways she is getting her booty spanked over here as if it was a daddy roleplay, like she thinks she is going to pass this test by activating her non existent Ultra Instinct lmao.

Okay after Maria get her ass handed to her they moved to the castle and miss op princess gave le witch a room saying that they don't have a lot of space to spare with fmc being a worthy expection, I mean WHAT IS A DAMN POINT OF HAVING A FUCKIN MASSIVE ARSE MANSION IF YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE SPACE, LIKE WHERE DID YOU BUY THE SHTY CASTLE? AT CRAIGSLIST OR SOMETHING?

Okay fmc was about to sleep and the princess just switty swooty coming for dat booty up in here. That witch bussy do be poppin though lmao.

Chap 7

Great fmc could not sleep because she was too busy simping, like get a room you 2 wait.... (They are already in one XD). Bruh the Princess just casually said good morning as if she just didn't clap some witch booty last night lol what a chad!


Princess is dressed like a 3rd grade hobo, because people cannot recognise me trope, that you are wearing a whoredown shirt doesn't hide the fact that you are hot asf, (In fmc perfective she might be looking mid lmao).

LMAO the people instantly noticed it was her lmao, princess welcome to the 0 brain cell squad! (I should deadass make a tier list now, tell in the comments if you want one XD XD XD)

Bruh the nobles or whatever left even saying inrdirectly that she is the princess and this dumbass thinks her disguise worked, like who teached your arse in elementary school because I can tell they did a hell of shty job XD.

Bruh princess be firting, fmc just go "itadakimasu" on that coochie fam XD.

Chap 8

(bruh these long ass chapter are giving my brain chronic depression T-T)

Princess is called Alena, so pretty much a thot name lmao.

Bruh Alena is roasting the witch for punch being weak and she wanted to get hit in the face and not in le chest. Bro, Maria, GIVE HER THE HARDEST TIT SLAP IN HISTORY THAT WILL TEACH THAT SNOBBY ASS FLEXING ASS BISH!!!

Omg le witch gave Alena a compliment again, stop simping fam!!!!!!!!! or else I won't give you a limited edition cat girl pillow.

Bruh the princess is now sitting on Maria's lap, bruh "HAVE SEGS ALREADY!!" Said the 20 year old reverse fujoshi, weeb ass, no lifer, weeb behind his computer. XD XD XD

Bruh Alena just tell yo daddy that you are GAY AS FECK, if you want I can lend you my green iddubbbzTV gae suit lmao.

Chap 9

Okay the "shit we got attacked by bandits while we were having yuri moments in the carriage" trope just appeared.

Man dead blah blah

Generic bandit lines blah blah


Chap 10

Witch bish is more useless than using a wooden shovel to mine obsidian lmao, CHAD princess had to unlock super saiyan and kick the man's ass before he could kill fmc.

Bruh just for Alena to get bodied to the ground again, wtf these are low level bandits and you gurls are getting yo arses kicked, truly disgusting lmao. That means that my spaghetti arms power have more chance of success XD XD XD.

fmc was about to use fireball jutsu on the bandits ass, but Alena reminded her that in her world weapons and armour are immune to Naruto bs. (That is kinda op tho I just have to wear some armour and I am automatically god lol what is even the point of magic then XD XD)

Wait bruh, if she lets herself get kidnapped or "R" I am Isekaing in there and 360noscoping everyone lol.


Bruh this is basic *insert generic isekai* asf lmao.

1.5/10 too mid for me to read again!

I guess the plot is moving forward, I hope the betaness in Maria slowly goes over time and get some of that Princess coochie!

P.S: If you want to enter too, please apply at the form!

P.S.S: (Eh there wasn't really that much to roast about.)

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