Chapter 24:

"Today was a boring day"

To you, the wishing girl

Today was a boring day.

It was raining hard, so I didn’t go outside.

I don’t like rain.

I stayed all day inside the house.

It’s no good to go outside on rainy days.

It was very, very boring.

But, it’s bad to admit it, so I stayed quiet.

It’s bad manners to complain, after all.

The room as usual stank like bleach.

I don’t like bleach.

It’d be better if the smell was gone.

But it’s bad manners to complain, after all.

As usual, @&:£7* stared at me.

@&:£7* always smells of bleach.

I don’t like @&:£7*.

@&:£7* doesn’t like me either.

Therefore, it’s fine.

@&:£7* doesn’t exist for me.

I don’t exist for @&:£7*.

Therefore, I don’t care.

But, it’s bad manners to speak up, so I never say anything.

Because, today was a boring day, all I did was working hard on my homework.

It’s very important to do homework, after all.

🐑 NameLess+NEET 🐑