Chapter 1:

Crimson Melody


I don't want to do anything. I have no goals. I don't want to put my name in anything. I just want to live. The idea of working to make a name of yourself is boring and simplistic. Nowdays people are obsessed with the idea of colonizing the Andromeda Galaxy and terraform the first planet they find. That's fine, but this society is forcing their minds to be "someone" in life. Thing is, we are already somebody, why do we need to prove ourselves? 

"Athena, what do you want to do when you grow up?" Freyja, the teacher and also distant cousin asks me 

"Nothing. I want to be Athena." Venus, my twin sister responded "A programmer" 

"But don't you want to be a writer or musician? You like learning languages  and playing the piano." 

"Nothing. It's cool that you girls want to be something big. I will be watching you from here. Anyways, I'm skipping maths." 

Freyja protested but I insisted. 

I went into the music room and started playing the piano. 

I always ignored Athaxia's music theory classes, I let my feelings play the piano for me. The melodies have colors and words. Depending in what I play, I may be transported in a field of flowers or in a colosseum full of chaos. I never felt the piano was a hobby or work, I felt it was just like breathing. 

When I realized, I was playing for 6 hours. I saw the afterglow through the window. The sun shined through my crimson red hair. 

I loved watching the afterglow. The afterglow was a band itself. The sun, the skies and the clouds. I once read a book in Spanish that said, "The sky is inconclouded, whoever inconclouded it, a great inconclouder they were." That's a word I just made up. It means that the clouds were cut into pieces. I can't translate that into German. Terraforming? Watching the sky is far more entertaining. 

I wish I stayed like this forever and conserved my lazy attitude...