Chapter 64:

Chapter 63: Japan's Most Wanted Jester?!

Project: INFERNO

(As Sawano successfully got more assistance to fight the Ten Tyrants, he overheard a conversation about a name that is known to everyone else but not him.)
"Sawano: Mind if I ask who are you two talking about?"
(The two coworkers then gave Sawano their attention.)
"Co-worker: We was talking about Japan's most recent bounty list from the Japanese Government. Apparently, Milo The Jester's bounty stacked even higher than last time..."
"Sawano: Who uh... Who is Milo The Jester...?"
(Everyone else was shocked at the name.)
"Oshikida: Milo The Jester is actually considered one of the most dangerous gang leaders in the South of Japan. According to the reports, no one in the assassin's guild could defeat him and the same implies to the Elemental Divison as well!"
"Sawano: He escaped the assassin's guild? He defeated Lotus too?!"
"???: Milo couldn't defeat Lotus due to his overwhelming strength so he escaped him."
(They all then sees the returning Kenta appear which surprised everyone.)
"Everyone: KENTA!?!?"
"Sawano: Well..! This is quite a shocker!"
"Kenta: Sawano Magachi, good to see you again!"
"Sawano: Its been far too long!"
"Kenta: Indeed it has and I missed all of you as well!"
(After the High Commission office caught Kenta up to date with all the developments, he then continued to explain about Milo The Jester.)

"Alright. Milo The Jester has been wanted by not just the government of Japan, he's wanted by every government across the world. Russia, United States, United Kingdom, even the German government wants Milo's head. However, there are no individuals powerful enough to last against Milo. He runs the entire Southern Japan. I know this because... I came face to face with him before. To vindicate on how strong he is, he could rival a demi-god or a full fledged god."
(Everyone was murmuring on his power as Sawano was more curious to meet him in person.)
"Sawano: Do you know what city in South Japan I can find Milo in?"
"Kenta: You may be able to find him in Kyushu. But its very far to travel there so I'd advise using your teleportation Sawano."
"Sawano: Already figured that out."
"Kenta: Then at least let me go with you, Milo and I are pretty good friends so hopefully he won't see you as a potential threat."
"Sawano: Alright. Oshikida, watch the office until I return. Lets go Kenta!"
(Sawano's then used his inferno to teleport him and Kenta to Kyushu, Japan which was located far away from the North of Japan. After arriving, Sawano looked around and sees posters of Milo The Jester's face as the streets was crowded with civilians minding their business. Kenta and Sawano then noticed Milo on every ad played on TV.)
"This is uh... new.."
"Kenta: Its been like more than twenty years since I even came down here."
"Sawano: Well, I already sense a powerful presence."
"Kenta: That has to be Milo."
"Sawano: Then lets go."
(Sawano and Kenta then followed the powerful presence and started to walk towards it. Meanwhile after walking into Milo and his gang's territory, a group of gang members surrounded both Kenta and Sawano as one of the members walked up to them both.)

"Member: This territory belongs to Milo The Jester, he doesn't like having unaccompanied visits! No matter who they are, so tell us your business!"
"Kenta: Me and my friend Sawano would like to speak to Milo. Its not urgent but its just a very important question involving business outside of Kyushu."
"Member: ...Follow me."
(They both followed the gang members to Milo's turf which they saw clownlike accessories and decorations everywhere the deeper they go into Milo's main turf. They suddenly heard a yelling voice as they was becoming closer and closer to meeting Milo.)
(A few other gang members was laughing at the prank as the pranked Milo stopped and saw his crew bring in Sawano and Kenta.)
"Member: Boss Milo, these two outsiders wished too see you."
(Milo was revealed to be wearing a clown's suit but did not have his clown's nose on. He then walked towards Kenta with a serious glare on his face and cracked his neck as Kenta did the same. Milo then started to laugh as he recognized Kenta.)
(Kenta and Milo performed a secret handshake to prove it was them. After a fist bump which closed the secret handshake, they both laughed and Sawano felt a bit of relief at their friendship. Meanwhile, Milo's gang members was partying as Milo, Kenta and Sawano started to get down to business.)

"Kenta: So that's why Sawano has decided to come here and personally ask you to fight the Ten Tyrants for Tokyo and the rest of Japan."
"Milo: I will not lie, that is quite the tale..! However, I cannot assist you at this time. There has been some issues with my own clan anyway. Unfortunately, Kyushu has been having a spree of rouge assassins, bandits and even former gang members! It is quite irritating to how me and my crew have to take care of this ourselves!"
"Sawano: What if we took care of it for you?"
"Milo: Hmm.. I don't believe you're strong. Your presence did not amaze when you first appeared on Kyushu."
"Sawano: That's if I conserve it, however... Due to my immense heat, this ring on my finger protects everyone from my flames."
"Milo: So I'm quite familiar with your rank as the chief of the Elemental High Commission, but why would you go so far into asking me for your assistance in the first place?"
"Sawano: After we explained the Ten Tyrants situation, there is barely any strong fighters left that can stand up to the tyrants."
"Milo: I'll tell you what... I believe we can cut to a deal..! If you can assist me and my crew in a battle later on tonight, I will join you and help you fight these Ten Tyrants!"
"Kenta: We accept the offer."
"Milo: Excellent! Now as for the pay-"
(Sawano snapped his fingers and out of thin air was three suitcases worth of three hundred million yen each which had Milo very shocked yet impressed at the same time.)
"Sawano: Also. I'm not just the God of Hell. I'm the God of Riches too."
"Milo: Pleasure doing business with you two..! I will keep the promise down to the letter!"
(As the three of them shook hands in addition to accepting the deal, Sawano and Kenta decided to stay the night in Kyushu as temporary members of Milo's gang. Sawano was outside of Milo's base as he did not need to sleep at all and was keeping watch the entire night.)