Chapter 31:

Chapter 27

To you, the wishing girl

The abrupt vibration forced me to go back to reality. I almost fell to the ground.

I’m getting exhausted of these situations.

I lifted up my head to see where I was this time.


I was standing in front of this mirror in my stagnant room. A room that still stinks of bleach.

The girl at the mirror had her chest exposed, where a surgical scar was visible. She gave me a crooked smile and laughed.

I got angry at her, so I pushed the mirror to the side. The mirror was too big for me to lift it, so it barely moved.

I bit my lip in frustration and threw myself to the ground.

That's when I realized.

Breaking things out of anger?

Trying to destroy what you don’t like?

Unable to control emotions and throwing tantrums like a kid would?


Just the same as &8:£© always did.

I held my head with my hands and cried silently. I was angry at myself.

🐑 NameLess+NEET 🐑