Chapter 33:

Chapter 29

To you, the wishing girl



I felt something pushing my cheek.


I opened my eyes and saw the cat’s face. He was pushing his paw onto my cheek.

“…Good …morning” - I said while sitting down.

The cat sat down too and looked as if he was sighing.

“…It’s 5pm, missy”.

“Oh?” - I looked up to the clock on the wall.

“5:04pm” could be read on the clock.

Oh, he is right. I must had fallen asleep again.


I looked back to the cat. He was just grooming himself.

That’s weird. I thought for sure, he would give me a sarcastic reply.

Suddenly, I noticed.

Not only his paws and mouth were white this time, but also, the tip of his tail.

Am I remembering wrong again?

Or is this cat, a different cat?

“Welllllllll, anybody’s hair would go white with all the time you make others wait”. - He said in his usual mocking tone.


That makes sense, all right. Then, this cat is the same cat I remember.

🐑 NameLess+NEET 🐑