Chapter 1:

A Note


To my fellow readers,

It's past midnight. I'm not sure why I decided to stay up but I figured it won't hurt to discuss some of the things I have been planning in regards to the future of my writings.

Taking Realm Assassin aside as those plans cannot be disclosed for the moment, I will state that lately, I have been getting an urge to post short consistent stories. Mainly because I want to practice and experiment with all types of styles, but also to entertain myself amidst my workload. 

So, what's KNOCK KNOCK?

This will be a series of short stories primarily focusing on horror. Most if not all would contain stories of one chapter each. 


Because it was either this or London Bridge is Falling Down. 


I can't guarantee a consistent schedule for updates, but I'd like to see what I can write per week.


The stories would be random. It really depends what my deep-fried half-asleep 12 am brain would come up during the moment. For the last 15 minutes, I have thought of short stories involving an heirloom that stays permanently stuck in someone's finger, MC who slips in the bathtub and remains dead inside a home that no one would check until a week later, cold bony fingers guiding someone's hand in the dark, and being trapped in a freezer after a bad game of hide-and-seek. It's anything. 


Who's there.


Can who?

Can you wait for the official debut of this novel? Because of this very bad joke, I decided it's best to go to bed and wake up in 5 hours to head to work and write the stories later.

Have sweet dreams and a good night.

Your invisible buddy,

Pearlyn M.