Chapter 2:

Chapter 2 - A rabbit, family and a potion

I became a healer in another world

After I was. reincarnated to this world I decided to walk to the direction with some snowy mountains.

The road I picked had alot of flowers scattered around both left and right sides. The right side had a river which was sparkling from the sunlight.

I decided to walk to the left side to collect some flowers. I'll never really know if I'm going to need them after all so I decided to collect a ton of them and placed them in a tiny jar Goddess Mana had given for me as an extra.

While I was picking flowers near some rocks, I heard an animal suffering in pain so I immediately went to check it out. I found a small white rabbit behind the rocks and it had injured it's paw. From a closer look I noticed that the rabbit was a female.

"There, there little buddy. I'll heal you back to normal." I said with a smile.

"Nyuu?" The rabbit says while she's suffering.

"Let's see, the spell Cure should do the trick." I say while thinking about the few spells I learned.

I then place my scepter sideways and my left hand to the bottom and beging chanting the spell. While I was chanting, I noticed I was surrounded by some strange blue light. I guess that happens while a spell is being cast.

"CURE!" I shouted when I was done casting.

This time the tiny rabbit was surrounded by the light and I noticed how the wound is sealed.

"Nice, it worked perfectly." I said with a reliefed tone. I thought I had made a mistake while chanting, but I guess I was worrying for nothing.

I then walked over the tiny rabbit and crouch down to pet it.

"Stay out of trouble for now." I said while I was petting the rabbits head.

"Nyuu?" The rabbit said curiously.

I then got up and started to leave but the rabbit suddenly just runs in front of me. If I hadn't noticed her, I would've stepped on her by accident.

"What's wrong?" I asked from the rabbit.

"Nyuu! Nyuu, nyuu!" The rabbit says while she's trying to stand on her two paws.

"Do you want to come with me?" I asked with confusion.

The little rabbit then answered by nodding to my question.

"Alright, you can come with me." I said. The rabbit immediately became happy. "Hmm, let's see. Ah, I'll name you Snow."

"Nyuu!" Snow then started jumping around happily. She must really like the name I gave to her.

I then crouched back down to let Snow climb on head and we then continued our way.

While on our way wherever the road was taking us, I stopped from time to time to collect flowers and when Snow noticed a plant that looked like a herb, she pointed at it that I should pick it up and take it with us. As I was doing all this, it seemed that an hour had passed and I noticed a horse carriage in the horizon. I noticed that a horse that was pulling the carriage was lying on the ground, probably from exhaustion so I picked up the pace and hurried over there to see what's going on.

When I arrived there, I noticed that there were two adults, two teenagers, a boy and a girl, and a young girl. They were surrounding their horse with worry. They all had travel clothes.

"What happened here?" I asked.

"Ah, hello young man. Our horse sadly isn't feeling well and now is in this state." The man answered

"D-Daddy, is Alexa going to die?" The youngest daughter asked with worry.

"Of course not Alise dear. She just needs to rest for now." The father answered

"I hope she gets better soon or we'll have to set up a camp here." The mother said.

"Hmm, can I take a look?" I suggested with determination.

"Any help is great. Thank you." The father answered with relief

"Now let's see." I then started thinking of what spell I should use to see what's wrong with their horse and then I remembered the perfect spell for this problem. I then immediately started chanting. "ANALYZE CONDITION!"

*Fatigue: For faster recovery give Vial of Water Breathing*

*Ingredients: Red leaves, smashed flower petals, water, honey and herbs*

It appears that I need to make a potion to help them out.

"We need red leaves, smashed flower petals, water, honey and grass to make Vial of Water Breathing."I answered

"We luckily have some red leaves and honey inside our carriage." The father answered.

"That's great. Can you go bring them here, while I take a bottle which has flowers and herbs which I had picked." I suggested.

"Gladly." The father said as he left.

I then took the jars I had with me from my pockets. The father soon not only came back with the Red leaves and honey, but also with a cauldron, a chopping board and wood.

"Thank you for helping out… Uuh." I started. I had totally forgotten to ask their names and even introduce myself too.

"Oh yeah, my name is Itsuki and my wife's name is Honoka." The man said as he introduced himself and his wife.

"Hi, I'm Jun, this is my twin sister Hina and the youngest of us is Alise." The boy said.

"It's nice to meet you guys, I'm Ayumu and the rabbit on top of my head is Snow." I said with a smile.

"Nyuu!" Snow said again. She was probably saying hello. It's unfortunate that I can't understand what she's saying. Maybe someday it will be possible.

I then used my water magic to fill the cauldron with usable water and then lighted the wood on fire and after that I started smashing the flower petals with a spoon Hina had brought to me.

After the water was boiling, I started filling the cauldron with the ingredients one by one while mixing the concoction with the spoon. Not going to lie it was really hard to make this, but guess it's just normal since this is my first time doing this.

When I was done making the potion, Itsuki brought me some glass bottles and a bowl where I can store most of the potion. For the rest of the potion I poured it in the bowl and went to give it to Alexa. It took a while until she started to feel better though and it was already getting late.

"Oh thank you for your help Ayumu." Honoka said as she came to hug me.

"I'm glad I was able to help out." I answered. Itsuki then walked over to hand me a some type of book.

"Take this book which contains recipes for many types of potions as a reward for helping us." Itsuki explained as he gave it to me.

"I can really have this? Thank you." I said with a grateful tone.

"We're heading back to our home village. If you want you can join us when we leave tomorrow." Honoka suggested.

"I will take you up on that offer." I answered.

An hour passes and it's already night time. We were eating some Carrot Soup and it tastes really delicious.

"Oh yeah, you named that rabbit as Snow. Didn't you?" Itsuki asked while looking towards me.

"Yeah, I figured it would be a great name since her fur is white." I answered as I gave some of my soup to Snow.

"That means she's your familiar now." Jun explained.

"Huh, I didn't know that." I said with a surprise. So it's possible to make familiars of monsters and other animals if I name them huh. "Anyway, could you tell me more about familiars?"

"They'll fight for their master and after the familiar's and the master's bond is stronger, the familiar will learn how to speak with normal human language. If you'll get party members, they will be able to understand the familiar as well." Jun explained. I see, so I will really understand Snow at some point.

"You can also have as many familiars as you can hold. And I believe there was a some type of summoning spell if you want to summon one or the monster or animal can ask you to become your familiar too." Hina added.

"I happened to hear Snow in pain while I was picking up flowers and decided to heal the wound she had in her paw." I explained while holding Snow in my arms.

"She must've been thankful for you." Hina said while she was smiling towards me. It was hard to tell but she probably was blushing at me.

"It seems like it." I answered as I looked at Snow who was now sleeping on my legs.

After we finished eating, we decided to head to sleep, but before I did, I decided to use a spell around the wagon. Now if any monsters come by, we'll be safe.
