Chapter 22:

Face to Face with the Devil

My Devil Is A Beautiful Female

Masato Torizawa is the youngest brother of Luke.

"He is just a kid" Yuichi says

"Whatever, you guys can go now. I wanna get some rest." Shira says and walks inside the base

The trio follows Shira and heads inside.

"Well then, let's depart." Yuichi says

Everyone behind him nods.



"Who were they?" Mio asks

"Just some people I know." Shira replies

"They were talking about you being a successor of some sort. …Are you a prince or something?" Renjii asks Shira.

"Of course not!" Shira replies

"My fa- my old man is a General. He wan-" Shira tries to explain the situation but he gets interrupted by the trio.


"SPEAK QUITELY!" Shira growls

"So, I was saying that my old man wants me to take his position as the family head and become a General." Shira explains without getting disturbed this time.

"But didn't you just recently rank up?" Roy asks

"Yeah, but my power is very powerful." Shira says

"Come to think of it, I never told you guys about my magic. Did I?" Shira asks

"No/Nope/Nah" The trio says

"I have the power to control five elements. People might think this is a blessing…but to me, this is a curse."


"But you are at least st-Mmphh!" Roy tries to say something but Mio covers his mouth with both of her hands.

"You must be very tired. Take some rest." Mio says to Shira and drags Roy a little far. Mio then releases her hands from Roy's mouth.

"Why did you do that?" Roy asks

"I know what you were gonna say that's why." Mio says

"Tch." Roy says and goes towards his room

"Hahh." Mio sighs and goes to her room as well.

Renjii also does the same.



Roy jumps on the bed after entering his room. He seems very tired. He doesn't even bother to change his clothes.

After lying on the bed for a few minutes, he falls asleep.

"Really?!! Again?!" Roy shouts after he wakes up in his subconscious space.

But this time the ominous aura is not here anymore.

"It feels a lot less threatening now." Roy talks to himself

"Should I go inside the castle?" Roy starts questioning himself. Roy is only a couple of steps away from the castle.

"Fuck this, let's just head inside." Roy makes his decision and goes inside the giant castle that he is standing in front of.


'It opened so easily although it's huge.' Roy thinks

"WELCOME" Roy hears a voice. The voice is cute yet demonic, angelic yet demonic.

After he hears the voice his body completely freezes in place. As if an invisible force is keeping him in the same place.

Roy manages to lift his head up look forward, but he only gets more scared after witnessing what is in front of him.

Roy sees a young woman sitting on a golden throne.

"So, we finally meet…" The young girl says in a seductive voice that can draw in any man.

Roy tries to speak but he can't even move a muscle in his body let alone speak. So, Roy just stands there and keeps staring at the young girl in front of him.

"You are the MAGGOT that unsealed me, huh." The young girl says and disappears from Roy's sight.


The young girl then reappears right in front of Roy.

"You have a very handsome face. But-" As the young girl said that she punches Roy in the stomach.


Roy coughs a huge amount of blood out of his mouth but he doesn't move a single inch from his position. Or rather he can't!

"RELEASE!" The young girl says and suddenly Roy falls to his knees.

Roy starts breathing heavily. As he tries to look up she kicks him in the face.

This time Roy flies away like a balloon, hitting a wall. His consciousness starts to disappear.

"Is th-" The young starts talking but Roy is trying to keep his consciousness.

But Roy fails and losses his consciousness. The next moment he wakes up screaming in his room.


The downstairs of Roy's base,

Shira, Mio, and Renjii are sitting at the dining table waiting for Roy.

"What is taking him so long, ughh" Mio says

"Maybe he is just tired." Renjii tries to defend him

"We ar-" Mio tries to say something but stops when she hears a scream coming from upstairs.

"Was that Roy?!" Renjii says as he gets up from his chair.

"Let's go to his room." Renjii then says.

Mio and Shira follow Renjii and get to Roy's room. As they open his room's door they see Roy sitting with blood covering his bed.

"What happened here?!" Renjii says and runs toward Roy.

"Did someone attack you?" Mio asks with a concerned look.

"N-" Roy tries to deny that no one attacked him but as soon as he opens his mouth, blood comes out of his mouth but he grits his teeth and stops blood from coming out.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Mio and Renjii ask in sync.

Roy nods his head as he can't open his mouth because the blood might spill out from his mouth.

'Why do I suddenly feel so uneasy?' Shira thinks inwardly with sweat running down his forehead.

"It's probably just internal bleeding; I will give you some medicines for that." Shira says to Roy and leaves the room

"I hope he's right…" Renjii says in a soft voice



A few moments went by,

Shira gave Roy some medicines to stop his bleeding. And luckily it worked!

Now, they are all sitting at the dining table eating their breakfast which is mostly cold.

But they eat it regardless.

To Be Continued…