Chapter 5:

This is who we are

Odd One

That day, I arrived home and did the usual. I ate alongside my sister, took my bath, did my homework and simply relaxed doing the things that I liked doing overall.

As I did so, I paused my game and turned towards my desk. My gaze was fixated on it for a relatively long moment and then I found myself getting up from my seat and heading there.

I picked up a picture and stared at it for a brief moment "If you went to the trouble of disguising yourself like that, then why didn't you try and make it slightly less obvious about who you were?"

The question lingered int he back of my mind, but it was useless thinking about it. I had already gone ahead and spoken my mind to her and declared that I would use the information in hand to make her life a complete catastrophe.

"Apart from that, I'm surprised that Katsumi made her way towards the roof seeing as how she's an honor student"

The expression she had upon seeing me do all of that and the response that I had received from Ogawa in the form of physical damage was more than enough to bring back memories of back in the day.

"It's been a while since someone has seen me put myself on the line like that" The way I phrased it made it seem as though I was going into war or something of the sort, but it wasn't like that.

I was just a kid who would go ahead and ruin the lives of people just for his own pleasure, but the repercussions that would follow would be considered my just deserves.

I threw the picture back onto my desk and continued playing my game without a care in the world. What was done could never be changed and I was fine with that...

"The only problem is going to be tomorrow... Miss Mitsuru is most likely going to drill me for what I did back there..."

I clicked my tongue and then proceeded to sigh. I knew that there was no way to play around it, the least I could do was let her do what she wanted and simply pay attention to her.

"Or I could just let it enter from one ear and leave the other one, right?"

I shrugged my shoulders and simply decided to enjoy the rest of the time I had before going back to bed.

I woke up the next day and quickly headed to the bathroom to shower. Upon doing so, I made my way downstairs and saw my sister there cooking once more.

"Thank you for waking up on your own accord"

"I can't have you waking me up all the time"

"Of course, it's a pain in the ass"

"You don't have to say it so unenthusiastically..."

My sister, Miyashita Momoe was a nice girl... At the very least with people other than her biological brother. 

She was the complete opposite of me, she tended to treat other people better than her own brother and that alone was enough to hurt my very soul, but even then, whenever I would say such a thing, she would ignore me and continue on. What a cruel little sister indeed.

"So, how did it go yesterday?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw the picture. There's no use hiding it from me"

"... I got a slap to the face and then a jab to the gut"

"Doesn't sound too bad"

"For what I did, I was expecting a bit more, I would have to say that I got away from it very good"

"What about Miss Mitsuru? Did she already go ahead and talk with you?"

"No, she's most likely going to call me to her office today"

"Tell her that I say hi"

"Will do"

I headed towards the kitchen and started helping her with the serving of the food and what not and once we were good to go, we sat down, gave thanks and started eating without a care in the world.

The reason taht my sister didn't judge me or make me change my ways was for the reason that she understood my train of thoughts. We were one and the same, we both disliked people for our own reasons.

But instead of her wanting to make other people's lives a complete devastation, she instead wanted to become one with them. She would play along with their every word and use multiple facades to fit every single situation.

With me, I simply wanted to ruin them, I wanted to bring up their disgusting actions to the light and make them suffer for everything that they had gotten away with even if it meant me suffering from the consequences of it.

"Just make sure that you don't get too hurt that you end up in the hospital or something, ok? I can't be worrying about you..."

"I know..." I grabbed hold of my forearm and tightened my grip on it and after relaxing for a bit, I let go of my arm and continued eating.

Upon saying goodbye to my sister, I started making my way towards school. Even though I could more or less predict how things were going to go, there was a small enjoyment of actually seeing how the things could be done.

"How'd it go yesterday?"


I turned my head to my right and saw Kano walking out of her house with the same deadpan expression that she would wear at school.

"It went better then I had anticipated"

"Good for you" "But even then, I can still tell that there were some backlash" She lightly pointed to her own cheek and that alone was more then enough to remind me of what had happened.

"Yeah, you have a point about that"

We started walking together and thus the questions started coming up "Was it just the slap or did something else happen?"

"A straight jab to my gut"

"I guess it wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be"

"No, it wasn't"

"That's a bit of a shame"

"You just want to see me laying on the ground almost dead, don't you?"

"I guess I wouldn't mind seeing such a thing"

"You really are a pain in the ass"

"That makes two of us who think the same exact thing about the other"



"But I guess that's what made me want to talk with you..."


We both continued walking without saying another word to one another. Even though we hadn't declared that we were friends, the way we acted with one another could be seen as banter from friends.

But for us, it was difficult to call such a thing that "Don't get me wrong. Kano is a great person to be around with because I have no reason to hide who I really am and to top it off, she understands why I go through all of this, but even then..."

I took one glance over at her and sighed to myself "Being friends with the Torture Princess? That's just asking for me to get bothered and pricked whenever she pleases"

"I feel like your thinking some bothersome things right now, Makoto"

"Me? Never"



Just when we were going to arrive at the area where most of the students would walk through to get to school, I called out to Kano "Let me go on ahead"


She seemed a slightly surprised by my words, but there was a reason for this "It'll look weird if we're seen walking around"

"I-I see... I guess you have a point"

"Talk to you later"

With that, I hurried out onto the main street and minded my own business without looking back at her "Yeah... That's not the reason I'm doing this" 

Just like I had anticipated, I was already getting quite a few glares from students who were in Ogawa's circle of friends and those who were more or less connected to her as well.

"I can't be walking around with Kano since I'd be dragging her into something that she wasn't a part off... Besides, we're different"

"You really need to learn how to be more deceiving with your words, Makoto"

I understood completely why he wanted to go on ahead... He didn't want me to receive any of the insults that they were going to throw at him or receive any of those looks that they would give him.

Even though we weren't friends, he still worried about me and wouldn't want to drag me into his messes. He would always shoulder the blame onto only himself.

"When will you learn that bearing all the blame on yourself will only shorten your soul's lifespan?"

He was already getting used to every consequence and that alone was bad, and Miss Mitsuru knew that, but there was no way for anyone to change his way of thinking, the reason for this was unknown to everyone close to him.

"I wonder... When will it be the day for you to tell us the things you went through?"

I arrived at my locker and glanced inside really quickly "Nothing's been tampered with" I then headed towards my classroom where I took a quick glance to my desk to see that it was perfectly fine.

"I guess it's not worth bullying me in their eyes... What a shame"

Even though that was what I thought, I could tell that they were glaring at me and speaking behind my back "I guess that's a just way of responding to my actions"

I took a seat, put on my headphones and when I did so, I glanced over at where Kazumi's desk was and sure enough, she was looking my way. 

It was understandable why she was doing so, she was worried about me, but in my eyes, there was no need for her to be like that.

"As long as I'm fine, that's all the matters"

For our first period, we had P.E class and I was just getting ready to head out when a single person stepped into the classroom, stopping our P.E teacher from giving us our task.

"Sorry for interrupting, could I have Makoto here come with me for first period?"

"He's been doing well, so I don't see why not"

I clicked my tongue and followed Miss Mitsuru to her office. Once we were alone, she let out a sigh and glared daggers at me "You really did it..."

"You wanted the problem solved, didn't you? I did just that"

"But... To go ahead and make even her your enemy, that's going too far"

"I'm only bringing to the surface the disgusting actions of others, that's all"

Miss Mitsuru stared into my eyes for a moment before getting up and opening the window "Come here"

"You're going to throw me out of the window?"

"No, you idiot! Just come here this instant!"


I made my way over towards the window and looked out "You see them?"


"The people's who's lives you changed"

Sure enough, Ogawa, Okada and the boyfriend were all relatively tense from what I could see and to top it off, one could tell that there was bad blood between the two girls.

"Even though she doesn't know it was Ogawa, she still has her suspicions"

"It's understandable. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to get the information from him at one point"

"Even though you managed to save the situation in one way, you also managed in destroying something else"


"I know that this is how you do things, but also have in mind that in the real world, you can be attacked, killed or even framed for these actions"

"I know, you don't have to remind me of that"


"But that doesn't mean that I have to change. As long as I'm relatively chill with my actions, people in the outside world won't mind me and if it's something that people don't care about at all, then even better for me"


"Besides... There have been times where us, as people have been weak and to top it off, we've wanted to be helped from situations that we find ourselves in, in those moments, we wish for someone to help us"

"What's your point?"

"In a way, I'm just helping these people from getting out of situations before they can get worse and worse and at the same time, I get a little bit of joy out of it"

She let out a sigh and glanced back over at me "Regardless of what I say or do, you'll still continue being like this, won't you?"

I turned towards her and let out a chuckle "Of course, if there's something I can do to show the unsightliness of human being, then I'll do it. Besides, there's no reason to live if everything is sunshine and rainbows on the outside"

"We need to bring out the rain and dark gloomy skies that are hiding behind those thin panes of glass"

"I see... I guess that's something that you're useful for, isn't it?"

"You've got that right"

In conclusion... There are countless people who wear facades to fit into society. Only those who show their true selves will ever be trustworthy people. -Miyashita Makoto