Chapter 146:

Tatsuhiro's Day Off!

Project: INFERNO

(As days has passed every since the start of the Hero Era, there has been more participating heroes rather than fighters which changed the rankings, increase in hero activity and less criminal activity. Meanwhile, the Elemental Federal Branch has officially released the updated ranks for classes C to SSS. After so, all of Class X was called to their meeting with Choryrth looking at each and every Class X member in attendance except for two, Sawano and Tatsuhiro.)

"Choryrth: All of you, played a vital role in defeating Knitemare. Every last one of you and I give you all my sincere gratitude. Also, I've tried to contact Tatsuhiro and Sawano for their attendance to this meeting. Unfortunately, Tatsuhiro is still recovering as Sawano is undergoing severe training to become his planet's king."
"Onara: Lord Choryrth, I do have a request."
"Choryrth: Please do tell!"
"Onara: I would like for you to recruit Lotus Kenhiro of the Gojai Dojo and Chimon of Saikan Academy for two worthy spots of Class X."
(They all gasped at Onara's request as Ares gave a chuckling smirk, Ankoku nodded in agreement to Onara's request given to Choryrth.)
"Ankoku: If you ask me, Lotus is a valuable asset to any point in battle. He is a mere human yet somehow manages to fight off Knitemare's creator, Lucifer."
"Athena: In addition to that, Chimon actually possesses the power of a beast, one of the top five at most!"
"Choryrth: I do not underestimate one's abilities and power. But Lotus Kenhiro and Chimon...? I will need time to think about offering them their own spots as Class X captains."
(They all nodded to the understanding.)

"However, regarding the two. I was informed that Lotus Kenhiro recently joined the Elemental Division and without hesitation was placed to Class SSS in an instant. Chimon however was advanced to just Class S. So the two are most likely candidates to become Class X captains. But as I've said, I will need time to think about making a decision like this."
"Xinera: Lord Choryrth, tiny question. You said "Class X captains" seconds ago, what's that about?"
"Choryrth: Ah yes. I've come to the decision to allow all who sits at Class X the ability to create your own squad. The captains will make all final decisions on what stays and goes in their jurisdiction, you all can recruit whomever you deem fit to join your squad."
"All: Thank you, Lord Choryrth!"
(As they all was then dismissed to recruit their teams, Choryrth then went to do the same for himself as well. Meanwhile in the hot sun on the expanded island, Tatsuhiro was seen sleeping on his lounge chair in the hot sun with half a hoagie on his chiseled chest until he then woke up at the sunlight beaming in his face and ate the rest of his unfinished hoagie.)

"Tatsuhiro: Damn.. how long was I out..? Eh.. Doesn't matter."
(Tatsuhiro then got up to notice jet skis in the ocean along with yachts which gave him a smirk and started to walk normally on the water towards the yacht. A while later, Tatsuhiro made it to the yacht and noticed an entire basket of hoagies but was stopped by a familiar individual which stopped the circus-themed party.)
"Milo: Tatsuhiro?!"
"Tatsuhiro: Ah, Milo. I didn't know you owned a yacht."
"Milo: It was a little gift for the crew despite their efforts in the Knitemare fight after all!"
"Tatsuhiro: You was part of the fighting too?"
"Milo: Well duh! Apparently, he sent his little lackeys to my area.. therefore, he was interfering with my business! (Menacingly): And you know what happens to people who interferes with my time or business..."
"Tatsuhiro: They face the wrath of the clown, so can I stay aboard?"
(The Milo Clowns then had fun as Tatsuhiro relaxed and enjoyed his time with Milo and his crew.)
"Tatsuhiro: So then I gripped this man's spine right through his mouth and yanked it out!"
(Milo began to laugh loudly at the story and wiped a tear of laughter from his tear duct.)
"Milo: Ah!! You know how to tell such satisfying stories! That reminds me, how's your sons?"
"Tatsuhiro: Hm.. Well. Kazuya is currently overseas traveling to get stronger, Shibuto is still hanging around Onara, Ankoku is currently back in the Anti-God realm-"
"Milo: Anti-God Realm?!"
(Milo then drinks an entire mug of beer to recap what Tatsuhiro said.)

"Wasn't that realm sealed off eons ago?"
"Tatsuhiro: That's right but yours truly opened it up again."
"Milo: You're a bold, powerful yet crazy man, Tatsuhiro!"
"Tatsuhiro: Indeed I am, but its worth it really."
"Milo: So do tell me, what's going to happen with the realms?"
"Tatsuhiro: Well, all realms, including my home planet Senvoinerth is open once again to all visiting beings. Earth has connections to all realms, excluding the Dragon Realm, Beast Realm Dimension Of Soullessness and any other dangerous realms. Besides those, humans have access to the protected realms."
"Milo: I see. Me and the crew might go sightseeing into that one realm, The Void Realm. Word says its rich with treasures and ore!"
"Tatsuhiro: That it is, but there are creatures out there so if you do go, be careful."
"Milo: I shall! It was a pleasure to have you at the party! I look forward to when we meet again!"
"Tatsuhiro: Till then, Milo!"
(Tatsuhiro then walked on the water all the way back to his mansion's shore and went inside the mansion to cool off then notices all eight of Tatsuhiro's wives in maid outfits just for him.)

"All: Welcome back, darling!"
"Tatsuhiro: ...W-W.. What's all this..?"
"Xinera: Well.. you did save all of us from certain parts in our lives but the eight of us met you on different occasions. We met at a bar."
"Isabel: You saved me from being permanently paralyzed!"
"Swift Eye: W-We.. We was assassin co-partners.."
"Athena: We met at the Olympian Library in Olympus!"
"Hayazawa: You gave me the best fight I ever had."
"Tayna: You killed me but brought me back, which I'm thankful for..!"
"Sybille: We met at the International Elemental Tournament."
"Akari: I was a long time rival with Sawano.. but made up thanks to you."
"Xinera: We all decided to please you for the day..!"
"All: We love you, Master Tatsuhiro!"
"Tatsuhiro: I.. I love you all too..!"

(Tatsuhiro was then speechless as he was then carried by all seven of his wives to be treated like a real king. A while later outside of the galaxy yet in a government owned area in space, lies the Dimensional Warlord's headquarters and maximum security intergalactic prison right across from the HQ. Inside the warlord's headquarters, Khoteku was seen speaking with Goxius about the future now that Knitemare is defeated and Tatsuhiro is semi-retired.)

"Khoteku: So what happens then, Goxius? Do you think the new generation of fighters can handle the next era of enemies that awaits them?"
"Goxius: It is pretty hard to say. It would take approximately two or one month for a new villain to appear. Right now, Earth is just dealing with usual and common crimes like burglaries, robberies and muggings. If things were serious, the Elemental Division would be dispatched. However, this concerns me.."
"Khoteku: What concerns you?"
"Goxius: Lord Tatsuhiro's semi-retirement. He's worked himself so hard that he's never had the time to relax and something is telling me, Tatsuhiro is going to back into fighting despite being semi-retired from said fighting."
"Khoteku: Well.. Knowing my brother, that's exactly what he'd do."
(As they both enter the main hall of the headquarters, Khoteku notices the strongest Dimensional Warlord returning from a mission far from Tatsuhiro and the other's dimension coated in blood which gave Khoteku a little chill inside her body.)
"Goxius: Is something wrong Khoteku?"
"Khoteku(Thinking): That's him.. The strongest warlord out of all seven of us.. Kebi Demonveil."
(As he walked by the two, he then paused for a moment.)

"Kebi: Goxius. Would you mind if I asked a question?"
"Goxius: By all means, do ask away!"
"Kebi: What do you know of King-In-Training, Sawano Magachi?"
(Khoteku was silent as she was scared of Kebi's rising presence of negativity.)
"Goxius: All I know is that Mr. Magachi is a very skilled and gifted individual in combat, just like the rest of us. In addition to him with the throne to Senvoinerth, he has the attributes which fits a leader. Is there a reason you ask?"
"Kebi: I just wanted a bit of light shed about this man."
"Khoteku: I..-"
"Kebi: If something is on your mind, Khoteku. Please speak what you wish to say."
"Khoteku: I.. Is there a r-reason.. you asked about Sawano truthfully.?"
"Kebi: I've accepted a commission to claim his bounty."
(Goxius and Khoteku was silent for a moment.)
"Both: Huh?"
"Khoteku: W-Would you.. repeat that.. please..?"
"Kebi: I've accepted. A commission. To claim. His bounty."
"Khoteku: U..UH.. B-BUT..! BUT.. SAWANO'S FAMILY TO ME!"
"Kebi: Even if so, its just as if that bastard Lotus Kenhiro once said: "An assassin's job must be done, no exceptions."
"Goxius: While I have no intentions to stop you from doing this commission, Kebi. But I really do not think its wise to target Sawano while he is King-In-Training and on top of that, Tatsuhiro Magachi is still around."
"Kebi: I will take my chances, a job is a job. If Tatsuhiro kills me, I will consider it an honorable death but I will never respect a being like him."

(As Kebi walked off, Khoteku was still scared as she wished to stop him anyway she could but continues to hesitate for she thought it was the right idea to do. Hours then goes by on Senvoinerth as Kebi noticed Sawano training with Aimiya afar in the Magachi's newly rebuilt palace and continued to walk towards the palace until Tatsuhiro was seen sitting on a tree.)

"Tatsuhiro: The hell do you think you're going?"
"Kebi: Tatsuhiro Magachi. I'm going to the Magachi's Palace to claim Sawano's bounty, what else could I be doing here?"
"Tatsuhiro: I'm gonna have to ask you to uh.. kindly get the.. FUCK. Off our property before I actually can legally kill you."
"Kebi: I know how this is going to go. I continue walking, you blast me away from the palace, we fight in the dimensional rift for three minutes until you force your Senvoinian Form awake and attack me relentlessly until I'm beaten to a pulp. Is my hypothesis, correct?"
"Tatsuhiro: Pretty smart for a soon-to-be-dead warlord."
(Kebi continued to talk towards the palace as Tatsuhiro tried to attack but froze for even his abilities was completely gone and had him thinking about what could've happened.)
"Kebi: Anyone within my presence Tatsuhiro, I can remove their abilities and elements temporarily at will. The commission will be completed, one way or another."
(As Tatsuhiro tried to forcefully activate his abilities, Kebi then entered the palace's training grounds as Aimiya and Sawano noticed which halted their training.)
"Aimiya: W- Kebi Demonveil, is there something we can help you with?"
"Kebi: I've come to claim the bounty of Sawano Magachi."
(Aimiya and Sawano was silent as Sawano sensed his power level as it was on par with Khomat and other realm leaders.)

"Sawano(Thinking): He's.. very powerful.. I can feel that from here...!"
"Aimiya: Um.. what did you say?"
"Kebi: I've came to claim Sawano's bounty. This was an ordered commission in which will be carried out."
(As an arrow made of divine light was shot at Kebi, it was deflected by just a fingernail which Sawano was a bit nervous and gave Aimiya a little jump of surprise.)
"Aimiya: THE HELL?!"
"Kebi: My body is strong enough to withstand even arrows of divinity. Resisting to protect Sawano is a mistake among the Warlords."
"Tatsuhiro: You will.. get the hell.. OUT OF SENVOINERTH..!"
(Tatsuhiro was storming his way towards Kebi as Sawano was backing away.)
"Kebi: It appears I will need to use my real sword to be rid of this nonsense!"

(As Kebi quick draws his massive sword, a blinding light surrounded the three as time suddenly slowed down and Tatsuhiro's eyes was engulfed with blue flames which ignited a sealed away power in which he could not unlock for years. Time suddenly resumes as the Senvoinian Palace explodes along with the surrounding areas due to Kebi's powerful strike which triggered several alarms for the residents of the revived Senvoinerth. As the debris clears, Tatsuhiro was seen engulfed in blue inferno which was on par with Sawano's heat levels and surprised the two but gave Kebi a glare at his sword being stopped with Tatsuhiro's left arm almost becoming severed but his entire blade impaled into the ground as it was split in half thanks to Tatsuhiro's body.)

"Tatsuhiro: Is that it..? I had to storm down here on my day off... Just to fucking deal with this shit..? Do you know how long I've avoided beating the shit out of someone, Demonveil?"
(Kebi showed a sweat of nervousness as he sheathed his shattered sword and Tatsuhiro forcefully regenerates his half severed left arm then walks slowly towards Kebi.)
"You stormed into our planet, ruined our palace, frightened the Senvoinians and planned to claim a bounty you're not even strong enough to handle..? I should've gave your mother a proper fucking. She would've loved my kid more than a reject like you. Now get the FUCK off my planet.. or I'll rip your skeleton right out of your damn skin and hang you like a ragdoll."
(Tatsuhiro's eyes was clearly clouded with anger as Kebi did not say anything but delivered a serious glare as he was not afraid of Tatsuhiro's anger then turned back.)
"Kebi: Very well. I will retreat for now, mainly because my sword if broken. I will be back however. Do keep and eye on your son, Tatsuhiro. You may the most strongest being alive, but all of the Dimensional Warlords have a warrant to claim Sawano's bounty."
(Kebi then warped himself back to the warlord's HQ as Sawano sat down out of relief.)

"Aimiya: Tatsuhiro.. when was you able to cast.. U-Unholy Inferno..?"
"Tatsuhiro: I... don't know. BUT I'M PISSED ABOUT IT..!"
(Aimiya jumped a bit at Tatsuhiro's anger.)
(He was silent as he was nervous still about the warlord he has just met.)
"Sawano: Who.. was that..?"
"Aimiya: Kebi Demonveil, one of the six Dimensional Warlords. He actually claims to be the strongest warlord while the real number one has been absent for years."
"Tatsuhiro: The real number one of the warlords.. If Demi-God Gaito Tamarei was here right now, he wouldn't be a strong enough match against him. Kebi is just the fifth warlord, so he's considered one of the weakest warlords but has a powerful ability."
"Sawano: So he's not a threat?"
"Tatsuhiro: Nope, you only though he was strong because you're at base form. Sawano, based on your power level right now... If you was at full power with your Senvoinian form, you could rival me if I was in my prime... Oh wait, I am."
"Sawano: Question.. What are the Dimensional Warlords?"
"Aimiya: The Dimensional Warlords are very powerful individuals who rests from the Celestial power levels to Infinity. To put it simply, if all six were to battle Tatsuhiro.. Even he would have trouble, regardless of his strength."
(He got up to what Aimiya stated.)

"Sawano: They're THAT powerful?"
"Tatsuhiro: Not all of them. In truth, the Dimensional Warlords are considered a trump card if all of Class X were to fail at defeating the enemy. However, during Zeus's reign, the Dimensional Warlords was exiled from Olympus or this dimension."
"Sawano: But isn't Khoteku part of the warlords?"
"Tatsuhiro: Khoteku is the only person of the warlords allowed access in this dimension because she's part of the family, making her Magachi royalty by biological technicality."
"Sawano: I see..."
"Tatsuhiro: But. Back in the old days, there was another group powerful enough to rival the Dimensional Warlords. I know this because.. I was the leader of that group."
"Aimiya: Do you mean them, Tatsuhiro?"
"Tatsuhiro: Yes I do."
"Sawano: So tell me, what are the other warlords like?"
(Aimiya and Tatsuhiro was silent as they both nodded.)
"Aimiya: If you wish to know that, then we'll have to go to the Olympian Library in Olympus. That's how we'll be able to get the archives."
"Sawano: Understood. Father, you coming with?"
"Tatsuhiro: I would kiddo, but your dad's got an eating contest in... fifteen seconds!"
(Tatsuhiro then flash warped right out of Senvoinerth and back to Earth to participate in the eating contest as it was just Sawano and Aimiya.)
"Aimiya: Don't worry Sawano, I'm still willing to tell you about the warlords either way."

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