Chapter 6:

A Black Cat?

I'll Be A Witch In My Next Life

“Finally!” The man holding the sword was about to kill us.

I was about to be killed again. My life as Valkyrie flashed in front of me. I hope Father and Mother won't cry for too long. Brother Vandrel and Vin might get angry though.

Ah? I can see their faces drowning in sorrow and guilt. It was only for a brief moment but I was really happy.

I closed my eyes as the crown prince embraced me.

In that moment, I was sure I felt a shadow of an animal passed by us while I was being hugged by the crown prince.

All of a sudden, the man who was about to kill us groaned in pain. I heard the sound of a heavy sword as it fell on the ground. As I turned my back to witness what's happening, I saw the man's right wrist covered in blood and saw the silhouette of a big dark panther, that was about my size, right of me, trying to keep the man from harming us.

The panther roared all over the place. All of us were stunned to see such a scene.

"Are you trying to help me?" I asked the panther in surprise. Although I was really not expecting for an answer, the panther just looked at me with its emerald green eye on its right and golden eye on its left, as if it's trying to say that I'm right.

It roared again. Everyone stopped for a moment.

"What's with that animal?" The men who attacked us asked in awe.

"Are you alright, Valkyrie?" The crown prince looked so worried. He tried me to reach my right shoulder. Thanks to that sarcastically, I could sense the pain on my back again. I groaned in pain and that caught the attention of the panther. The panther turned furious to the crown prince and showed its sharp fangs and claws towards him. The crown prince was startled.

Luckily, I managed to calm it down. “Wait! He’s not the one who inflicted this wound,” I exclaimed. The panther stopped and suddenly became friendly with me. It circled around me and turned into a small cat. How cute!

“It turned into a cat?” The crown prince was also amazed. After clinging to me, it yawned and fell asleep in my lap. I caressed it to sleep.

I turned around and witnessed the knights captured all the men who attacked us. It seemed like those men was restricted of their movements when the panther roared earlier; and that’s why, they were able to capture them without any casualties.

The man who slashed my back was also captured by my brother, Vandrel.

After giving the man a total beat up, he rushed to my side and knelt before me. “My poor sister, does it hurt so much?” He asked.

“Brother, I’m alright.” Well, it’s like it’s not painful at all. The wound was still there but the pain miraculously vanished. Was it because of this little thing? I looked at the animal while still caressing it.

I tried to stand while carrying it.

“Val, please.” My brother insisted.

“Is there any doctor here?” The crown prince asked his knights.

“Your highness, there is a doctor back in the castle. We can still treat the lady.” A knight responded.

My brother, Vandrel, covered my back wound with his coat and bowed to the crown prince.

“Your highness, I’ll take my sister home and get her treated there. You don’t have to worry about her.” Vandrel explained.

“Valkyrie saved my life. She should at least be rewarded.” The crown prince insisted.

“Your highness, my sister is not your fiancée anymore. Please stop calling her like you used to.” Brother seemed to snapped his nerves.

Oh no. I calm him down.

“Brother, it’s alright.” I couldn’t grab his arm because I was holding the cat.

“Even if she’s not my fiancée anymore, she’s still a citizen of this kingdom. I order you to get treated back to the castle.” He commanded us.

How dare you, little twerp? After all I sacrificed for you, this is how you repay me?

My brother had the look that was about to kill someone. Brother, have patience!

“I accept your command, your highness.” I was angry but I accepted his order.

On our way back to the castle, I got to talk to my brother.

“Why did you accept?” He asked me. Was I supposed to decline the order of a crown prince?

“Brother, we have to get home as safe as possible. Your attitude earlier was a bit reckless. Do you want us to get killed?” I sarcastically said to him.

“That brat!” He’s talking about the crown prince.

I tried to cover his mouth.

When we arrived at the castle, I had my back wound treated with a female doctor and we immediately faced the King.

“It’s good to see you, Lady Valkyrie and Sir Vandrel.” My brother and I bowed to him.

“We were honored, my King.” We replied.

Then, he raised his hand signaling that we should stop bowing to him.

“Thank you for saving Alexander’s life, my lady.” He showed gratitude in front of everyone.

“It is the citizen’s job to protect the crown prince, my King. You don’t need to thank me.” I gently smiled back at the King.

“If you have any wish, just name it, my lady. Be it power, jewelries, anything. Just name it.” Well, that was tempting.

I thought about it and…

“When I was left with the crown prince, Alexander, in the island, I realized that I don’t really want to be tied down. Not anywhere… not to anyone. I will become a witch, my King.” Everyone looked at me like I was a disappointment except for my brother who only looked so proud.

“My King, I have my own goals now so I don’t need any wish for myself. Instead, please look at the crown prince, Alexander, more. He needs you more.” I added.

I didn’t bother looking at Alexander that time.