Chapter 2:

vol.1 ch.2 a friend from hell

that day

author: () meaning that the narrator is talking just like how present mike presents characters in BNHA, and hope you enjoy the chapter don't forget to comment

At the class

"Hi there everyone, I will be teaching you this term as well, so let's start by recording attendance"

'Uh it is this teacher again

I forgot to present this guy before but that black-haired youthful teacher is our math teacher Kita Itsuki he is full of passion to teach students but he has a bad temper and has a lot of faith in students with good grades even if they are in the wrong

"Attention everyone I will be teaching you this term also, so let's start taking attendance"

".... Next is sato Subaru"


"I said sato Subaru"


"Listen young lady I don't have time for your pranks, I have a section to start"

"But...But I am sato"

As I show him my ID

"Uh... So you are actually sato"

"Ye... Yes!!"

I can see he over the state of confusion more like a visibly and invisibly confused stat

"Back to the attendance next is ..."

'at least apologize for one time'

"Now let's start our class"


After the class ends

"Uhg I am hungry I think I will be going to the cafeteria"

"Nah stay here I am going there anyway, so what kind of bread do you want"

I can feel my eyes getting teary remembering how I suffered every day just to get bread and it wasn't mine in the end

"Hey why are you crying now"

"It... It is just you are the first person to go there in my stead"

"There there it is not a big deal, so what bread do you want to eat"

'I swear he is an angel'

"Uh... I think I will eat sweet potato bread"


As he leaves the class

While I was there thinking of what happened today I soon realise that a girl with brown hair was standing in front of me

"Hey aren't you that girl that was walking with suzuki-Kun"

"Huh... Uh but I am not a girl"

'How did you know his name, to begin with'

"That is not convening at all, so stop pretending"

"But I am a guy.. here!"

As I show my student ID

'that ID convinced even the teacher, I will surely work on her'

But unlike my thoughts, I heard a cold sound

"You think such a thing will convince me"

"But... But"

"Ring ring"

'hah the ring saved me

"Hah.. how about you see me at the second break on the roof, and if you don't come I will come to you, so see you again ~"

'this girl is dangerous'

"Oi sato why do you look like you saw a ghost"

"Uh... Nothing it is just I am tired"

"Anyway here is your bread sorry I was late"

As I open it and take a big bite of it

"Thank you, Suzuki"

"It is nothing just don't try to go there with that body, I swear you will get stamped there"

"I know"


At the second break

'uwaaah what do I do if I go to the roof she might see through me but if I sit here she might say I am a girl in public what do I do'

'no, even if I go there she won't know I am a girl

'hai then I am going there'

"Sato? Where are you going"

"Fo.. for the bathroom"

"Oh ok then"

As I leave the class and go to the roof

"Hey is there anyone there"

As a sound from behind the open door answered me

"So you did really come"

'it is her!!!'

Then she closes the door behind her

"Then why are cross-dressing as a boy"

"Because I am really a guy"

"Uhg listen that won't work on me my mother is a clothes designer and I won't be convinced by such a fool disguise"

"But I swear I am a guy"

"Just spell it out or I will tell all students in this school"

' weren't I supposed to be the senior here'

"I... I.."

"Ok, then I think I will see you later senpai~"

'wait is she gonna tell everyone but suzuki-Kun doesn't like to interact with girls... Then does that mean I will be beaten again but this time I might really die no no no'

"Please... Stop"

"I can't hear you"

'i shall stop this at any rate even if I have to say everything'

"I said please stop!!"

'i want to cry so bad right now'

"It...(snife) is a long story so (snife)...."

As I spell the whole story to her barely suppressing my crying

"But i..... I swear I was a guy before"

"This story is not convincing enough for me but i will let it slide this time"

"Ugh what should I do so you believe, and why are you so cold like this, what are trying to prove? You won't get anything out of ALL OF THIS"

'f*ck I accidentally cried'

"I... Mean why? Just (snife) why?"

I finally broke out crying

"Eh eh I didn't mean to do all of that"

"But you as shoo shcary"

"But I swear I didn't mean to scare you, I just was curious that's all"

"(Crying sounds)"

"Then how about we become friends and I will help you to keep that a secret"

As she tries to reach my head

"Stay... away"

"Come on please"

As she moves her hand quickly then she patted my head

"Ugh fine"

"Huh are you a cat or something"


"I am sorry now calm down calm down"


"Now how about being friends I swear I didn't know it looked that scary to you so please forgive me"

"...... Fine but don't say a word about what you told me"

Then she moves he hand over he mouth like a zipper

"Don't worry no words will go out of this bag"

"Ring. Ring"

"So see you later"

"See...(snife) you"


Aizawa Asuna pov:-

It is my first day in high school

Aizawa Asuna entered high school in the second term as a new student after she broke her leg and two arms while playing karate and has been educated at home

'Yosh, here Starts all the fun like going out and learning to be independent... And maybe find love like in these animes'

'i am positive I will find my love at this school, I can imagine a handsome guy saying such passionate words to me kyaaaaaa'

(Here is Aizawa Asuna a normal 16 years old girl that fantasizes about love every day)

As I enter the school then I saw him a guy with shinning black hair and blue eyes just like the ocean, and his smile was like the most refreshing yet beautiful thing I have ever seen

'i have decided it will be him'

"Hey can I have a moment of your time"

...... After the conversation in the last chapter

'huh it is strange how I didn't see her from the beginning'

But actually, a small girl was clinging to him

'Why is she dressed as a boy'

"Oi you are really messing with me right now"

"No no, but can I have a question"


"Then who is this girl behind you"

"You know I just said no, and you are freaking annoying. And he is a guy you airhead"

'what is this nonsense don't tell me she tricked you like this I must make him aware of that trick'

"A guy but... I am sure she is a girl"

"You now just interrupted us and no is sticking your nose inside something out of your business"

'it seems I have walked on a field mine right there... Ok then escaping protocol number 8 -ehe- activate'


At class

I can't stop thinking of that strange girl I mean she looked like a girl in everything, why is she dressing like that, I mean I want to prove it but I can't'

As I feel the strike of electricity hitting my brain

'wait a moment IMPOSSIBLE is she that kind of girl in the manga that crossdress just to get the attention of her crush... Wait wait in the last manga I read she won, in the end, no no it is too early I just met him'

"Ring ring" class end

'i shall find her'

As I search every class then I found a girl dressing like a boy just lying on the bench

'it is her'

"Hey aren't you that girl that was walking with suzuki-Kun"

'it is true I heard his name by accident but it feels good to say it'

(Aizawa Asuna was also known as the poker face in middle school as you shall never try to read her expressions it will be mostly wrong)

"Huh... Uh but I am not a girl"

"That is not convening at all, so stop pretending"

"But I am a guy.. here!"

As she tries to show me an ID for a boy

'How did you even acquire that are you a witch now'

"You think such a thing will convince me"

"But... But"

'what you try to pretend to be flustered now we will see'

"Ring ring"

'tch wrong timing'

"Hah.. how about you see me at the second break on the roof, and if you don't come I will come to you, so see you again ~"


At the second break

"Ring ring"

'yosh time for truth let's go to the roof'

As I feel the door of the roof opening I close it behind her and talk

"So you did really come"

'i thought you will escape, then let's see what you have'

(What Asuna didn't know was that she looked absolutely terrifying to sato at this time)

"Then why are cross-dressing as a boy"

"Because I am really a guy"

"Uhg listen that won't work on me my mother is a clothes designer and I won't be convinced by such a fool disguise"


"But I swear I am a guy"

"Just spell it out or I will tell all students in this school"

"I... I.."

'now final touch for the truth'

"Ok, then I think I will see you later senpai~"

"Please... Stop"

"I can't hear you"

"I said please stop!!"

'wait why does she look like she is about to cry I didn't push it too much right uh rright'

"It...(snife) is a long story so (snife)...."

As she started to say the most unbelievable story I had ever heard

"But i..... I swear I was a guy before"

'ugh just say the TRUTH and stop pretending to sniff every five seconds'

"This story is not convincing enough for me but i will let it slide this time"

"Ugh what should I do so you believe, and why are you so cold like this, what are trying to prove? You won't get anything out of ALL OF THIS"

'shit I think I have crossed the boundary'

"I... Mean why? Just (snife) why?"

'eh eeeeeeh I didn't mean to make her cry that much no no go back go back

"Eh eh I didn't mean to do all of that"

"But you as shoo shcary"

"But I swear I didn't mean to scare you, I just was curious that's all"

"(Crying sounds)"

'i know escaped protocol number 6 -friends-'

"Then how about we become friends and I will help you to keep that a secret"

"Stay... away"

' to all infantries defeat, I repeat defeat

-wait are we gonna do-

-use the 7th protocol-

-hai captain-

Escape protocol number 7 -pat-'

"Come on please"


As I move my hand at light speed to reach her head and pat it

'uh quite the good feeling if you ask me'

"Ugh fine"

'is she a cat I mean it is a strong protocol for such people but she accepted very fast'

"Huh are you a cat or something"


'hey I am sorry sorry'

"I am sorry now calm down calm down"


'ending protocol -apologize-'

"Now how about being friends I swear I didn't know it looked that scary to you so please forgive me"

"...... Fine but don't say a word about what you told me"

"Don't worry no words will go out of this bag"

"Ring. Ring"

"So see you later"

"See... you"

'she is a strange girl I mean she doesn't look interested in Suzuki-Kun I mean she didn't even protest she might have her own reasons, but what if her story was the truth... Nah I shall just help her because she is my first female friend in high school'


Back to sato pov:-

After school

"Uh sato sorry I won't be able to return home with you today as I have a very important meeting for my part-time job"

"Um don't worry I understand"

"Then see you later sato"

'i hope Kawashima won't show up on the road just like the last day in the last term'

"Hope you waited for me, chipi bastard"


'f*ck me and my big mouth'

(In such moments the pry uses its advantages on the predators to flee away in time but in this case, being the bullied for a lot of months has stopped his body reactions of sato as he knows that he would get a stronger beating in the end)

'shit I can't run... Huh?'

As I see a girl hitting one of the guys straight in the jaw by her leg throwing him on another guy and hitting their head in the wall making them blackout

(This is Aizawa Asuna a girl with a black belt in karate from the age of 12 and is training every day until her bones break sometimes)

"What about you the blond villain~"

(Aizawa Asuna although she might look scary while she doesn't mean it, her angry face is the scariest of them all)

"Ugh... I will catch you, next time bastard"

'wait is this Kawashima running away such a magnificent sight'

"Aizawa-san you are (snife) the best"

"I know but for you, I am just Asuna-san now aren't we friends Subaru-san"

"Yes thank you so much"

As we walk home while talking

"Now you shall work on yourself to be more confident"

'maybe she doesn't have the confidence to dress like a proper girl'

"I know... I am such a burden"

'now come on you are cute, to begin with'

"Not at all, oh and here is my phone number if you needed me"

"I will surely save it"

'if Suzuki-Kun is an angel then she might be a demon but she is the demon on my side she is my friend from hell'
