Chapter 9:

Journey to Naraka island

Ghost Siblings

Next day after waking up. Everyone met at the dining table.

[Akane]: How loud was my Onee-chan? Or maybe Onee-chan was really aggressive. You know totally opposite to hers usual behaving. Maybe, she was even calling my name. Hehehe. Onee-chan you are so naughty.

[William]: Nothing at all. It was as normal, as you could expect. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t good.

[Akane]: Eh? That’s all I want to know more details. How long you did this? Who was tired first? Tell me everything.

[Aoi]: End this topic, now. Unless, you want to sleep for longer.

[Akane]: So boring Onee-chan. You are too embarrassed to talk about this. It’s okay Onee-chan. There is no reason to be embarrassed in front of me.

[William]: We can start talking about you. Yours reactions was much more embarrassing.

[Akane]: Yeah, let’s talk about something else. What are we doing about this situation? Are we looking for whoever was behind Norman family?

[William]: Norman? What? Explain me what you mean.

[Akane]: What? Did you hit yourself too hard. When, you was doing stuff with my Onee-chan?

[William]: No, I really don’t know. Who is Norman?

[Akane]: Be serious for now. We talked about it yesterday. We asked everyone in the city about them.

[Erika]: You did? I thought, I was with you the entire time.

[Akane]: Even you? Maid explain me this situation!

[Maid]: What I’m supposed to tell?

[Akane]: You know. About person that paid you.

[Maid]: But, you did. I’m so thankful for that.

[William]: Akane why are you acting so weird.

[Akane]: Huh!? You all are acting weird. How even William was supposed to pay you. He is poor.

[William]: I was a prince. I still had some leftovers.

[Akane]: Yeah, and what about bandit’s camp and saving the lady?

[William]: Saving who? You mean Erika? I was back then unconsciousness, so I don’t know. Was there any bandits?

[Erika]: No, there wasn’t. Unless you count Kazamir.

[Akane]: Hah. Stop joking around. You know after we left the royal capital. We went to save a lady from the bandit’s camp, because old lady asked us for help.

[William]: But, we went directly here. There was no bandits in the way here. And, definitely we didn’t saved anyone.

[Akane]: You are so annoying.

[Aoi]: Akane, I told you. You can’t make a believable story. Now, excuse us.

Akane and Aoi went out of sight.

[Akane]: What are you doing Onee-chan? Don’t tell me you forgot too.

[Aoi]: No, I didn’t. Everyone else did.

[Akane]: How? Did someone attacked us?

[Aoi]: I don’t know how. But, after they woke up they forgot everything and a fake memories was placed in theirs place.

[Akane]: Even you can’t alternate someone’s memory. This person has to be very dangerous.

[Aoi]: This is the weirdest part. Whoever it was, could just easily kill them instead of doing this.

[Akane]: So, let’s tell them about this.

[Aoi]: Better not to. Whoever it was cares about theirs anonymity. It’s safer for them to not know. Who knows what, that person will do next time.

[Akane]: This is really bad. Can we really act like nothing happened?

[Aoi]: Yes, let’s act like this. Leaving this aside. I think it’s good idea to visit Naraka island. We are already at the port city. Getting a boat and sailing there shouldn’t be a problem.

[Akane]: Do you think Ayame-chan can be there?

[Aoi]: Probably not. But, we can check it.

[Akane]: Yeah, let’s do this. I would fell bad, if she was there for so long alone. And, it’s better to get out of this city just in case, that person is somewhere nearby.

Akane and Aoi went back to the dining table.

[Akane]: William we have a request for you.

[William]: What is it?

[Aoi]: We want to go to Naraka Island. We need to check something.

[William]: Sure, we are already at the port city. We just need to take a boat.

[Akane]: No additional questions? What’s the reason for that?

[William]: Nah, I trust you even when you want to visit deserted island. Damn, I hope there is nothing there like mutated animals or something.

[Aoi]: Thanks a lot. It means a lot for us.

[William]: No problem. Let’s go after we finish a meal.

At the port a talk with seaman started.

[Seaman]: Oh, so you came here for yours boat. You paid for it yesterday.

[William]: Yeah, we already paid for it. Good thing I had some money left.

[Akane]: Yeah, it’s a good thing that you somehow had any money left. Can you go with Erika and prepare the boat?

[Erika]: Me? I don’t know how. I never did that.

[Seaman]: I will show you. Come.

Akane and Aoi stayed behind.

[Akane]: Isn’t it weird Onee-chan? It looks like that person want us to be gone from this place. But, if we consider that person wanted us to come here in the first place. Then, why?

[Aoi]: We don’t know how much that person did. Was a bandit’s camp situation created entirely by them? We wanted to sail anyway. We would come to a port city anyway. Probably this one, because it’s the closest one.

[Akane]: I guess, we should forget about this situation. We can’t gain anything from talking about this. And, it makes us act suspicious.

Akane and Aoi entered the boat.

[Seaman]: You got it? Remember to not go far away. This boat is not good enough to survive a storm or something.

[William]: Yeah, I will manage it. Don’t worry we will be fine.

[Seaman]: Haha. Good luck! Don’t let sea devouer you all.

Seaman left the boat.

[Erika]: He scared me a little. Are we sure, we want to do this.

[Akane]: You can leave at any moment.

[Aoi]: Don’t worry. Storms rarely happens. We will save you anyway, if something happens.

[Erika]: Thanks. You are right. Let’s go.

After few hours in the open sea.

[Erika]: Wow. I never thought, I could sail through the sea. What a weird feeling. I wonder how many mysterious creatures are there below.

[Akane]: You can check it. Just jump to the water and dive.

[Erika]: I prefer not to. I have one question, Aoi. You can use magic, right? Is there no flying magic or something?

[Aoi]: My magic specializes in affecting living beings. This mean things like powering allies and cursing enemies. I think even, if I could use flying magic energy consumption would be too high to make it useful.

[Erika]: Oh, makes sense. Too bad.

[Akane]: I can make you fly, if you want to.

[Erika]: No, thanks.

[Aoi]: Akane stop this already. Be a little nicer for her.

[Akane]: Instead of making her fly, I’m just saying I can do this. This is the best I can do.

[William]: Akane tone, when talking to Erika get better too. Previously, I could feel anger every time she spoke to her. They are already becoming good friends.

[Akane]: Hah! How could I ever like her. I’m just accepting her presence a little more.

[William]: Haha. You are sounding like tsundere right now. It’s not like I like her or something.

[Akane]: Shut up.

[Aoi]: Just be a little more honest with yours feelings.

[Akane]: Gah. Let’s just end this topic. I don’t want to talk about her.

[Erika]: I’m already happy, that she is no longer looking at me with killer intent. I know it’s weird moment and I should ask earlier. Is there any reason, why you want to go Naraka Island? This place should be without any life. I doubt you just want to look around for no reason.

[Aoi]: We are checking, if Ayame is still here.

[Erika]: Who she is?

[Aoi]: Our little sister. We never saw her on the other side, so maybe she is still alive and this island is our best bet. Honestly, I would prefer, that she would just forget about us. But, we should check this place anyway.

[William]: Why you never spoke about her? We should start looking for her earlier. This is yours sister after all.

[Akane]: There was no reason. Anyway, if she is still alive it will be more, than 300 years since we last met. It was better for her to forgot about us anyway.

[Erika]: Wait what!? Is she over 300 years old then? Is she immortal or something?

[Aoi]: Yes, I and Akane was over 200 years old, when we died. Ours mother was over 1000 years old. Age doesn’t really affects us.

[William]: Age aside. Why are you saying that it was better for her to forget about you? Did something happened between you?

[Akane]: Well, we can talk about it later.

[Erika]: Oh look! I can already see island.

[William]: So this journey happened without any problems. At least this is good news.

[Aoi]: Maybe we just got lucky or people are just too scared to even try to sail here.

After a while they arrived at the island, leaving boat on the ground. Island looked lifeless. No tress, grass or animals in sight.

[William]: Doesn’t look like anything lives here, but other than that I expected much worse.

[Erika]: True, every time I heard about this place it sounded like literal hell will be here. It’s much better than I thought.

[Akane]: Haha. What did you expect? Literal flames coming from the ground? Already more than 300 years passed since great explosion here.

[Aoi]: Magic still feels very strong here, not surprised that life never came back to this place. Let’s start our searching.

Aoi and Akane kept screaming Ayame! When, we was walking around the island.

[Aoi]: I guess that was to be expected. She is not here.

[Akane]: Even if she is still alive. Who would even stay here? It’s already more than 300 years since then.

[William]: Why even this place? Is this place important to you? Did you lived here before explosion? Can you finally talk with us about yours past?

[Akane]: Well, I lived with Onee-chan here long time before explosion. I don’t know what caused this explosion. We both think Ayame could cause this explosion.

[Erika and William]: What!?

[Erika]: Someone magic can be so powerful, to cause such a big explosion? Barely anyone knows magic now to be honest, you are the first persons I met who can use it. More people knew it back then or what?

[Aoi]: Not really. Ayame is just very special. Still we are not sure, if she caused this we was already dead back then. However, this makes the most sense.

[Akane]: Onee-chan let’s just tell the entire story from the beginning. So, this is what happened back then…