Chapter 28:

song and poetry

love sick delinquent

I stared at the beautiful bookmark hhad in my hads…a bookmark that was able to keep flowers and plants intact which yahiuro had given to me adn instead the glass case…was the flower nicol had gaven to me

Ill cherish this forever

Fancy bookmark”i head reiji speak as she lean close to the bookmark on my hands”say katarina…you read books?”she added as she stared at my face few inch awy from my nose

Um…..”i mumbled in discomrfort

''Are you finished with your homework yet?"she asked and i felt relief healing those from her.finally i can breath

''Not even an inch''i said proudly

'' I'm not done yet either''she responded”i vist you here so that we can do homework togethe”

''Really ?''i asked excitedly with sparkles in my eyes

''Yeah I still have my math problems left how bout you?''

''I haven't started my book report yet ''i responded

''Let's go to the Library and do it together ''reiji suggested''Just the two of us''

''Let's meet up at the library the music department library i added

aye i'm so excited.reiji seems nicer to me these days..i dont know if she's up to.something but i'm just glad were getting along even if this is just an act.ill be happy to be friends with her

i walked to the music department building as i.noticed students staring at me again when i saw a familiar face in the crowd

''yahiro''i said as my so fast i could hardly beat

''fancy to see you here katarina''

i nodded''um what are you doing here yahiro?''i asked

''i could ask you the same''he said as he gently scratched his cheeks''well,i was trading a pokemon card with one of the students here''he shyly responded

''reiji promised me she will help me with my book report''


i cheerfully nodded''and i didnt know you like pokemons yahiro''

''well,yeah but let's keep it a secret okay''

'' Come on katarina''someone called out to me and i saw a girl with short gray hair pretend to each side that reaches just below her chin and her long hair on its back tied in a tuxedo braid with warm brown eyes and large circular glass

i waved at her and she reached out my eyes''let's go''

i nodded''yeah i promise''i said looking at yahiro before reiji dragged me inside the library”what are you staring at”she asked irriately ly as she dragged me further

“Ah nothing reiji…”i responded but she glared at me and lean closer to me ear“i can name all original hundred and fifty one pokemon alphabetically”she whispered proudly in ear as we walked down the hall way ahead to the library

My heart skipped a beat.did reiji overheard the conversation i had with yahiro?

You do reiji>?”i said in excitement

“Wow you really like paxley don't you?”she sigh''Its sure is busy Over''reiji said to herself changing the topic and the mood

so...yahiro likes po-pokemon'” i thought to myself as i couldbt help blushing''and reiji too….so cute'

''over here.''reiji said which put me back from my senses as she started dragging me

''Oh Ihmp''she called at to nicol silently reading the book

Hey”i timidly wave at him

''Forget it!''nicol.said as he stood up and looked away

''Nicol where are you going?''i asked as i noticed him marching away from us

he stop and turn to my direction with a poker face''Somewhere where I can work in peace and quiet without you girls hanging around me''re responded

''What's with him? ''reiji whispered and sigh as she crossed her arms walking towards a computer

''Do you remember what is it called?''reiji asked as she sat down on the computer chair to have a good look

''Oh look here it is ''reiji pointed at the screen after she's done searching''It looks like the four copies had been sign out but there is one more copy It sure be here on the stacks''

''there's only one copy left''

Do you think someone in the library might be reading it ''i asked worriedly

''Let's go look Science fiction ''reiji said and smiled

''Hey Katrina, what are you looking for? ''a voice said as I turned around to see cecillon gently smiling at us.

he was.sitting alone on in a wooden chair near window in front of a wooden desk with a book on his hand as he closed it up

''Oh i can't find the book for my book report''

''What is it called?''cecillon.raised his eyebrow reclining on his chair and steepling his fingers

''beyond the boundary''i shortly responded

''Oh that's the book I saw the brat reading it''he said in a very soft vpice as he smiled''

brat?''Nicol has it?'

''cecilion shook.his head''i'm sure he can help''he added as pointed at a direction

say nicol hand over the book

what book

the one you're reading

i already give it to someone else

"Do you even have an idea about it?" reiji slammed the table

"Are you underestimating me?"nicol responded as they both glareing each other

"that's not what i mean"reiji gritted her teeth clung ito reiji's hem hoping to calm her down but she won't barge in

"Then what do you mean?" He asked ,mocking me.

''I bet you haven't read a single story or poem written by how are you going to base the book report for a story you don't even know?"reiji whispered as she averted her gaze finally.step away from nicol

''you're wrong darling"he smirk again

Wait...whut?"Darling?...what are you,talking about idpoit ?" reiji yelled at him which caught everyone's attention

were at the library.i slap my forehead gently

"I even lock myself in memories, and you? This time, this temperature This passing wind, will I remember it? A person to forget Like a black and white film passing''

''But on this rainy night I can't fall asleep Whatever I do, it doesn't dry out"

my eyes widened in surprise.the other student didn't mind the girls scream that echoed in the room

"Is that how i.really feel or not? A confusing set of questions and answers One rainy day I fell in love with you but.why.does my heart hurts so much''

'' Now you stay like a broken fragment It's engraved deep inside"

”he said in a sad tone and touched his heart as if it's aching. What the fuck? I didn't even say anything!tsk hypocrites are now everywhere

“yeah yeah whatever you say”reiji rolled her eyes but her cheeks burned with embarrassment

wow i didn't know nicole is good at spoken poetry.i gently clapped my hands without thinking

''The sound of rain, is it your voice? Is this the sound that is calling me?Am I the only one thinking about you?Does this rain comfort me? Do you know my feelings I can't stop thinking about you Dear sky, please help Please stop this rain So i can forget it :

!those lines....beautiful

"all eyes staring at us...i hate standing out but bicol completely ignore the crowd and only focus his attention on me

did he really get offended about what reiji had said earlier''i thought to myself

"The other side of the window The sound of the rain is ringing if we ever get separated. If we ever move apart use my singing as a guide post. you'll always be able to find my voice find me again Until we meet again... " he said in a very soft voice and smile

nicoles hair gently got swayed by the wind synchronizing with the curtains bear the library....he's so a porcelain doll

"Omg rain sound !ayiee "a group oc female music department student said blushing as they looked at nicpl all flattered

Are they one of Nicole's fanclub?

beyond the boundary!i suddenly remembered that book oh noh If I never find that book,I'll never finish my book report

go to the literature club then''bicol suggested

How do we find it? Do you see it Over there!! Alright!now I can do my homework Woah Grab Reiji arm up and down in excitement

you like books right?"

"Woah they are beautiful nicole!!'i check the book individually and carefully browsing at the shelf

suddenly i noticed a hard cover bpom with no label on it so i took it out of the shelf. i flip the book open and in the front page of the book.i saw a picture of a girl smiling...she was wearing a simple white dress and a chestnut hat on the sunflower field"Beautiful....."i said whispered in amazement

" euphimia wrote it herself''nicol said when he noticed me holding the book

" really?!awesome!What is it all about??" i asked with twinkle eyes

"Love story between two idiots " nicol sigh
