Chapter 0:
Guts would twerk in fortnite
September 14th, 2023, deerbrook mall in houston, tx. 23 dead groundhogs found in the air ducts. Guts in the reebok store playing fortinite (not pubba gee)
Guts would twerk in fortnite. ( He’s so cool ) Hatsune miku gets shot up in miami?? WHAT?? A man name john jeremy gets told his father never loved him ( what? ) his penis is 30 inches long and it gets cut off in a freak elevator accident?!?? WHAT?!?! He rips bong rips homsexual style. Griffith eats cereal ( Racist ) and sonic the hedgehog bakes a pizza ( he is cannibalising his friend, tails ) Kevin the cube walks into the room, “Heil.” He’d shoot himself in the head with a double pump shotgun dropping two minis and a full chug jug. The fbi would storm in, too bad they stepped on the booby traps on the floor ( also ippo is here too ) and they’d be covered in olive oil, ( WHAT?! ) the olive oil had poison in it which made them twerk violently to death and they shidded and farded. Sonic and griffith would spend the better part of the afternoon cleaning up the shidded and farded twerking olive oil covered fbi agents
Hatsune Goku appears! “Whoa!” Shw shouted! She bludgeoned Guts to die. But guts was so strong and he came back, ans said “hatsune Goku.” Griffith and sonic would walk in carrying a bunch of farded and shidded twerked out olive oil covered fbi agents, “WHAT!” sonic would yell out, shocked and surprised; he was shocked. “WHAT!” yelled sonic again, he forgot what he said ( he has ) sonic would then break his arm off out of him being bored. Griffith was too yassed, “BAZINGA” said guts, The aliens outside were listening to this conversation the entire time, they had no clue that donald trump was about to lick their toes swaggy style, he was about to get froggy on their swamp asses. Guts would then hit the whoa, logically making the sun explode, this would anger obama, making him helicopter flop his balls making travel at 300 mph towards where guts was, Guts and obama were going to fight??? WHAT? Guts and obama would clash fists, “FUCK YOU” obama would baby rage, guts would epicly slice him in half, but sneaky obama drank an immortal potion ( WHHAT??) so he just straight up wouldnt die! BITCH! Obama and guts’ battle kept going breaking the house down, breaking? Bad? Walter white would walk in “BITCH!” said jesse ( this is the cool part )jeesee we need ta kill obama and the guts!!! (no way) walter white sprints on all fours towards obama and guts at an exact speed of 2,343 kmph guts and obama would shoot eachother an understanding look ( they were slow ) so it took like 4 hours for them to understand what eachother meant, They’d do a fusion dance which would cause a nuclear bomb to blow up in the distance. Obama and guts would absorb the power of the nuke and charge towards walter white who was sprinting on all fours “BITCH!” jesse would scream exploding ( for some reason???) also walter white would go super saiyan because i think super saiyans are cool, so they’d clash buttcheeks, but little did guts and obama ( we’ll call them gutsobama ) but little did gutsobama know walter white did ball training his his massive cancer balls were 40 tons ( per ball!). White walter (Walter white*) Midair would flip and his ( i meant hit*) obama and guts in the head WITH 80 TONS??? They’d unfuse, mebcaiuse ( i meant because but my mom walked in and beat me so i did a typo ) “Gah!” Guts would say in pain, “Owie kazowie he sure did a number on me” Obama said logically ( that’s something obama says all the time ), “You can’t beat me: Walter white” Walter white would boast “ My balls weight 80 tons” Guts would think of a way to defeat walter white “Then wouldn’t they rip off of your body? Because it’s so heavy!” Walter white would realize his mistake and his balls would tear off and land on the ground, walter white would yell “Curses! I’ll defeat you guts and obama!” He’d grab jesse who had rebuilt himself by the nape like a mom dog carries it’s pup by the scruff and scurry off into the sunset. “You know what you aren’t so bad guts.” Obama would say having lost his arm for some reason? ( idk where it went ) Guts would smile, “I used to be racist, but now i am a little less racist.” Griffith and sonic wouldn’t really see what happened because they were still cleaning up the twerked out olive oil booty fbi agents. Little did they know… Waltern white was planning his revange!!!! ( i meant revenge * )
Capter ( I meant schhapter ) ( I meant chapter 2 )
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