Chapter 43:

Game tournament

So What If I'm a Girl

The sun is high up in the afternoon, the sound of heavy footsteps were heard at the training ground.The sound was in a uniform manner and had a rhythm to it all.

"Is that the best you maggots can do!Lift your damn legs and run properly!If I hear one footstep out of tune, you will all repeat it!"A shout was heard at the very front

"Yes sir!"The people at the back all shouted in unison

The one at the front was Lan Du, she took the day to train her group, they were all in good shape since none of them dared to skip out on the schedule she gave them and could keep up with her current training.

"Don't think about resting until we finish!Not a drop of water will touch your tongue!"Lan Du shouted

"Yes sir!"The group didn't dare retort, they only followed her instructions blindly

"You lot of fifty will soon graduate in a year yet you still sweat in this training!Useless!"Lan Du shouted ruthlessly

"Sorry sir!"They all replied

Lan Du nodded in satisfaction, she then faced forward and ran without stop.The group had to match with her steps or they would be punished by her.

Lan Du also slowly remembered their names, but because there was so much, she still preferred to call them by their numbers.

After hours of running, they finally stopped, Lan Du was sweating slightly but compared to the rest, she was relatively fresh.The others were all drenched in their sweat and began gulping water down as if their life depends on it.

Lan Du also drank a bit but didn't even finish a bottle.

'Boss Du is an absolute monster...not even tired after all that'

'He is not someone we can compare ourselves to, but leading us is a different matter'

The group all felt great respect for Lan Du, but above all, there is also fear of being punished.Lan Du wasn't the type to hold back after all.

Lan Du wiped the sweat from the side of her face and took another sip of water before standing up.

"I will end it today, if anyone slacks off when I leave, I will skin you alive"Lan Du said before leaving

"Yes sir!"They all saluted and shouted, hoping she doesn't turn her head back.

Lan Du didn't glance back, she walked off as if they were no longer her business.Her attitude towards them made them feel a bit dejected, after all, she was the one training them.With the lack of attention, they felt more motivated in hopes of gaining their leader's attention.

But Lan Du didn't ignore them because she didn't care about them, it was purely because she was busy.She still had to buy more supplies for Hui Yue so she doesn't starve as well as keeping it from the twins, in case they misunderstand.

Lan Du ran to different stores for many supplies, she would have a hoody on the whole time so her face won't be recognised as easily.She then headed back to the medicine store she bought.

'I should have her run the store, at least she can earn her own money'Lan Du thought to herself

She entered and went to the back rooms of the store.

"I brought more supplies, anything else you want next time"Lan Du called outA figure jumped out and hugged her

"Where's the food I ordered, mn, smells good"She reached her hand for the bags on Lan Du's hand immediately.

Lan Du passed her the bags and took off her jumper.

"Can't you act more mature?You're a former assassin"Lan Du questioned and gave her a strange look

Hui Yue smiled

"This big sister is just a freeloader now, whats the point of acting mature in front of my adorable little brother?"She patted Lan Du on the head and said happily

Lan Du smiled

"A has a decent ring to it, by the way, you can't stay as a freeloader forever, I'm going to have you run teh shop, you just need to give them the medicine, as for the me"Lan Du gave her a piece of paper which included her phone number.

Hui Yue pouted

"Ah, I don't wanna work, I finally feel free"She began to throw a tantrum and flailed her arm

"Talk back again and I won't buy you game packs"Lan Du said with complete seriousness

Hui Yue immediately knelt down

"I will run this store with my life on the line!"She shouted

Lan Du chuckled

"The my big sister should start learning, take this book and memories it, I don't want you to get the medicines mixed up, I've already stocked up the different medicine in the order of the notes"Lan Du said

Hui Yue tucked her lips and read through the booklet, it was relatively simple so she was able to quickly memorise it all.

Lan Du laid back on the couch and took out her phone.

'Ah, the tournament for the game is tonight, I should hurry over and meet up with the others'

Lan Du suddenly remembered the tournament for the mech game she played.She hurried out the store and met up with Fatty and the others just outside the academy.

"Lan Du, thank goodness, I thought you forgot about us"Ling Shou laughed

Lan Du knocked his head

"I don't go back on my promises, lead the way"said Lan Du seriously

The other three laughed and patted Lan Du's back.Lan Du glared at them and warned them to never do it again, but overall, she felt relaxed and enjoyed the night.She followed them to a large building.There was a large mech statue outside it and lights were shining brightly in it.There was many people in the building and there was an empty section in the centre.

The room was so spacious, despite there being hundreds of people, there was still room for an empty centre and room to walk around in.

In the centre was two tablets with a seat in front of each.On top was a large screen that was 

connected to the tablets, replicating whatever the tablet shows.

"Lan Du, go easy on them"Fatty said lightly

Ling Shou and Tie Wang nodded

"Everyone, I thank you for coming, as you know, I'm the creator of Mech battle online, Wulan 

Da, I am also the owner of the upcoming auction, Golden Express, the winner of this tournament I hold today will receive a VIP for my auction, you can pick one item from the auction to a certain limit as well"Wulan Da stood at the centre holding a microphone.

"I will have challengers come up two at a time, the winner will stay and continue until no one dares to challenge him or her, then. I will hand out the prize"He held a golden card in his hand and said enthusiastically

Before Lan Du could go up, two others already walked up and sat down face to face.They held the tablets in hand and their faces were full of determination and seriousness.

The screen flashed and two mechs were shown.The countdown began and the mechs charged up at one another.They would exchange blows and once in a while throw in a combo.

"Fantastic, I made this game so it is difficult to even preform a followup, the winner is player 1, state your name and challengers will begin taking you on!"Wulan Da said happily

"I am Ba Hong, I will not give this spot to anyone!"He shouted with resolveSome people hesitated to go up, after all, not everyone here was skilled.Some just came to test their luck at it, while others came to watch the show.Soon, someone came up to Ba Hing and sat down.


The mechs ran up at one another, Ba Hong was able to land the first blow, giving him a large advantage.He followed up with a heavy punch.The strikes came in one after another, the opponent could barely retaliate, he would throw in some hits but it wasn't enough to win.

"Hahahaha, I played this game the moment it came out, I mastered every combination posiible!"Ba Hong laughed loudly

"Impressive, few can memorise them, much less master them"Wulan Da rubbed his chin and said with interest

No one walked up after another three challenges.Ba Hong remained at the top without the opponents even taking him to half health.

At this point, no one went up, they didn't want to embarrass themselves so they stood back.Lan Du smirked and slowly walked up to the front.

"I came to test my luck"She said lightly as she gave a light laugh

Ba Hong looked her up and down

"A hairless brat still dares to come up, are you looking down on me?You damn sissy looking kid"His words were harsh and relentless, Lan Du had a small vein pop out at the edge of her head but she restrained herself.

Fatty, Ling Shou and Tie Wang however were scared silly.

'Lan Du wouldn't kill him right there would he?'

'That Ba Hong screwed up big time, if he didn't say all that junk, he might actually save some face when Lan Du beats him...but now, he is dead'

Lan Du smiled and sat down, she held the tablet and downloaded her mech onto the tablet.

"Ready when you are"She said

"Humph, no one can beat me, much less a boy toy like you"

Lan Du's mentality snapped, she giggled to herself creepily and would give off a sinister aura.When teh match began, Lan Du's mech immediately got to Ba Hong's.

'Good luck'Fatty prayed for Ba Hong in his heart

Lan Du struck Ba Hong's mech on the chin directly, his mech swayed back, but Lan Du made use of the grapple attack to flip him to the ground in that second of stun.But before his mech touched the ground, Lan Du canceled the grapple and did a low sweep.

The sweep knocked Ba Hong's mech back, Lan Du then did a slide kick, during the moment before he touched teh ground, he was still targetable so Lan Du's strike landed hard.

"Incredible, I have never seen someone play my game with such efficiency"Wulan Da said in admiration

Lan Du's mech then lifted its leg and initiated an axe kick, it landed heavily on Ba Hong's mech.The mech landed on the ground and barely had any health left.

Ba Hong began to sweat, he jumped back up and preformed a heavy uppercut, but Lan Du controlled her mech to do a low kick, which cancel his attack.

Lan Du then used a heavy uppercut as well, it knocked Ba Hong's mech into the air.But in that short period, she displayed another grapple technique which held Ba Hong's mech by the ankle and smashed it mercilessly onto the ground.

That final slam dropped Ba Hong's health bar to zero, causing the game to end.

"I-impossible!He must have cheated!There is no way anyone can pull off those moves!"Ba Hong roared

He stood up and stood in front of Lan Du

"Brat, admit it!You cheated to win!"He shouted

Lan Du glared at him coldly, she stood up and her hand grabbed him by the mouth with great speed

"I am sick of your annoying buzzing, say another word and I dislocate your jaw"Lan Du clenched her hands, causing insane amounts of pain to rush into Ba Hong throygh his jaws.

"Player 2, please don't resort to violence, this is still my place"Wulan Da said dignified and 

walked in between them.

Lan Du released her grip and stepped back

"I won't bicker with him, but I won, does anyone else dare to challenge me"Lan Du said aloud, not afraid to offend anyone.Wulan Da smiled

"No need, no one can beat you with your skill level, even I'm afraid to go against you"Wulan Da said with a smile

Lan Du glanced over

"Is that really fine?"She asked

Wulan Da laughed, he turned to the crowd

"Does anyone have any confidence in beating him?"he asked

Everyone shook their heads, Wulan Da chuckled and turned to Lan Du

"What d you think now?"He questioned

Lan Du smiled

"Alright, I'll accept my win then"Lan DU said with a smile

"No!I disagree, he clearly cheated, no human can pull off such complex moves!"Ba Hong shouted

Wulan Da glared at him

"Are you implying I have bad insight?"He said coldly

"N-no, I wouldn't dare, but don't be fooled by that brat, he-"

"Enough, I have the final say, the tournament is over"Wulan Da shouted and handed Lan Du the golden card.

"I await for you at the auction"He said and left

Lan Du held the card and turned to her three room mates.

"Yo, won the tournament, not going to congratulate me?"Lan Du called out

The three laughed and ran up to her.Lan Du grinned and slapped each of them on the back.

"And here I thought it would be hard, why bother me with such a easy tournament?"Lan Du laughed lightly and said

Fatty shook his head

"I asked you to go easy on them, but look at that, that man could barely stand much less fight"The other two nodded in agreement, Lan Du was just too ferocious even in a game.

"Lan Du, why is everything that involves fighting become. a piece of cake for you?Are you hacking life?"Fatty questioned

Lan Du chuckled

"If you lose some weight, you may stand a chance against people,, looking at how you are now, fighting is a dream for you, don't even compare yourself to me"

Fatty stomped his feet, but Lan Du suddenly stumbled

"Wah fatty, did you get so heavy that you can cause tremors with mere steps?Impressive"Lan DU said sarcastically with a trace of mockery

Ling Shou and Tie Wang all laughed, fatty's face became red after this.

"You are all bullies!"He shouted

The night went by with the laughter of the four.