Chapter 15:

ACT II - Main Character Spectacles, for Real?!

Traces of You

As much as my mission about Ria was a success, the relief got replaced with various doubts very quickly. Everything had happened so fast that I didn't have much time to think things over, so all of the unanswered questions were attacking me right before sleep.

If I wanted to have any drop of sleep, I needed to come to terms with some things. I decided to take it step by step.

Was what I saw that day just a hallucination?

No, it surely wasn't. In the Reveal, I had seen Ria having a big interest in cute mascots, and she was looking for her plushie inside her bag. The conversation with her confirmed that she was indeed a fan of Harmony-chan, and her plushie was disposed of by her mother.

Something had caused me to see the past.

What had caused me to get such a vision?

The obvious reason would be the apron, maybe touching it had caused me to go into a time slip or something like that. However, something had been bugging me at the back of my head. I felt like it had something to do with my… Glasses.

What's the reason for that suspicion?

For one, I had been seeing things that were not actually there since the first day. They weren't full blown scenes like this, they were mere glimpses of human beings interacting with objects. They'd be gone in the blink of the eye.

On top of that, sometimes when I looked at certain objects, I'd feel like I knew what their background was. I didn't have a way of confirming these, unless… I remembered how I felt as if it were Reo's sisters who had gifted him his bracelets. I made a mental note that I should check with Reo regarding his family, and get confirmation on my theory.

There was another thing I needed to ponder on.

What had caused me to see Ria's past in particular?

If it really were my glasses causing this phenomenon, why was it that I wasn't getting visions everywhere? I suspected the reason was that I had a deep desire to know more about Ria. She had been really bothering my mind for a long time, and I desperately wanted to get to know her so I could help her…

These glasses had helped me with that desire.

My heart started pounding fast. What I had in my hands were some REAL Main Character Spectacles!!!

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. This inner discussion was far from over—we yet had to reach a conclusion for the most important point:

What do we do now?

I sighed. Yeah, as dreamlike this entire situation was, it was potentially very dangerous because I didn't know what exactly gave these glasses the power to see into the past. Heck, I didn't even know what else these glasses were capable of showing me. If I put my heart and mind into it, would I be able to see the future, people's inner thoughts, and much more…?!

I shook my head. Meddling with such things would be way too dangerous. But… Was I to bring these glasses back to 99-san? Was he aware of this power? If he did, why would he give them to me, a complete stranger, for free?! It wouldn't make much sense, as glasses like these weren't exactly… Common.

Seriously, what do we do now? Decide it.

Arghh, this was too difficult! I scratched my head in frustration. I didn't even know how I would mention the glasses to 99-san. Wouldn't he just think I'm a nutcase? Or worse—would he take them back?!

I noticed that the feeling of the glasses being taken away from me made me feel rather anxious. I had become quite attached to them for many reasons, plus I still had things I wanted to know…

Okay, it's been decided.

My first decision was that I still had something to confirm, and it was with Reo. My second decision would come accordingly. If my theories were to be correct, I'd try to use them one more time, this time to see Reo's past. After all, I really wished to be closer to him, and despite our recent conversations, his true self was still a mystery to me.

I let out a deep breath. Coming into terms with things and arriving at a clear conclusion really made me feel a huge wave of relief. While it was true that I was potentially playing with ideas that were dangerous, at least I had a goal. Now all that's left was to find an object, a trigger of some sort, to unlock Reo's past.

Something important to him… Perhaps the class chalkboard? The trees outside? The plants inside?

Well, I had the entire weekend to flesh out my new plan. If anything I'd just touch everything until something worked…!

I laughed at the absurdity of my current situation. But somehow, everything felt so… Right. As if all of these were happening to me for a certain reason. At the least, it was a good thing that it was me who had the power of these spectacles, as I imagined it'd end up in quite troublesome situations in the hands of evil people…

Hmm, well—that was enough thinking for a night, so I wasn't about to imagine possibilities about villains. I deserved a good night's rest, so I just focused on the relief that came with solving a Mystery and how I'd get to know more about Reo after the weekend.

Little did I know that, the next day something else would be hogging all my attention…
