Yuujin Seira is a high school student who has his life take a turn after receiving a special pair of glasses from an antique shop. Follow Yuujin's life as these spectacles welcome many colorful people into his world; unveiling a story full of new beginnings, hidden selves and friendships! But this joyful and tragic Teather of Life comes with a price to pay at the very end...
[Genre: School slice-of-life shenanigans with bits and pieces of comedy, drama, mystery and supernatural happenings!]
>>Please expand and read fully!!<<
My entry for this year's contest! Don't let the chapter count scare you off--the chapters are very bite-sized light reads. Below I have provided the character designs of Yuujin, Rena and Tsukumo. The ~mystery~ silhouettes will be posted on my twitter (@liliantsia) as they appear in my story, so make sure to check out my acc from time to time! I will also be posting random trivia and fun details about the story.
The characters you can see on the cover are as follows:
★/Yuujin Seira/星良ユウジン
♡/Ria Azuma/東理愛
✿/Reo Kajimaru/花時丸玲桜
☽/Michiru Sayonaka/小夜中みちる
✦/Akito Seiten/晴天晃翔
>>Please expand and read fully!!<<
My entry for this year's contest! Don't let the chapter count scare you off--the chapters are very bite-sized light reads. Below I have provided the character designs of Yuujin, Rena and Tsukumo. The ~mystery~ silhouettes will be p...