Chapter 11:

He likes a girl…

I Turned Into A Boy

11:03 pm 19th May 2038.

Meddler: What the HELL… How can he sleep after saying he likes someone? Wait…He said, “There is One girl I liked”…I think that’s what he said…He used “is” which means he is still that person, Till now the only girls…He interacted with Jessie and Sahisha…Don’t tell me Jeremiah likes Sahisha…Shit, I noticed it a bit but I never saw Jeremiah showing any signs. But I saw sahisha Blushing and all the cute-girl act she was playing might be that would be the case I guess.

Jeremiah turns around.

Meddler: Wow…I think the fever made him lose some weight. It's sad to see him this way, but his charm is still there…I’m still attracted to him.

I felt bad when you said that.”

*Keeps his hand on his head*

Meddler: His hair’s so soft… His sweating because of the tablets but He smells like sweat…But I never knew even he could smell…That’s so silly of me, But I think I like it so much…His eyes are really attractive...His eyelashes are as big as a camel’s.

*Takes Jeremiah’s and keeps it on himself*

Meddler: Heheheee….I'm so Naughty!! I'm getting Used to his presence…I want his presence more than anything in this world…And now I feel I’m just taking advantage of hi---.

*Sleeps while holding Jeremiah’s left hand and with his right hand on meddler*

9:55 am 20th May 2038.

*Jeremiah opens his eyes and he saw Meddler sleeping with him, so he tries to wake him up*

Jeremiah: Hey!! Meddler wake up! Aren't you going to school now? You're still sleeping.

Meddler: Huh!!! Good morning to meeee!! Hehe…Shit!! I'm still a Boy aah!

Jeremiah: What do you mean you’re still a boy?

Meddler: Oh!! SHittttttI'm staying with Jeremiah right? Ohh…I thought after sleeping with such a handsome guy I would turn gay!! Hahaha.

Jeremiah: Ohh…Very funny.

Meddler: I think your fever’s down.

Jeremiah: won't you go to school now?

Meddler: No…I will go to school with you.

Jeremiah: Is that so…Meddler I always wanted to do this movie marathon thing with my parents…But I never had a chance…I thought I would never have…But you’re like a family to me now, so will you do that…

Meddler: SURE!! I would love to…Even I never had a chance to…But before that let me make some food…For all the 3 meals…So that we can just sit and relax…

Jeremiah starts solving a Rubix cube.

10:22 am 20th May 2038

Meddler: Here take your breakfast and tablets…Wait for a second!! Is that a Rubix cube? YOU KNOW HOW TO SOLVE IT!! Wow!! How did you learn?

Jeremiah: This is the only thing my Dad thought of me…I still remember my 10th birthday…He gave this Cube to me and He thought of me that day…How to solve it…I still remember that day…He told me.

This will bring you to me.”

Those were his words…I don’t understand, what he said…But I remember them properly.

Meddler: Okay! Nice story time is done.

Jeremiah: You were the one who asked Mister!

Meddler: Ohh…yeah...Hehe…Eat it now. I feel that kick in talking with him, I like this rude talk I do…Hahaha, And so kind of him…He never backs talks or anything. He is just so humble and Perfect.

*Meddler gets his food, sits beside Jeremiah, and starts eating it.*

They both watched movies and slept there.

8 am of 21st May 2038 It’s raining….

Jeremiah wakes up on the sofa…Where both Jeremiah and Meddler are sleeping.

Jeremiah: Oh…We slept here, last Night.

Jeremiah went to make some breakfast, Lunch for their school.

8:30 am of 21st May 2038.

Meddler falls from the sofa.

Meddler: Oh! Did I sleep here? Woah…That's unusual … saw the calendar.

What! Today is Friday? The whole Thursday just went in a second! Yeah, where is Jeremiah…Did he leave me, Did he divorce me!! Nooooooooooooooooooooo.

Jeremiah: Hey…Come here, We need to go to school now…

Meddler: Wait! Are you alright?

Jeremiah: Yeah…Let's go then.

Meddler: You packed lunch for me…That’s so kind of you…

Jeremiah: Yeah, After taking this long break we cant run late to school let's hurry up.

Meddler: OH! Its---

Jeremiah: ---- RAINING!

Meddler: I don’t have an umbrella. Do you have any?

Jeremiah: Yeah, I have 1 umbrella we can share…

Meddler: Ohh…thanks…That would help. Wait…I had a jacket with Jessie, she would give me.

Meddler calls Jessie:

“Hey…Jessie,” said Meddler

“Yes…Meddler” Jessie said

“Actually…Lily gave a big waterproof jacket to you right?’ Meddler asked

“Yeah…It's like a year ago.” Jessie Answered

“So…can you give it to me, today in class.” Meddler requested

Jessie: “ok…sure, So you're coming to school today. That's great.”

Meddler: Okay…then Bye.

*Hangs up the call*

Jeremiah: Here you go, I brought the umbrella.

Meddler: let's go…

Jeremiah opens his umbrella.

Meddler: Too close…Too close, It’s funny how we both are moving so fast…Sharing an umbrella with my love…In this scene, I could just see them in movies…It's happening to me in real life…It's raining outside and I'm sharing an umbrella with my favorite person, It’s a dream come true moment for me.

Even if it's so cold and raining outside, I feel warm here…His elbows touching my elbows, We accidentally bump each other…He pulled me from the car, Even though it's so windy…My body temperature is more...Its rapidly Increasing and I don’t know…How I'm going to go through with the whole day. Being at home was fun…SCHOOL SUCKS!

*Both reach the class, Jeremiah keeps his umbrella open in the corner of the class for it to dry. They sit in their class…4 classes have passed and its lunch break. Jeremiah goes to the toilet*

Jessie: Here is your coat…Yeah thanks, By the way…Would you mind, If I sit and eat with you…

Meddler: No I wouldn’t mind…Go on get your food.

Jeremiah comes back.

Jessie: Ohh…Sorry, You can sit in my place…

Jessie looks behind and winks at sahisha…

Meddler: Jessie you backstabber!! How can you do this? I will kill you…

Jessie: Meddler don’t you think…They both look cute together.

Meddler: Huh… I mean Jeremiah looks cute…Hmmm…Ah…Yaeh Tehy look( The first o is shifted with the second o so yeah that’s why it looks like that- Author’s note) Ctue tohetger…Yeah..No even in hell they look cute! Just a bitch sahisha staring at my Jeremiah!

Sahisha and Jeremiah sat together and they were eating their lunch.

Sahisha: Don’t you think Jessie and Meddler look Cute together…

Jeremiah: Yeah…Their heights look cute…As Jessie is short and Meddler is kinda the average height.

Sahisha: Actually Jessie has a crush on Meddler.

Near Jessie and Meddler

Jessie: Actually sahisha has a crush on Meddler.

Meddler: I can sense it...When that Bitch is staring like an owl at my Man!!! You think I don't sense it you backstabber.

Lunch’s over…4 periods have passed…And Jeremiah noticed something!

Meddler(Lily rose): That his Umbrella was missing.

Narrator: What the hell lily!! I rarely get any lines to say and how can you steal them from me!! This shitty ass so-called writer, Doesn’t even know how to write a novel...Novels are meant for narrators …That douchebag writing a script and telling this shit a novel !! With this many fewer lines I don’t know how I'm going to feed my children.

Meddler(Lily rose): Ohh!! Sorry…Back to the story now.

Narrator: Jeremiah Noticed Something---

                                                                               ---That his Umbrella was missing.
