Chapter 7:

Chapter 4 "celebrating Destruction"

Age of Ember beta

In the dark void of space within dimension 528, Tricous X; Angelo and Assori were itching to fight each other. Angelo removed his robe; revealing his towering figure, clad in his angelic celestial armor, with 6 wings fixed to his back made of pure gold that were adorned with azure blue blades which were edged with gold. Upon his head he wore a casque, which cast a shadow upon his face, hiding his features as if to say: None were worthy to lay eyes upon his awesome visage; all that could be seen was only the piercing gaze of his pupils which held a golden glow. Angelo raised his hands, with his palms open to beckon his weapons. “I'll use my best weapons to fight you.” His arms tensed as he called them out in a commanding tone. “Heaven's Arsenal!”Angelo's weapon materialized within his hand; a large lance, which length extended beyond his own height. It was made of a material that resembled crystallized ice, covered nearly to the tip in black and gold plating. In his left hand, a bow which rivaled his lance in size was made of a pure white metal, adorned in feathers that resembled his wings.

“Getting serious from the start, huh?” Assori asserts with a knowing grin.

Angelo only returned a smirk in response. “That's fine by me, I wouldn't have it any other way.” 

With those words said, Assori grabs her robe and with a quick twist and pull, she ripped it off, revealing the cyan glow of her tattoos which marked her body symmetrically, from her shoulders to her midsection. Her metallic, cybernetic wings flexed outward; a scintillating light of cyan emanated from them as each bladed feather-like segment calibrated itself for combat. Her prehensile tail snaked about behind, undulating like rolling waves from the ocean.

“It's so good to finally let loose.” She exhaled in relief.

 Her heaving chest quakes within it's compact, restrictive breastplate. Assori wielded no weapons for she had no need of one. Her Forux; Brute Force, allows her to topple nigh any opponent with sheer force alone; a truly fearsome ability that could prove fatal to those not careful enough to mind their distance during combat. They both began to channel their power, causing the universe to tremble. Angelo's and Assori's aura collides; his almost blindingly white and gold aura against hers that shined blue, with star like fragments that glimmered, creating a crackling discharge of energy and heat. Angelo summoned shafts of light that rained down like a meteor shower from above her, but she skillfully weaves through them, deflecting any that got to close with her fists. The intensity of the attack grew and her field of view was slowly consumed within the blinding flash; with her sight on Angelo lost, Angelo quickly took advantage of this opportunity and fired an arrow of light from his opalescent bow. The sheer force of the arrow pierced through his previous attack and shattered it, causing the light to scatter about and just before the arrow could hit it's mark, Assori deflected the arrow using the blades on her wings. The arrow collided into a distant star, causing it to collapse into itself and forms a black hole. The blades on her wings then detaches and combine, forming two bladed flower like weapon.

One flower begins to rotate and fires wide rays of blue energy from the weapon towards Angelo, but he side steps through the onslaught of her attacks as if he phased through them. Assori realizes her attacks aren't landing, and uses it as a feint to close the distance between them. She quickly approaches him from the side, tightening her fist, while he's still focused on dodging and lands a thunderous blow to his face, cracking his casque and sending him careening through space, thousands of miles in an instant; into a stone-like ring that orbits an unknown planet.

“Ugh! Looks like there wasn't enough power in my strike.” Assori groans, displeased with herself.

Angelo's eyes flashed brighter as he ran his finger along the crack on his casque. “You're sorely underestimating me. Are you not up to task? Or maybe you lack the resolve to take this seriously. Shall I fix that?”

 He grabs hold of the planets ring, sinking his fingers into it's stone-like surface and with a pivot of his upper body he yanks the ring through the planet, causing it to explode, the shock wave of the blast passing through them with no effect. He then tosses it at Assori like a disc as his arm follows through. The disc traveled so fast that it's as if it had vanished. Assori takes a stance, She stands firm and allows the ring to colliding with her body to show off her strength causing it to shatter into asteroids and small bits of debris. Angelo uses the debris to his advantage, disappearing from sight.As a piece of space rock passes before her eyes Angelo Appeared in front of her and Before Assori could react she took a heavy kick to her stomach, sending her reeling through space. He chases after her to follow up with another attack moving light years at a time in speed he shows up behind her as she flies away ready to kick her in her back she spins above him revealing her second set of blades she's had hidden planets away the area was charged with energy. their rotation comes to a halt. He saw a glint of light off in the distance.

“You were charging an attack all this time? Clever.” He says amused. 

The blades unleashes a galactic sized beam that destroys hundreds of planets and other celestial bodies in it's path as it closes in on him; Angelo knew that even with his speed he could not avoid such an attack. He raises his lance and thrusts it at the wide beam; the sheer mass of the attack pushing him back slowly. He tightens his grip on the lance and it begins to pulse with energy. “You'll need to do better than that.” He chides.

He then forces his lance through the beam, causing it to refract into smaller ones.while his spear pierced this beam all of Assori's blades return to her wings. But not wanting to wait for another chance she goes to punch him in his back like he wanted to do her. gathering alot of force she hits him but nothing happens, he had a second before her hit connected angeled all his wings inwards towards the center of his back like a flower waiting to bloom. He then grabs hold of her by the wrist, and throws her with a whipping motion into a nearby planet; with the atmosphere burning at her back, she flexes her wings outward to slow her descent, but Angelo meets her with the palm of his hand, grabbing hold of her face and forcing her downward; reaching terminal velocity. She plunges into the ocean below, a loud smack echoes from her body breaking the surface tension of the water. The oceans explodes upward around them and then falls like rain. Assori wanted a close range battle because that is what she excels in and there was no better chance than the moment she had now. She jabbed him in the stomach and Angelo's eyes widened from the blow. She then followed with another and another until she was in a rhythm of punches connecting with his upper body. His grip on her begins to loosen and she quickly takes advantage, taking his arm and locking it with hers as she continues the barrage with her other. His armor began cracking under the relentless attacks. Angelo's wings glow as it was about to unleash an attack to free him, but Assori was already keen to this and uppercuts him with all her might, splitting his casque and sending him thousands of miles back into space. Strange humanoid creatures stood at the shore line watching from afar. They questioned what it was they were witnessing in their native language, but it fell on deaf ears.

"why destroy our land""damage our sea""who are you two"

Assori could not understand them, nor did she care. She levitates putting her back towards the ground shifting the gravity by increasing her mass.Then turns to her right expands her hands grabs onto the ground under her and with no regards to the life on the planet spins the planet around in a full circle once and hurls this planet bigger than mitera in Angelo's direction. Suddenly there was complete silence, and soon after a loud boom as the planet accelerated at an alarming rate, it was engulfed in blue flames from friction, instantly obliterating any signs of life on it's surface, until it was a red hot mass.

“i can throw planets too”

Angelo re-summoned his lance and deftly made multiple arcing swings which created waves of piercing light and flew straight through the planet, causing it to implode. Assori knowing this wouldn't be enough had followed behind the planet. Awaiting him as he got Through she punches him right in the face back into the explosion. The aftermath fades and Angelo stood still heavily injured.

They both knew they couldn't continue the fight for much longer. Exhaustion from over exertion was taking it's hold. Angelo took his lance and nocks it to his bow. Assori detaches all the blades from her wings and sends them after Angelo; they began assailing him with energy beams and strikes from the blade. She joined in on the effort, punching left and right as Angelo tried his best to dodge it all, but he was getting sluggish. In his efforts to avoid her punches, he occasionally took damage from the beams, but he preferred that over taking another hit directly from her. Through an opening he fires his lance at her, just barely grazing her cheek; slowing her momentum. She thought that he had missed, but Angelo takes her by surprise when he teleports to his lances location, grabs hold of it, nocks it again and fires. Angelo continues from different angles until Assori came to the sudden realization that she was now trapped within a golden sphere of light.

“Heavens Sphere.” Angelo uttered as he fired his lance once more. 

The lance connected with her shoulder pushing her into a seemingly endless stream of attacks from every angle. Her wings blades used brute force to shoot this light sphere apart but Assori had already been defeated. The blades move back into place on her wings as she lies in space defeated.

Back on Mitera Prime, Landon, had finally got out of class to meet up with his friends.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

Landon reaches into his pocket and pulls out 3 badges.

"these are your school badges i asked to be able to hand them to you personally"

Sarah jumps in front of him and thrusts her chest up proudly waiting for him to pin her badge on her chest. The badge gleams in the sunlight. “This makes things official!” She exclaims in delight. “This is so exciting!” 

Landon chuckles as he pats her head. Sarah could feel her face warm as she blushes.

“I appreciate you believing in me, Landon.” Odrian adds with a nod. 

Victor steps in between Odrian and Landon and hooks them with both of his arms on either side over their shoulder.

“I just want to say; I know we're not family, Landon, but I do see you as an older brother of sorts, you know.”

“What are you talking about? We are family; It may not be by blood, but these bonds are unbreakable!” 

The four laugh and depart from the school grounds, but just as Victor began to follow, his vision was obstructed by a pair of slender hands over both eyes from behind.

“Guess who?” A feminine voice asked teasingly.

“Kris, I can't see where I'm going.” Victor smiles as the pair of hands lifts from his eyes. He turns around to see her returning a smile back; she leans in and kisses him on the cheek.

“You're no fun Vic, you can at least try to be surprised.” She puffs her cheeks with air, feigning anger in a playful manner.

“I'll remember that for next time.” He chuckles. Odrian and Sarah's faces exploded with laughter.

“Vic!!! What a cute nickname!” They chortled. Victors face turned a bright red, he tries to cover his embarrassment with his hand over his face. Landon walks away for fear of ruining his image of Victor.

“See what you did Kris... let's just go.” He continues walking trying to leave the embarrassing moment behind him.

“Where are you guys headed to?” Kris inquires as she follows behind them.

“Red Velvet Warehouse; to celebrate our achievement.”

Kris eyes light up with elation. “I love that spot! Bae, can I come?”

“Sure, we want to hear more about Vic.” Sarah quickly interjects.

“Yeah, yeah...” Victor groans, still slightly embarrassed. “This is about to be a long celebration.” He sighs.
Gerry Hines
Ana Fowl
Jio Kurenai