Chapter 3:

Chapter 3 (In The monastery)

Ankh Holder (Season 2)

 Zeya silently followed the monk bandits. These bandits went to the houses, asked for alms, and would beat if someone had nothing to give. Zeya was surprised that people treated these monk bandits as gods. People called them “Lord” and did not fight against them. Zeya was shocked at what was happening to the citizens of Ava. They did that to several families. And once, they went inside a wealthy house. Suddenly, cries and yelling appeared. The bandits came out of the house, holding a box. Behind them was a teenage girl bound with rope.
 Zeya was both terrified and furious seeing this scenery. At one point, he managed to kill these bandits. But then, he got a better idea.
 The bandits walked a little while. But suddenly, they all stopped like stone statues. They couldn’t even move a little bit. Only their mind was conscious, not knowing what was happening. All their attempts were useless. They can neither speak, see nor hear. Zeya had fully controlled their bodies. Quickly, Zeya unbound the girl and told her to run to her home. After that, he ended his control.   The monk bandits could move again. “The hell just happened,” one of them said.
 “ Did… Did we just get possessed by a ghost?”
 " I… I don't know. Wait! Where's the girl!!!"
 "Oh shit, she had disappeared. She might be a witch"
 "Let's go back to her house and burn it down"
 "No...No... Maybe next time, but not now.  “But, we still get our treasure. The F*ck!! They are gone!!"
 When they checked their box, they saw only tiny pieces of gold were left. Of course, it was Zeya who stole them. He was laughing at a distance, seeing these monks in panic. He also knew he needed to warn the girl about the impending danger.
 "Uhh, Let's just go back to the monastery before getting late. We will clear the craps later.." one said, and all agreed.
 After stalking them for an hour, Zeya finally saw their monastery. It was a massive monument built of red bricks and timbers, located on the outskirt of town. The design of this building matches no other monastery in Ava. It has a large compound with a high wall. The compound was the size of ten normal monasteries.(Area is about 10 acres) Zeya considered it a fort, not a monastery 

" How could the king allow these bandit monks to build such a huge monument?” 

 “Didn't he care about national security?" Zeya asked these questions while seeing the monastery from afar.
 “Boy, for your own sake, don’t go inside the base,”
 A voice of a young lady appeared. The voice owner might not be older than 18, but she calls Zeya a boy. “Show yourself, Zeya said. “I’m telling you. You may go inside but just remember that I warned you,” the voice replied. 
 Zeya ignored the voice. He quickly covered his face with a piece of cloth. He then used his power to fly into the base. Zeya flew to a feild place with no monks. He then sneaked into the main monastery just like he had done regularly as a spy. 
 The internal parts of the base were complex. Rooms have metal walls. Zeya also saw some unidentifiable things that looked like the ones from Planet Gamma and Tatera. He also saw armor and weapons made from strange metals hanging on the wall. He began to have a question in his mind
 "Why are these advanced alien-like technologies in this base of bandit monks?"
Suddenly, he heard some monks coming in his direction. So, he quickly hid behind an armor.
 "So, what did the master say about that thing?"
 "That thing. Nuh, I don't know. He said it was a gift from heaven, but how disgusting is it? Slimy and black pieces of mass. It makes me gross every time I see it"
 "Where is it now?"
 "It's at the center of Kyat Tha Yay Room. ( Kyat Tha Yay room is where donations were kept at Buddhist temples) "
 The monks walked away.
 "Oh, shit…" Zeya mourned as he knew the thing they were talking about was nothing other than the mutant. He knew he had to save the mutant from these nasty bandits with alien technologies.
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