Chapter 3:

Chapter 03 Koji

Kobito no Otoko - Dwarf Man

As Koji watched the woman, he felt a deep sense of empathy for her. He knew that he had to do something to help her, even though he couldn't quite explain why. With a wave of his hand, he used his magic to disguise himself, and with a kick, he dislodged the soda can that had become stuck and watched as it clattered down the dispenser chute.

Koji reached into his pocket and retrieved a coin, which he dropped after the soda can. He stepped back and watched what will the woman do but a look of surprise was painted on his face. She was staring directly at him, the thought run through his mind, "Did my magic fail? Could it be? She can see me?"

As the woman gazed at the soda can through her teary eyes, she was startled by the sudden movement. To her amazement, the soda can began to budge, and she watched as a coin appeared out of nowhere, falling neatly into place behind it.

Her heart ached as she wondered what sort of magic or miracle could have brought this about. Could it be that, even in the darkest moments, there was still a glimmer of hope to be found? She felt a flicker of something deep inside her, a hope that had been all but extinguished by the difficulties of her life.

At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to believe that there was something more to this world than just the endless cycle of pain and disappointment that she had experienced for so long. She wanted to believe that there was still goodness in the world and that maybe, just maybe, there was someone out there who cared.

She uttered nothing else but two words with a blissful smile on her face, "Thank you."

 As the woman uttered the words, Koji's heart fluttered with emotion, and in his daze, his magic faltered, revealing his true form. The woman's eyes widened in surprise as she beheld the charming and small Kobito no Otoko before her for the first time.

As their eyes met, a moment of curiosity and intrigue passed between them, warming their hearts. However, Koji's social anxiety quickly took over, and he retreated behind the potato chip pack, leaving the woman to wonder where he had disappeared to. Despite the fleeting encounter, something in their hearts had been stirred. 
