Chapter 13:

We don't have a lawyer


So the girls followed them to the police station on foot because of course, none of them had a car and in this weird world, you had to be 15 to drive a car. 

They quickly put on their coats and ran to the police station. When they had reached the place, they had already put Kayla inside a cell. She was on the verge of crying. She had held herself together for so long because she was strong. 

She quickly got up as she saw the girls coming and listened to the following conversation that took place between them. 

"Get her out of there!," said Benny as soon as she saw the Sherriff. 

"Keep your voice low, miss Anson," the Sherriff said, as soon as he heard her shout loudly. 

"How do you know me?," she asked. 

"Oh, your dad's a famous chef. How could I not know you? Anthony, was it? Your dad's name?," he said. 

She nodded. 

"Well, sit down all of you. Let's talk," he said. 

So they sat down to talk to the Sherriff. 

"So, miss Anson, miss Nash, miss Ashby and miss Thorne, what do you have to say in miss Justin's defence?," the Sherriff said. 

"First of all, how do you know all of us' names?," Aroma said. 

"Ah, your fathers are all my friends. I know them personally. Anthony Anson is a chef. Cole Nash was a software engineer. Poor guy! James Ashby is a mechanic and of course, miss Thorne, your father is one of the most righteous men I know, Pastor Jonathon Thorne. I know all of you people more better than anyone here," the Sherriff answered. 

The girls were shocked by whatever the Sherriff said. They didn't know what to say. Finally, Tina broke the silence. 

"So, what do we have to do to get Kayla out of there? She's not involved in any of this drugs business," she said. 

"Look, miss Thorne, she is involved in this because she knows what miss Elle was buying at the store today and she won't tell us what it is," Sherriff Hart replied. 

"But she did tell you everything so let her go now," Angelina said. 

"Everything but that, miss Ashby," the Sherriff said. 

"Do we have to get a lawyer for this? And even if we have to, why is that so important?," asked Aroma. 

"Well, yes, miss Nash. As to why it's important, drugs are involved in this and because the victim, miss Justin, has a lot of witnesses stating that she is innocent, a trial has to take place. But I think you're all still fourteen and you get legal at fifteen. So you've got to get someone who's fifteen already to get you a lawyer," he said. 

"Someone who's fifteen?......Tina, your boyfriend!!," Benedict said. 

"My boyfriend?!," she asked. 

"Yeah, Ryan Verlice, your boyfriend!," Benny said. 

"He's not my boyfriend!," Tina said. 

"But whatever get his help," Angelina said. 

"Oh, so you know someone from the Verlice family. They're really good people. Do get a lawyer, miss Thorne," the Sherriff said. 

"But we don't have a lawyer!," Tina said. 

"Won't Mr. Verlice be helping you?," the Sherriff said and laughed. 

Tina wanted to punch this dirtbag right now. But she held it all in. 

"Can we see her?," Aroma asked. 

"No, not yet. You can see her after twenty four hours," the Sherriff said. 

"Why so late?," Benny asked. 

"The law, miss Anson," he said. 

She scoffed. 

Then they left the police station. 

Ryan Verlice was their only hope to get Kayla Justin out of prison now.