Chapter 3:

Work raises libido


The sun was burning me alive, my bones felt like they were going to crumble with a single stream of wind.

I hated going to work.

But that was just me bitching about life, every human has to go to work and I'm no different. Maybe I could invent a theory about how humans work like insects, organisms that work as a single mind, a collective conscious, I could say. 

But I was not human, not with what I've done.

Anxiety was overflowing within my body, making me look like a drunk man, funny to look at, funny to make a joke about it, lucky that there were a small quantity of people around me. I felt awkward, like I didn't belong to this street, like a foreigner. 

And there was where I lived all my life.

Where was my home after all this time? Maybe in hell? 

Finally arrived at my workplace, unfortunately.

I'm not good at math, far from it, but I swear, with all my soul, that that place was cursed by some foul spirit. Time passed many times slower than normal, making it a deadly torture that only African tribes could recreate, not that I'm familiar with them. 

Making noddles, making noddles, making noddles... 

I started to think like a girl... Would somebody save me from this hell that I've created? A shiny knight, with bulky arms, clean abs, saving me from this torment called work? Never understood the fantasies that girls had about those fairy tales. But now I'm starting to understand.

And then, the knight finally came to my rescue.


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