Chapter 591:

Chapter 583: Herbigon and Dusk

Beyond The Stars

Chapter 583: Herbigon and Dusk

Narrator: Zeth and Sasha have just finished their challenge battle against the darkness demon, Dusk!

*Dusk sits up and rubs his neck*

Dusk: The both of you live up to your reputation.

Zeth: And you are certainly strong yourself.

Sasha: Just like Herbigon, you also would be worthy of being on the Council of Demons.

*Dusk slowly stands up*

Dusk: I’m going to feel those hits for a while.

Sasha: I haven’t encountered any demons like you before. Your power is darkness in a more natural sense.

Dusk: Other than my mother, I haven’t seen any other demons like me either.

*Herbie looks at Zeth and Sasha*

Herbie: You should probably know that Dusk isn’t native to the Forrest Terror like I am. I used to be alone as the strongest non-creature demon in the Forrest Terror until 160 years ago when Dusk made his way here.

*Sasha looks surprised*

Sasha: Wouldn’t the creatures be hostile to him?

Herbie: They were. Dusk just had the strength to survive even though he was quite young.

Dusk: I was only a teenager.

*Dusk experiences a flashback and thinks back to his past. In his flashback, teenage Dusk walks into the Forest Terror. The creatures in the area are becoming restless. A lot of hostile terrifying creatures come out and block Dusk’s path forward*

Dusk: What? Am I not welcome?

*The vicious creatures are about to attack*

Dusk: Okay, fine. I’ll play.

*Dusk thrusts his hand down on the ground and causes the ground to crack and shake. The dark creatures are damaged and knocked upward a bit. Dusk covers all of the broken pieces of ground with dark energy and then puts his hands together. The pieces of the ground start slamming into the dark creatures and damage them further*

Dusk: That should do it.

*With the dark creatures defeated, Dusk continues moving forward*

Dusk: You could have just left me alone.

*Soon, the teenage Dusk is stopped again, this time by Herbigon*

Herbie: I noticed a change in the dark creatures. I’m guessing that’s because of you. Begone outsider.

Dusk: Well, you see, I have nowhere to go.

Herbie: I don’t care. Leave now.

*Dusk starts to thrust his hand on the ground, but he opens his eyes wide as thorn-covered vines come out of the ground. He jumps forward to dodge the vines and intends to punch Herbie*

Dusk: You might put up more of a fight than those creatures did!

*Herbie turns his left arm into a tree trunk and tries to punch Dusk. Their punches collide with each other*

Herbie: Bad idea!

Dusk: Huh!?

*Vines come out from Herbie’s tree trunk arm and wrap around Dusk’s right arm that he is trying to punch Herbie with. Thorns come out from the vines and pierce Dusk’s skin which causes him to feel pain. Then, the monstrous plant comes out from underneath the cap on Herbie’s head*

*Dusk’s eyes open wide*

Herbie: You should have listened to me.

*Dusk’s arm, the one wrapped by the vines, charges with magic. The magic condenses into his hand and then an explosion happens*

*The explosion causes Herbie to stumble back and the monstrous plant goes back under the cap. His trunk arm looks injured and he also coughs from the smoke*

*Suddenly, Dusk jumps out from the smoke and swipe-kicks Herbie in the face, knocking him back*

*Both of Dusk’s arms are bloody as both were damaged by his own explosive attack*

*Dusk walks up to Herbie who has been knocked on his back. Herbie clinches his hands, expecting Dusk to attack*

Dusk: You know, I like that everything here wants to try to kill me.

*Herbie looks confused*

Herbie: Huh?

Dusk: It keeps me on my toes. I’ve lived a kill-or-be-killed life for the most part. That’s how I’ve been getting stronger. This is the perfect place for me.

*Dusk starts walking away with his hands in his pockets*

*Herbie just continues to look confused*

*The flashback story ends*


Sasha: That’s an interesting backstory but why are you alone in the first place?

Dusk: I have no idea where in Hell I’m from. My mother wouldn’t tell me. And when I was a young teen, my mother was killed by other demons and I’ve been on my own ever since. I just so happened to like the Forest Terror the most.

Herbie: And ever since that day he showed up, we’ve been rivals.

*Sasha puts her hand to her chin and thinks. Zeth looks at her*

Zeth: What’s up?

Sasha: Part of your power is to make things rot. That’s what you did to the ground to make us fall into that hole.

Dusk: Yes. What are you getting at though?

Sasha: I recently heard of a place called the Grave of Rot. Maybe there is a connection. It could possibly mean nothing but it’s worth a shot. What do you think?

Dusk: At the very least it makes for a good excuse to go visit somewhere so I’m down.

Herbie: I guess I’m curious about my rival’s possible origins so I will go too.

Zeth: And of course, I’m going with you.

Sasha: All right, to the Grave of Rot we go!

Narrator: With their group formed, Zeth, Sasha, Herbigon, and Dusk set off to the Grave of Rot!

Chapter 583 END

To be Continued in Chapter 584: The Grave of Rot