Chapter 592:

Chapter 584: The Grave of Rot

Beyond The Stars

Chapter 584: The Grave of Rot

Narrator: Zeth and Sasha have grouped up with Herbigon and Dusk. Their group is traveling to the Grave of Rot!

*Zeth, Sasha, Herbie, and Dusk stand on a cliff edge overlooking some ruins*

Dusk: So this is the Grave of Rot, huh?

Sasha: Let’s take a closer look.

*They all jump off the cliff edge down into the ruins. Before moving anywhere, they look around the area and see a lot of skeletons throughout the ruins*

Zeth: This place certainly lives up to the name. This most definitely qualifies as a grave with all of these skeletons.

*Herbie walks up to a pillar and puts his hand on it. It immediately crumbles*

Herbie: The structures don’t seem to be well intact either.

Sasha: Just be careful about touching things. I wouldn’t feel right if we ended up demolishing this place.

*They begin to walk around. As they walk, Dusk looks nervous*

Zeth: What’s wrong?

Dusk: Even though I’ve never been here before, this place feels familiar to me.

Sasha: Then perhaps you do have a connection to this place after all. Let’s keep looking.

*The four of them separate and continue walking around the ruins until Zeth spots something on the ground that looks similar to the area’s building architecture and is white-colored. Most of it is covered in dirt*

Zeth: Hm? What’s this?

*Zeth bends down and starts wiping away the dirt with his hand*

Zeth: It looks like a door of some kind.

*Zeth stands up and calls for the rest of them*

Zeth: I think I found something! Come over here!

*The other three gather around Zeth*

Zeth: This looks like a door to an underground passage.

Herbie: How would we open it? It doesn’t seem to have a handle or knob on it.

Dusk: It’s simple. We just need to get rid of it. I’ll rot it away.

*Dusk thrusts his hand down on the door, but rather than rotting away, the door actually opens. This surprises Dusk*

Zeth: How did you do that?

Dusk: I don’t know. My power made it open instead of rotting. I have never seen that happen before.

Sasha: It probably has to do with your connection to this place. Let’s head inside.

*They head down inside the underground chamber. Once they reach the bottom of the stairs, they walk into a room with a statue of a male demon*

Zeth: So what is this room?

Sasha: Sadly, it doesn’t tell us what happened here.

Dusk: Why was this place wiped out?

*The statue starts glowing. Everyone in the group opens their eyes wide in shock*

Herbie: Why is the statue glowing!?

*They hear a male voice*

Voice: Ye who enter here. Learn of the unforgivable tragedy!

*The four of them are all shown a vision. The vision shows what the Grave of Rot was before it fell to ruin. It was a flourishing demon town*

Voice: This was 176 years ago. Right before the great tragedy. This was a town of darkness and rot demons.

*All the demons are going about their day peacefully. They all interact with each other like a normally functioning town. However, standing on the cliff edge is the Dark Goddess Dakame. She has a look of disapproval on her face as she looks down on them*

Dakame: What do you all think you’re doing?

*The demons down below notice her and look up at her*

Dakame: We have a war to win! Yet, here you all are, not participating in it!

*A male demon speaks among them*

Male Demon: Your war is of no concern to us! You are not even half the Dark Goddess that your mother was!

*Dakame just stares down at them without saying anything for a moment. After that moment, she raises her right arm up and starts forming a Sphere of Demons*

Dakame: So you’re just like the vampires… Not respecting my authority. They still ended up fighting so I maintain respect for them. But for you all down there, there is no respect. What kind of demon wouldn’t want to fight against Heaven?

*The Sphere of Demons becomes very large*

*The demons down below are starting to look terrified*

Dakame: You say you have no concern for my war? Well, then I have no concern for your lives.

*The demons in the town start panicking and running for their lives*

Dakame: This is goodbye.

*Dakame releases the Sphere of Demons down on the town. Many of the demons are screaming in terror. There is nothing they can do as the town is hit by the Sphere of Demons which causes a large explosion to happen. After the blast clears, there is nothing left but ruins and dead bodies*

*Dakame jumps down into the ruins and starts looking around*

Dakame: Had you all not been so foolish. You would still be alive.

*Dakame looks up at the sky and appears to be stressed*

Dakame: The war has been going on for 24 years now. We have to win.


*Meanwhile, a mother (who has upper back-length dark gray hair, yellow eyes, and pointy ears) is running away from the impact site and holding a baby*

Mother: It’s okay, my baby Dusk. You’re going to live! Curse that Dakame!

Narrator: Zeth, Sasha, Herbie, and Dusk are shown the terrible tragedy of the Grave of Rot! Chapter 584 END

To be Continued in Chapter 585: The Volcano Demon