Chapter 26:

Yaz Wright


"So, you're saying that we're gonna go to district six now?!," Angelina asked. 

"Yes, we're gonna go to district six now because Amy Elle wants to see us," Ryan answered. 

"But that would take a lot of time," Benny said. 

"I know it will. But it's really important to miss Elle that we see her. She wants to apologize and tell us something important," he said. 

"The others aren't gonna show up?," Tina asked. 

"No, the ones in district three aren't gonna show up. They'll stay there. Dad said something big is gonna happen there tomorrow," he said. 

"What's gonna happen?," Benny asked. 

"I don't know. Let's leave," he said and they entered their car. 

They were talking at the gas station and now they were heading towards district six. No one would be suspicious of them at the border because Ryan was driving his Dad's expensive car. They would let them pass without question. 

"What do you mean it's Black Monday?," Mr. Sivan asked. 

"Turn off the lights. Right now!," Amy said, not answering Mr. Sivan's question. 

"Miss Elle, talk to me! What is this about?!," Mr. Sivan asked. 

But, she didn't answer and went around the house, turning off the lights. 

Soon, the house was enveloped in darkness. 

"Lay low," John said and the four of them started hiding. 

There was a knock on the door. John signalled everyone to be quiet as he went towards the door. 

"Hello, John," the man at the door said. 

"Hello, Yaz. Nice to see you," he said. 

"Your house is quite dark," Yaz Wright said.

Yaz was tall and had dark brown hair. He was wearing a black trench coat and had a gun with him.

"Yeah, I know. Amy was asleep so I thought I should turn off the lights," he said. 

"Turn off all the lights?," he asked. 

"Yeah. That way I could save electricity as well," he said, smiling. 

Yaz laughed. 

"Oh God, John. You've always been really funny," he said. 

"But there's something wrong, right?," he quickly added. 

"What do you mean?," he asked. 

"You have guests. You won't introduce them to me?," Yaz asked. 

"And what if I say I won't?," John asked. 

"Oh, you're making a very big mistake, John. You know I can sniff out all the information about these guests of yours in the blink of an eye. I just have to send the organization a text," he said, tilting his head. "Now, if you'll just act like a good dog and let me in, I'll just say a quick hello to your girlfriend and your guests," Yaz said, pushing John aside. 

"I said I don't wanna let you in! Can't you understand?!," John said, pushing him back. 

"John, move!," Yaz said. 

John was strong and he grabbed Yaz by his shoulders and gave him a quick push and slammed the door shut. 

"John, I'm telling you. You're making a big mistake!," Yaz yelled from outside. 

"Shut the fuck up!," John yelled back. 

Suddenly, there was the sound of a gunshot. It was from the window in the living room. The window was covered by blinds but the bullet still made its way through. 

"Shit!," Mr. Verlice said, as the bullet landed right next to him.

Soon, there was the sound of a lot of gunshots. Yaz and his crew were shooting at the house from outside. The people inside were rushing downstairs to the basement for cover. 

Yaz broke the door and marched into the house. Him and his crew started searching the entire house. 

Downstairs, they could hear everything. The men above were yelling and cursing. 

"I know you're still here, John," Yaz said from upstairs. 

The tone of his voice made it exactly clear that he knew John was still inside the house but inside where, that was still unclear. Amy was crying and John was comforting her. 

"Boss, I think we should leave," someone from the crew said. 

"Shut up! We've got to find John first," Yaz said. 

"But, boss, we don't know where he is and this is absolutely wrong!," someone else said. 

Suddenly, there was the sound of a gunshot. Yaz had shot the man who had protested. Amy gulped as she heard the noise. Mr. Verlice and Mr. Sivan were quiet.

Someone's phone ringed upstairs. It was Yaz's phone. 

"Yeah?," he said, as he talked on the phone. 

"District three? Silver team is making their way there," he said. 

"Mason? Yeah, we're inside his house right now," he said. 

"Leave?! Are you fucking kidding me?! We're about to get to him!," he yelled. 

"Yeah, got it," he said and ended the call. 

"We're leaving," he said. 

"Who was it?," someone asked. 

"James from Gold. He told us to leave. We're joining Silver team in district three. Bronze is gonna take care of things here," he said. 

The men nodded and started to leave. Yaz quickly ran his eyes around the place and clicked a picture of the living room. Then, he left.
